

Predator Press


I didn’t even like real football, let alone the fantasy variety.

I started participating in the HBFFL with the simple goal of selfish cross-promotion; indeed the team managers are some of the best bloggers around, and -win or lose- it was an opportunity to rub elbows with others showing glimpses of the inspired braniosity which I radiate.

This year will be my third, and I’m completely jazzed.

And a week or two ago, I contemplated my good fortune. Most football fans that don’t play either scoff at the concept of fantasy leagues, or seem a bit mystified and intimidated by the mechanics of “taking the plunge.” Thus, the HBFFL was a rare and unique opportunity for me to get my feet wet.

With this in mind -and finding the HBFFL had filled up quickly this year- I founded the Fantasy Training Wheels League -or FTWL. For most, it will be a League dedicated to rookie fantasy managers … for me, it will be a chance to experiment with some tantalizing non-traditional lineups.

But I need 5-7 more players. If you’re interested, please leave a method of contact in the comments of this post or send me an email at "carpenoctum at hotmail dot com" before the end of this month.


Don't forget to check out my 2010 Pre-Drafting Tips!


Teenage George Lucas: The Lost Files

Predator Press


“Dude,” says Lenny. “Are you feelin it?”

“Oh yeah,” says George.

“We should maybe go someplace else. That dog is givin me the heebie-jeebies.”

“What dog?” asks George.

“Dude,” says Lenny pointing. “Right over there.”

“That’s a palm tree.”

“Well I hope it’s friendly.” Lenny takes a drink out of his Coca-Cola bottle and winces thoughtfully. “Hey, what do palm trees eat, anyway?”

“I don’t know,” says George. “Dirt I think.”

“Whoa,” breathes Lenny. “Shit there’s a lot of dirt man.”

“Lenny I think I wanna make movies,” reflects George.

“Me too dude. And some waffles.”

“No I’m serious.”

“So am I. Some waffles would kick ass right now.”

“I mean about making movies. I wanna make a big epic science fiction saga about the struggle between good and evil.”

"I told you not to take so much your first time."

“It'll have cool robots an stuff," insists George. “Yeah. In fact it’ll have robots with personality. And I’ll create a handful of memorable and likeable characters to be the heroes.”

“Whoa whoa whoa,” says Lenny. “I would abandon that 'memorable and likeable characters' crap only a few movies in. Nobody wants those in movies with robots.”

“Robots and aliens,” adds George wistfully.

“Aliens too?” says Lenny. “Man that would be cool.”

“-With an evil Dictator, and a whole big Nazi-like army of half-robot lookin’ identical bad guys that can't hit anything they shoot at.”

“Dude,” says Lenny eyeing the palm tree carefully. “One of the heroes could be like a big giant space dog or something. A big giant spacedog that shoots a crossbow.”

“Big giant spacedogs that can shoot crossbows would get along just fine with an evil Dictator and a whole big Nazi-like army of half-robot lookin’ identical bad guys that can't hit anything. They would be in cahoots and lockstep the whole way.”

“You could make ‘em gay or something,” replies Lenny. “And when this ‘empire’ figures out it can’t legislate all the gayness out of ‘em, boom, it’s illegal to be a big giant gay dog that can shoot crossbows."

"Spacedog," George corrects. "How about if they can escape because they can fly the spaceships too?"

"Ooooo, cool," says Lenny. "And because they're illegal, it’s cool to make ‘em slaves or whatever.” He pauses. "I got it. He's a pirate. Or maybe a smuggler even!"

“I don't know," says George. "How could I possibly work in a big giant gay outlaw pirate smuggler slave hero spacedog that can shoot crossbows and fly spaceships? This seems a bit far-fetched. I'll have to scale it back somewhere. Plus I was hoping to keep these movies kid-friendly.”

"Just drop the crossbow then," Lenny concedes. "Maybe let him duel with a cool-looking electric sword or something."


“I’m hungry,” says Lenny.

“Me too.”

 Dibs on the Bacta Tanks"

Mattel Introduces PMS Barbie


Little Boots

Predator Press


-As for Mel Gibson, even as an enormous fan of his work, there is no defense I can offer.

