Please Stop Sending Me SeaWorld Tickets

Predator Press


Look, it’s very generous. But I’m very, very busy being unemployed -a trip to Orlando is just out of the question at this time.

Plus it seems a little mean-spirited, as it is widely known that I suffer from Cryohydrotachophobia -the morbid fear of rogue icebergs.

This prohibits me from getting near large bodies of water, and any beverage larger than 32 ounces.


Stephanie Barr said…
I guess that keeps you out of fast food places, since most now feature 44 oz drinks.
Stephanie Barr said…
Psst! By the way, I'll take any extra tickets you don't want. I love SeaWorld.
Mark said…
It's a reasonable fear. Icebergs a notoriously difficult to train.
kathcom said…
Well, if you decide to go, don't wear a pony tail. I hear that can get you killed.

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