Ask LOBO: Parenting Teenagers
Predator Press
“Is Complainy up for school?” asks Terri.
“Yes,” I says, breathlessly removing my helmet.
“We have to figure out what kind of tampons she wants.”
“Seriously,” adds Terri.
“Well don’t let her do the thing with the hangy stringy-thingy.”
“It's a widely-known fact if it’s accidentally pulled during a routine exam, she’ll rapidly inflate.”
“Is Complainy up for school?” asks Terri.
“Yes,” I says, breathlessly removing my helmet.
“We have to figure out what kind of tampons she wants.”
“Seriously,” adds Terri.
“It's a widely-known fact if it’s accidentally pulled during a routine exam, she’ll rapidly inflate.”
And Margo, OMG that is Wilson!