Ask LOBO: How To Blog Part IV
Predator Press
MILLIONS and millions of readers are always asking me everyday, ”LOBO, if I make a YouTube of me sticking my head in a deep fryer, will I get as many people to visit my blog as yours?”
Well I'm glad you asked me that.
The short answer is “Well, uh, yeah” -but the long answer is more of a philosophical and humanitarian discussion that doesn't smell very good at the conclusion.
In continued offensive olfactory irony, according to Google Analytics the most popular Predator Press post ever shockingly has nothing to do with farts either: Lee Majors Endorses $14.95 Bionic Ear -as a specific Google Search- has placed Number One since it's inception, and to this day has three times as many direct visitors than the distant second.
-On occasion people still comment on it.
But if you think I’ll let cold hard statistical fact I don't understand get in my way, you’re sadly mistaken: I think we should all be doing something entirely different.
As 'Bloggers,' I think we should start ending random sentences with “and then I started killing people.”
(I’m sensing some resistance here, but don’t puss out on me yet.)
I’m not sayin end every sentence with “and then I started killing people” ... just a light dusting will do. 'Less is More' in this case.
I submit this modified excerpt from an e e cummings poem for your consideration:
a pretty a day
(and every fades)
is here and away
(but born are maids
to flower an hour
in all,all)
-and then I
started killing people
Long Live the Robots!
See that?
-And I totally improvised the 'Long Live the Robots' thing.
For the entire Predator Press
"How to Blog" series, click here.

Well I'm glad you asked me that.
The short answer is “Well, uh, yeah” -but the long answer is more of a philosophical and humanitarian discussion that doesn't smell very good at the conclusion.
In continued offensive olfactory irony, according to Google Analytics the most popular Predator Press post ever shockingly has nothing to do with farts either: Lee Majors Endorses $14.95 Bionic Ear -as a specific Google Search- has placed Number One since it's inception, and to this day has three times as many direct visitors than the distant second.
-On occasion people still comment on it.
But if you think I’ll let cold hard statistical fact I don't understand get in my way, you’re sadly mistaken: I think we should all be doing something entirely different.
As 'Bloggers,' I think we should start ending random sentences with “and then I started killing people.”
(I’m sensing some resistance here, but don’t puss out on me yet.)
I’m not sayin end every sentence with “and then I started killing people” ... just a light dusting will do. 'Less is More' in this case.
I submit this modified excerpt from an e e cummings poem for your consideration:

(and every fades)
is here and away
(but born are maids
to flower an hour
in all,all)
-and then I
started killing people
Long Live the Robots!
See that?
-And I totally improvised the 'Long Live the Robots' thing.
"How to Blog" series, click here.
-Still it was at Marshall's .. I wouldn't beat myself up over it ...
oh, “And then I started killing people.”
Welcome Tacky Raccoons!!!!
Ta Da!
Okie, now:
Jamie: I've been watching closely, and the death toll on your blog in teeny-weenie. You gotta ratchet it up to "infected splinters."
Alex: Jamie is already spreading infected splinters. Tell this "Hemmingway" jagoff he can kiss my ass: I’ll handle the “classical literature and poetry” in the meantime.
otherworldlyone: You could try “-but the catheter was too jagged and rusty to remove in one swift pull.”
I always code my own posts because I think the WYSIWYG editor is for the weak and un-informed. Lately I find myself being lazy, and sometimes NOT EVEN ADDING alt test. Should I give in to temptation and just use bloggers "COMPOSE" tab? Would that be wrong and lazy?
Confused in Hollydale,
S. Hollydale
.... see! I do not even proof read anymore.
Speedy: In order to assist, I'll need some clarification.
-For starters, what does "Dear" mean?
Bunk Struts: I can't figure out what you mean here; I frequent your site and popped into Jason's here and there ... I can't seem to lock into what you mean.
(Have you been drinking with Speedy? heehee)