Cobbled together there is roughly thirty minutes of audio -thirty minutes of Mel spitting venom. I haven’t heard the whole thing, but holy crap I'm glad I'm white: I’ve heard enough to know it’s ugly. The fruit basket he must've got from Tiger Wood's 'an Jesse James hadda be incredible.

But consider that thirty minutes of recorded audio didn’t happen by accident. Oksana not only recorded it all, but can be heard “pushing Mel’s buttons” so to speak for maximum effect.

This was pretty calculated, don’t you think?

It‘s like two diabolic forces collided.

But unlike zombies, these two didn’t cancel each other out; instead, I am inundated by a media jazzed at the naked schadenfreude. And this has completely ruined the whole Lethal Weapon series for at least a few months.

Unless, of course, Danny Glover wants to shoot up the courthouse.

Or if a guy that looks like Danny Glover shoots up that courthouse.

-I'm just sayin.


Halo of Files

Predator Press


I made it through acid rain, ozone depletion, contraction of the thermosphere, global warming, et cetera.

So I was neither surprised or impressed that we cracked the Earth’s crust and spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

-What really bugged me, I suppose, is that we did it for the oil.

So our options are 1) Buy oil from countries that want to kill us, or B) Drill our own oil via companies that may make our environment completely untenable?

Shit, if we're negotiating for position on a "need-versus-environment" sliding scale, I would rather have the chlorofluorocarbons back frankly.

My hair used to be awesome.

We claim to be interested in alternate forms of energy, yet continue to elect people with a vested interest in oil. Trusting the wolves to guard the sheep is hardly an effort we can take seriously. Want some real progress? Gather up all the physicists, chemists, and biologists, et cetera, dust off Alcatraz, and lock them all up in it. Give them chalk, calculators, and all the meth they can handle, and don’t feed them or let them sleep until they’ve come up with something. Throw in some anonymous violent criminals (to keep it interesting between the occasional ancillary cancer cures and teleportation devices) and Pay-Per-View the whole thing to finance it. Wouldn‘t it be awesome to see an emaciated, blood-soaked and twitchy Doctor Michio Kaku pulling a shiv from Stephen Hawking‘s neck, screaming “Eureka!” in the comfort of your own home?

Now that‘s fucking science.

But even with the oil leak dubiously closed and subtle stirring of the HBFFL‘s inevitable annual wakening, I may never have emerged; safely ensconced in a womblike fog of alcohol and chain-smoked cigarettes, the raging dissonance is blunted by an artificially-inflated perception distance.

Embittered by the lack of resonance to the mighty Predator Press empire, I let the Arizona immigration issue slide while Mexican drug lords rose to power. Sensing my ambivalence, vast anti-Predator Press networks -having jealously long sought the destruction of the greatest bastion of knowledges and wisdomness humanity has ever seen- seized upon this opportunity to strike: Wesley Snipes faces incarceration, rendering him wholly unable to play me in LOBO: The Motion Picture for another three years. Sweet, innocent little Lindsay Lohan, bereft of my protection, has been framed for witchcraft or something and faces a similar fate. China has set their Dalian oil fields afire in open revolt, and Castro has reemerged, emboldened by my glaring absence. And Predator Press didn't even get nominated for an Emmy.

-Not one!

And nourished by this fertile apathy, a brazen and unbound evil blossomed. Heedless of the desperate cries of the United Nations, the Vatican, and various high-ranking members of the 4-H Club, Predator Press offices remained closed and dark; the massive, once-bustling blog ink warehouses gathered dust -a dust accompanied only by the occasional lonely howl of a lifeless wind making way aimlessly through cobwebbed corridors, looking in vain for tumbleweeds to blow.

Millions of readers camped outside, singing songs in joyous anticipation of my return. But an ominous shadow of cold, hard doubt permeated the throngs, like a big, stealthy panther. Yes -a big, stealthy, fire-breathing, flying monkey-panther of permeating doubt.

Those poor throngs.

In grief and despair, many immolated themselves. Many threw themselves from building tops. Many immolated themselves and then threw themselves from building tops. It’s a good thing I had those suicide pits installed: I love my readers, but they ain’t exactly the tidiest people in the world.

And then -just as it seemed that all hope was lost and the Earth was to be plunged into a cold, dark, LOBOless void for all eternity- a familiar voice boomed across the internet.

