"What’s with all the humbug, bub?"
There’s no point in lying to the Infinite One: a natural consequence of a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past is subsequent visits from the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Future -and presumably in that order. In an effort to "get the drop" on the Ghost of Christmas Present, so far I’ve beat up the guy who reads the gas meter, two Jehovah’s Witnesses, and a surprisingly scrappy pizza delivery guy.
"I thought smiting pagans was what we were supposed to do," I says flatly.
"What pagans?"
"All these Christmas jerks!" I says.
"LOBO, Christmas is a good thing."

"Hasn’t anyone explained the Holy Trinity to you?"
"Hey I’ve seen The Matrix movies like fifty times, and they’re twice as confusing as the Old Testament."
"Well I didn’t use Keanu Reeves for the Old Testament for that exact reason." There’s a Holy pause. ”What do you think of Nicolas Cage?”
"Meh," I says. "We need like a Brock Lesnar. You know, a big scary guy that can bust the heads of evil like superripe watermelons. 'Take that evil!' says Brock. Splat! -Ooo! How about Batman?"

"Have you read the Bible lately?"
"Good point."
"So we need a kinda normal looking guy, but somebody with that smoldering evil-smiting, Charles Hestony-thing going. Hmmm. How about Kevin Pollak? He was awesome in Deterrence."
"Too short."
"John Cusack?"
"No. He’s been walking a fine line with me since Pushing Tin."
"I got it," I says, snapping my fingers. "Bill Goldberg. I could totally see Bill Goldberg smashing Judas in the face with a steel chair."
"I like it," says God.

"You know LOBO, maybe you’re right. I’ve been too soft on everyone lately."
"Now that’s the no-nonsense Infinite Being we all know and love," I says. "Stop messing around with this ‘freewill’ and ‘forgiveness’ nonsense … it’s only stressing us out. There should be two settings for God: 'Happy' and 'Wood Chipper.' We need some oldschool fiery vengeful wrath. One strike, you’re out. No warnings, just pillars of salt, raining frogs 'an brimstone ... the works!"
"I really don’t think I need to go back to all that."
"Really?" I says. "Two words: Paris Hilton."
The ground trembles.
Wow that was cool.
"Or," I says thinking quickly. "How about Lindsay Lohan?"
A crack opens in the earth. Red fire and agonized screams spew out of it.
"Atta boy!" I says. "Now go get ‘em, Champ! Only you can prevent another Pauly Shore vehicle!"