Think First
Rocket Scientist, Ask Me Anything
[Stephanie B.]
Think first.
Really, that seems obvious but people don't put it into practice often enough. Think before you speak.
A great deal is made in this country of the right to say whatever we think, but there is something that goes with that right - responsibility for what one has said. If we thought about what we were saying more often, I suspect we wouldn't say so damn much.
Of course, many people don't even think before they act (and the lack of accountability among many is a WHOLE other topic), but speaking does plenty of damage itself. It's not harmless to mutter racial epithets when there are only your children to hear you.
It's not helpful to demand a higher authority than Hawaii prove the President was born there (hint hint, when it comes to birth record, the state IS the authority).
It serves no purpose, no matter what ideological side you are on for any topic to repeat what your leaders have said without running it through your own logical processes first. No one is infallible. Few leaders (if any) are free of ulterior motives. What they say reflects on them.
What you say, however, is your responsibility and, if you regurgitate any nonsense you're given (and reject any other information because of the source), well, that's no one's fault but yours.
You might want to think about that.
Submission and Rules

Think first.
Really, that seems obvious but people don't put it into practice often enough. Think before you speak.
A great deal is made in this country of the right to say whatever we think, but there is something that goes with that right - responsibility for what one has said. If we thought about what we were saying more often, I suspect we wouldn't say so damn much.
Of course, many people don't even think before they act (and the lack of accountability among many is a WHOLE other topic), but speaking does plenty of damage itself. It's not harmless to mutter racial epithets when there are only your children to hear you.
It's not helpful to demand a higher authority than Hawaii prove the President was born there (hint hint, when it comes to birth record, the state IS the authority).
It serves no purpose, no matter what ideological side you are on for any topic to repeat what your leaders have said without running it through your own logical processes first. No one is infallible. Few leaders (if any) are free of ulterior motives. What they say reflects on them.
What you say, however, is your responsibility and, if you regurgitate any nonsense you're given (and reject any other information because of the source), well, that's no one's fault but yours.
You might want to think about that.

Media is so biased nowadays.
People, of course, don't have to agree with me, but I comfort myself that I thought about what I said before I said it (even if I didn't run it through a grammar checker).
Democratic right to say it, NOT to say it without any responsibility or repercussions, I thought ... but hey, I'm Canadian, what do I know?
Fancy that.