“Mel Gibson did what!?

Internet Swag

Predator Press


I Should Say Something

Predator Press


Delivery of my most precious payload, a pair of claymores, is top priority.

I set the first to detonate in a highly-trafficked area deep behind enemy lines; the second on a support beam in the corridor from where a responding enemy triage unit is likely to approach.

And today I was particularly lucky. I got three motherfuckers with the first clay.


My record with this technique is thirteen so far, and I'm in a record-breaking kind of mood.

Observations I made on the way in become infinitely handy now; a few well-placed grenades should shred some guards I saw nearby -this deep in their territory, they tend to let their guard lapse somewhat. And why shouldn't they? Five minutes ago, it was tranquil and clear. Now for all they know, there could be an entire battalion striking.

But remember it’s the medics I want. To maximize kills, those courageous, noble souls -so ardent to save my first victims, plunging headlong into the blazing structure utterly heedless of my deadly hail- must die too. In fact they need to be dead even more -their complete disregard for my magnificent display of crimson carnage really pisses me off, and I'm starting to take it personally.

That's not "bravery."

-That's just plain dumb.

Come see more then, I'm thinking. Come see the sprayed mists of blood, the shattered exposed bone, the agonized screams from husks that only moments ago were your comrades. Come see them now begging for swift death through broken teeth and borrowed breath-

"Can you please shut the fuck up?" I hear myself yelling over the whimpering anguish around the corner. I hope I don't have to let those three soldiers suffer much longer ... listening to the agonized cries of dying men and women is somewhat, I dunno, awkward. You know?

"You think this is bad?" I call. "This is nothing compared to what John Wayne is going to be doing to you in a few minutes!"

Despite my lack of patience, it is only at the cherished, fleeting moment -as the fruition of understanding and terror dawns upon their rescuers, as all are exchanging those knowing looks how heartlessly hopeless this slaughter will be- that my blossom of death grows once more; the ground shakes visibly under the detonation of the second mine. Closer, it is deafening, and followed by a single brief, rapidly receding scream.

-And thus I have kicked eight of the most vile and despicable child molesting rapist-Nazi vegetarian tax cheats clear off this Earth, and directly to God.

Put in a good word for me, assholes.

Semper fi.

There is an audible clatter -likely the sound of several tossed headsets- as I pull my pistol. This is where the planning ends, and what follows is always utter horror and chaos. The acrid air is smoky, and I have six more little lead presents to deliver.

Welcome to my web.

“Awe, that’s bullshit,” says Foxworth. “You ever use your gun?

“Only on smart opponents,” I reply. "It doesn't seem fair to use guns on you guys too."

“But you’re a sniper!

“I’m a lousy sniper,” I correct.

His complaint has some merit ... I’m an expert-level ordinance handler. But I’m also, ironically, a flat out horrible shot with the rifle ... and that's precisely why I’m an expert-level ordinance handler. “Besides," I add. "This close-quarters combat. How the hell am I supposed to snipe your headquarters when you didn't put it in an open field?”

“Fuck you.”

“Nice comeback, Potsie,” I says.

“Seriously. You have no skill whatsoever. You just Kamikaze.”

“You’re dead too,” I point out. “You and seven others.”

“Because you’re a faggotty-ass fucking cheater."

“What a mighty wordsmith you are,” I says, watching the respawning countdown impatiently. “I'm totally in a fit of rage now. You, sir have pushed me over the edge! See that? I broke a pencil in half I'm sooooo angry! Take THAT, pencil … beware my wrath!”

“How does it feel to be a loser like you?”

“It sucks actually. I don't even own a pencil.“

“Yeah well you totally suck, loser!”

"Relax, man," I say soothingly. "I haven‘t been playing this game very long. I need practice and repetition. Like when you had to learn to give hand jobs for crack. Remember? You don‘t get good at it overnight.”

Suddenly my monitor seemed to freeze, and “There is a problem with your connection“ flashed. I found myself ultimately at the Battlefield 2 splash page, with an alert that read the following:



“Really Foxworth?” I says. “That’s pretty cowardly.”

“He didn’t boot you,” says Warhead101. “I did. You run you mouth a lot.”

