Oh, and About This Whole "Christmas" Thing ...

Predator Press


Fingers pinching the bridge of my nose, I wince into them –but this does nothing practical to ease the pain.

They just keep going.

I can’t take it.

And going.

Please stop.

Finally I crack like an eggshell.

“For God’s sake, please STOP!

Within seconds, the packed auditorium dwindles to a quieted state: a handful of Mrs. Tanner’s first grade class –still lost in song apparently- were among the last few to drift into silence.

And barring the puzzled murmurs of some 300 other parents that attended the South California Middle School Christmas Celebration Ball, there is a glorious absence of sound entirely.

“Excuse me?” says Mrs. Tanner from the side of the stage.

The kids are starin at me slackjawed.

“Ma’am,” I says. “I love Christmas just as much as anyone else. But so help me God if you make those kids do whatever that was again, I will kill you.”

“That was The Twelve Days of Chrismas,” she defends.

“No,” I says. “That was somebody smashing a 40-ounce beer bottle and jamming the pieces into my Frontal lobe.”

A fat blonde kid in front raises his hand. "Mrs Tanner-"

“Shut up!” I says, pointing at him wild-eyed.

I stand and approach the stage. “You!” I indicate the boy. “What’s your name?”

“Joseph,” he says.

“Joseph, do you have any idea what happens when you have twenty-two pipers piping simultaneously?”

Joseph just stares.

“And don’t get me started on-“ I count out some fast and furious math on my fingers, “thirty five golden rings? Oh holy Christ!”

“It’s just a song mister,” says Joseph.

“And you know what you do when you sing that song a full half an octave flat Joseph?” I lean down into his pudgy little still-asymmetrical face. “You make Santa cry.”

A tear streamed down Joseph’s cheek.

“Sir," snaps Mrs. Tanner. “They’re only six!"

I seize the clipboard from her hand. “That’s why I’m holding you entirely accountable.” Skimming her list, I begin “Oh lookit. Jingle Bells. How original.” I pause and glance at her. “You call yourself a professional? You didn’t even bother to put the ugly kids in the back row!”

Joseph wails.

“Shut up!” I repeat, already back to Mrs Tanner’s songlist. “A Hippopotamus for Christmas?” I guffaw. “Well that’s not even plausible ... !”

“Have you no soul?” cries Mrs. Tanner.

I shrug. “I got a jar of mayonnaise for it in 2003.”


So that's what pipers do. Ahh...
ReformingGeek said…
I'm sure that's what my mom wanted to do at my elementary school Christmas concert.
Unknown said…
Then you woke up from your nightmare, took a piss, went back to sleep, only to dream of duct tape and a fingerless orchestra leader.
Unknown said…
Oh and honey, there was a conspiracy at the edge of sanity. They (corporation) wanted to string me up by my balls because of a jealous beeatch. I begged and pleaded that I had no balls (well any that could be seen with the naked eye anyways)so they told me if I put Edgeofsanity out of their misery they would let me live. I have this really bad habit of eating so I had to euthanize my site. I do have another one. You were there yesterday. Sanityonedge.blogspot.com
Rickey said…
Heh, are you up to your balls in birds yet?
Anonymous said…
Dangit. I always thought they made me stand in the back row because I was taller...
Anonymous said…
Is that why I cried every year when we had to sing?
Brent Diggs said…
Christmas plumbing has got to be my favorite kind, it even has its own song.

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