Predator Press

"Hey," I says. "Thanks for getting me out of jail."
"No problem," says
Doc Mike. "Actually it was
Lord Likely."
With a sharp crack, Botter delivers a series of searing blows about my legs with a riding crop. "If M'Lord
ever hears of you besmirching blogdome by blogging on a dead rat again," he declares, "He'll have you basted with gravy, and leave you on an island of cannibals!"
"Yes sir," I says, wincing as my sweat burns into the wounds. "How's the food there?"
"Not bad," says Likely.
"Hey," says
Domestic Minx. "Why aren't you crying like a sissy?"
"I temporarily fused my tear ducts closed with hot wires," I explain.
"Was that so other prisoners couldn't see you crying?" asks Doc.
"No. That was because a big hairy guy with a knife wanted to see what would
"So you burned your tear ducts closed?" asks
"Hey," I says. "I was just glad he wasn't some kind of
"Good point," says Likely.
"I thought your were a 14th-level Master of Peking Duck," says Doc.
"I am," I says coolly.
"A 14th-level Peking Duck Master," explains Doc skeptically, "can hide under or behind anything, virtually instantly. Thai legend says it can only be learned in a vision during intense meditation."
"Intense meditation!" demands Minx, eyeing me closely.
"I overslept for breakfast
and work the next day," I insist. “Fortunately I didn’t have eggs, sausage, pancakes, or a job. Everyone would have been totally fucked.”
Duck," says
Michael-Anne incredulously. "You expect us to buy that--?"
"Where'd he go?" asks Minx.
"I'm right here," I says. "Up in this tree."
"So am I," says Babs. "And I studied
The Duck under Ethan's 'lawyers' for two months."
"Babs!" I says. "When did
you get out of jail? And did Ethan's lawyers give you that cool set of nunchuck chainsaws?"
"They would given me nukes. The
EPA even cleared it. I just wanted the tactile pleasure of slowly dismembering you myself."
"And better JPEGs," volunteers Minx.
"Step back ladies," insists Likely to Terri, Minx, and Michael-Anne. "Don't get LOBO's blood on your dainty ankles."
"14th Level my
ass," mutters Doc.