“In a sea of words like ‘fucktard’ and ‘cocksucker,’ -all sprinkled liberally with creative recommendations of tampon use- I’ve somehow pissed off two administrators? I'm flattered. Is some elementary school missing some hall monitors?”

“We pay for this server through subscription and you are our guest,” says Warhead101. “We deserve some respect.”

“So I have to pay to respond to insults?” I counter. “That’s a pretty good way to make a living.”

“You aren’t banned,” he replies. “And your boot was for only 60 seconds.”

“That’s not the point,” I says. “Foxworth and I talk trash and psych each other out all the time, only to turn around and be in the same squad in the next round. Moreover, it was germane to the gameplay. This isn’t our problem, it’s yours. Butt out.”

“People don’t like your style of play,” says Warhead101.

“There’s nothing wrong with my style of play.”

“What about when you don’t like how I’m commanding our team?”

“You mean that thing where I blow myself up with C4, and try to make my corpse parts land on you?”

“Yes,” says Warhead101. “The first twenty times it was funny. Poignant even. Now you’re only trying to give my location away to the enemy.”

“I have no idea what those guys are thinking,” I concede. “The enemy should be running from a gifted and fearsome commander such as yourself. War is nothing if not an harsh and unpredictable mistress.”

“I’ve had enough valuable time wasted on this,” interjects Foxworth. “Just ban him already!”

“Sorry this took up so much of your time Foxworth,” I says. “I’m sure there is some pressing neurosurgery that didn’t get done while you were here. Please carry on. But while you are scrubbing up, please note that we were both trash-talking, and -come to think of it- you usually start it! If an Admin trash-talks me, it seems reasonable to conclude that is an invitation to participate. Stop bein such a dainty, skirt-swishin POSIE about some playful backlash. With some meds and therapy, you’ll probably be fine. Now can we please get back to the obscenity?”

Hell, these people should see me play golf.

“There’s a difference between trash talk and disrespect,” argues Warhead101. “And I’m just calling it like I see it. That was disrespect.”

“But where is the line then?” I ask. “The words 'fucktard' and 'shitstick' are okay, but bad-mouthing the Yankees is completely off the table? Apparently what is needed is a thick ‘Official Trash-Talk Rulebook' -nay, a SERIES of excruciatingly detailed rulebooks! Picture it: a biblical and multi ligual all-comprehensive cross-referenced 'dos' and 'donts' library, complete with awe-inspiring pie charts and bottomless, dizzying Excel spreadsheets. I recommend Foxworth for putting the project together, too. He'd be great at it.”

Foxworth snorts. “Fuck you, assmunch.”

“Was that disrespect? Or merely trash talk? I seem to be really confused on the issue,” I reply. “You guys seem too dainty a flower to play on the battlefield with us adults. Perhaps you should try Legos. Or avoid games altogether while ovulating … your ovaries might fall out or something.”

“I’m not going to be insulted here,” demands Foxworth. “This is our home!”

I ponder this for a moment, briefly remembering how I once accidentally found the application to this 'Clan' via their website. The thing was more comprehensive than many job applications I’ve seen. History, references, the works.

-These guys are really, really serious about Battlefield 2. They live and die based on cunning, wit, and combat prowess. Further, they have their own server, website, an active forum with long conversations about their combat exploits -the whole big honkin dealie.

“Perhaps you should get an apartment,” I suggest.



Predator Press


I originally wrote this in 2008, and the reason I remembered it today will be obvious.

-Should be writing more shlock soon.

One of the most fascinating and perplexing bonds people can have is the one with their children.

-You love and nurture them, clothe and feed them, teach them everything you know … all in preparation for the day when they will rise up to slay you, and thus rightfully assume the mantle of your vast and mighty empire.

And on this Father's Day of 2008, I was virtually certain my number was up.

I had no regrets ... it is the natural order of things. One day I’ll hear “catch!”, and one of my progeny will hurl a rounded white plastic explosive stuffed with lethal wire and molten rubber for shrapnel –all stitched together with a det cord primer.

It might be a baseball, but I don’t take any chances.

-They are my brood after all.

