Okay, I’ve had it.
I’ve heard enough Michael Phelps crap.
-The only reason I haven’t weighed in sooner is because I haven’t heard an argument better than "WTF!?!"
Doesn’t Kellogg’s shove a pricey gulletfull of sugar down every single last child in this nation every day? And besides the kids ‘an the “stoners,” who is dumb enough to be eating that diabetic seizure-inducing sugar-coated packing foam in the first place?
A winning Olympic athlete did?
This is actually an argument posed by perhaps the last intelligent form of life on Earth, Adam Carolla.
I just can't improve on it.
Oh hell! If athletes start eating cereal ... er ... hold on a minute.
Chris, I swear to GOD the only problem with this country is it doesn't THINK anymore!!!!!!
Smoking Pot->Munchies->Increased Cereal Consumption
Why is Kellogs not advocating bong hits before breakfast?
I want to know what asshole "friend" took that picture and sold it. ...dick...
Yeah, they should be giving a free mini-bong prize in every box of Frosted Flakes.
Didn't they do a story last summer about him eating 50 million calories a day? And how most of that was junk food? I'm no expert, but shouldn't that have been an early clue?
Props to The Office Scribe; Kellogs could make a KILLING marketing its cereals to 'blazers.
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