But LadyTerri and the would-be heirs opted for a rather strange way to commence with the Father’s Day ceremonial rite of passage. None of my entrails were spilled to be danced upon. In fact, to my knowledge it was virtually patricide free.

Since there was no point in pensively waiting for my iPod Touch (as there is no mail delivery on Sunday) we took the really small and loud one -eh, Screechy- to see “Kung Fu Panda” which was unexpectedly great.

Here’s where the teenager -eh, Shiftless, I think- blew it: while I was riveted to what will undoubtedly be regarded as the most important motion picture ever made by humankind ever, he could have crept up on me unawares in the Kung Fu Panda-induced darkness and beat me to death with cinderblocks and pointy sticks.


Later that day I found a used copy of The Best of Phillip K. Dick for $8 on and ordered it. But do you think the credit card was coated with deadly neurotoxins?


… At this point, I started to doubt my lazy worthless kids were even trying.

The evening culminated into grilled grub and brews while watching a rather exciting Lakers/Celtics Finals game, and the short, loud one has been shooting me evil looks since he can’t play Lego Star Wars while the game is on.

Here we go, I figured. Screechy will climb up on a small stack of phone books behind the recliner, wrap the controller cable around my neck and swing straight into Destiny ...

... But to my shock and disappointment he started coloring quietly at the kitchen table.

I even tried to make it easy for them by conspicuously removing my bulletproof vest numerous times.

Still the night wore on without a single shot fired.

I cannot fault them, I decide. Perhaps they are simply not yet ready to seize the reins of my sprawling rule. They require more preparation, and it is my sacred duty to provide that until they are.

It was at that exact moment that I was brought a huge bowl of one of my favorite foods: Jalapeno poppers.

So this is the plan, I thought. Slowly poisoning me with a huge heaping deep-fried pile of cholesterol-laden death so my little black heart grinds to a standstill!

Wolfing them down hungrily, I eye them with glowing pride as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

They grow up so fast.



The Alabaster Battlemaster

Predator Press


Discovering I was down to 12 heartbeats an hour, Doctor Nyarlathotep grew concerned and tested my blood.

"Playing Battlefield 2 sixteen hours a day is terrible for your health," he points out. "You need sunlight. I can see the organs pulsing through your skin."

"Really?" I says, squinting under the harsh lighting of the examination room. "I hadn't noticed."

And as always, my blood got an A+ ... clearly showing an intellectual superiority over all the other stupid and inferior bloods.

"-that I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent! Oops I did it again ... I played with your heart-"

A disbelieving Nurse Garrison lowers her stethoscope.

"You swallowed your iPod again, didn't you?"

"Maybe," I reply.

The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs

-as retold by Predator Press


Once upon a time, a man and his wife got a fantastical golden goose, and it laid a golden egg every day.

“This is terrible,” said the man. “We can’t eat gold!”

“Kill it,” said the woman. “It might breed with the other animals. The entire village could starve to death!”

“We will be remembered forever as heroes!” cried the man.


Predator Press Movie-Middle Reviews: Braveheart

Predator Press


Braveheart, starring Mel Gibson, is apparently the story of a bunch of people that liked to fight a lot more than they liked to bathe.

The afore-mentioned hygiene problem suggests to me that the story takes place way, way in the past. Probably the late 80’s … the whole grunge look is “in,” there's a sprinkling of goth, and you still have a generous helping of mullets.

Mel Gibson is like really, really pissed about something I probably missed when I was in the bathroom, and is just killing people left and right. Did someone steal his pants? Mel Gibson is totally out of control. Jesus, where are the cops when you need them? Some of the places Mel killed people at should be isolated as crime scenes and dusted for fingerprints! I mean holy crap, he’s not even wearing pants; he’s probably leaving DNA everywhere he sits!

Damn. Telephone.

Anyway, blah blah nah nah. Mel Gibson’s arch-enemy -Merlin, I think- has a great big-assed beard. Holy crap that’s a big-assed beard; Merlin better be careful around open flames. Under enormous pressure to get some pants on the freeballin’ serial killer Mel Gibson, Merlin is often mad at people too -probably because he doesn’t have an X-Box and is forced to push little war toys around on a big war map. I’m not clear on if the map surrendered because then stuff started blowing up.

Conveniently, all Mel Gibson's freinds don’t wear pants either, and have gathered together on this big island -probably Hawaii- so’s Merlin's British guys can kill them with maximum efficiency. In historical context, this inadvertently causes America to declare war on Britain and drags us into World War II. Was Merlin elected by the Japanese when he bombed Pearl Harbor? Or did Merlin create the Godless Yellow Hoard with the explicit intent of pulling the Aloha Spirit out of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s keyster? Hm? Hell I don’t know man … shit that was a long time ago. We may never know for sure. The fact that the first half of this movie is total 'Chick Flick' didn't help, and I found myself fast-forwarding a lot.

I don’t even know how the movie ends; a commercial for Sham Wow came on, and after some brief channel-surfing I found Family Feud. Where is the fat guy with the weird teeth? The #1 answer was toothpaste. Holy crap that dumbass lost the whole game for his family, and made them look like assholes on national television. I wouldn‘t want to be at that house for Thanksgiving dinner!

By the time I got through the Hee Haw marathon, I had all but lost interest in how Braveheart ended ... but I sure hope they caught Mel Gibson! My guess is that the movie would go on to show Merlin bombing Pearl Harbor until John Wayne and Jesus killed him and kicked all the Japanese out of America. To this day, the Japanese remain banished to the other, crappier side of the world ... which is fine with me really; Hee Haw translated into Japanese is just plain weird.

As far as the Predator Press Movie-Middle Review, we give Braveheart, like, sixty-six thumbs up. The exploding stuff, fight scenes, gratuitous violence, and historical accuracy had it on the cusp of a beefy two hundred and sixteen thumbs up, but the middle of Braveheart suffered from the glaring absence of nudity, robots, and football. It was also dinged grammatically for the improper contraction of the words "Brave" and "Heart." Further, it wasn't in 3-D, Sigourney Weaver wasn't in it, and it wasn't Avatar -an automatic eleven-thumb penalty.

Still, a solid sixty-six thumbs up is nothing to scoff at.

-I, for one, can't wait for the middle of the sequel.


Amid Privacy Scandal, Facebook Calls Meeting About My Colonoscopy

Predator Press


I am kidding, of course. I’ve never had a colonoscopy, and couldn’t imagine circumstances where I would submit to one. That’s a one-way thoroughfare as far as I’m concerned.

Plus, I’m somewhat of a gastronomical daredevil: abandon hope all ye who enter. The deep fried bricks of mozzarella, chocolate cake, hot wings and Heinekens would be the least of their problems.

“I told you quacks not to fuck with the tricycle!” I’ll be yelling from inside the new crater. “Now you‘re all dead. Happy now?”

Anwho, on the subject of enemas an so forth, fifteen minutes after chiding Terri for having 10,000 emails I discovered I was worse. I have a “blog” email and a “serious” email, the latter for family, online transactions et cetera. Between the two, I was teetering on the brink of 30,000.

So here’s a tip. If you’re signing up for something that you suspect might generate spam, use an alias. On one email I use “Joe Morgan,” and the other I use “Tracy Chase.” By two simple email searches, I disposed of more than 26,000 efforts to smuggle cash out of Syktyvkar or enlarge my penis. (Joe Morgan is KGB and fiercely loyal to the Kremlin, and I have no idea what Tracy would do with a larger penis anyway.)

Interestingly, the biggest junk mail culprits are online entities I use the least. I check into Facebook maybe four times a year. MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog could be measured in decades. When I do check in, I pretty much add anyone to my communities/friends list that request it.

My point, I suppose, is that the inevitable “lag” isn’t because I’m snooty. I’m just not much of an “online community” guy. I am content here on The Most Fabulous Website in the Universe; Facebook, Twitter, MSNBC, -whatever- would be wise to stop riding the vast Predator Press coattails and stealing our ideas, and focus on the laughable goal of achieving their own unique, unprecedented, all-powerful juggernaut status.

-Like anyone else, you gotta pay your dues, man.

Last among this random internet commentary is a rare movie recommendation (when I say “random,” I don‘t fuck around). I rented a documentary from Redbox the other day that was pretty fantastic.

If Talhotblond doesn’t scare the bejeezus out of you die-hard networkers, nothing will.