
Ask LOBO: Where Do We Get Predator Press Merchandise?

Predator Press


Millions and millions of readers are always asking me everyday, "LOBO, why can’t I get Predator Press merchandise?"

Well I’m glad you asked me that.

You can all stop setting yourselves on fire demanding it. You can all stop jumping off of buildings demanding it. You can all stop setting yourselves on fire and then jumping off of buildings demanding it!

They are here:

Now I’ve noticed a slight problem with the first 150,000 I had made, and this brings me to my first disclaimer: Predator Press t-shirts do not come with Spellcheck installed.

These were intended to be $9.99. But I had to send them back and get them corrected:

Now, correctly stenciled, they came in at $26.99 apiece.

But that looks kinda weird, right? So I had them sent back a third time. And for the low-low price of $69.50, I give you the Official Predator Press T-Shirt:

Click on it to enlarge!

It’s 100% polyester!


Anonymous said...

I was so excited to find this t-shirt but since I'm a school crossing guard my attorney recommended I not wear it.

Alex L said...

I don't think enough t-shirts have the words 'continued on back' printed on them

Fanton said...

'Tis not easy to get the right merchandise, unless you are me, of course. But I would not be so cheap to whore my wares here. That would be terribly inappropriate.

Fanton said...

Oops/ My finger slipped.

LOBO said...

David Now: but that's the beauty of it! You can have it framed and hang it over tour fireplace, or just hide it under the bed so you can cuddle with it at night in total secrecy.

It's versatile!

Alex: Yeah. You gotta love a guy wearing a shirt that spends a paragraph threatening to assault you, and then invites you to get behind them ...

Double "L": LOL!! That's kinda weird we did this merchandising thing theme same day. I'll go you one weirder: I had a "I'm with stupid" shirt designed with the finger pointing straight up at the wearer's head, and another with the arrow pointed downward for the groin -both similar in concept to your "Incredibly Cretinous" tee.

-I opted not to use them because this post already had three large images.

Still, great minds, eh?

Anonymous said...

Now I can only wear LOBO / Lord Likely clothing. That's me covered sartorially.

ReformingGeek said...

You should put a smiley face in the "O".


LOBO said...

Chris Wood: But wait! We have pants! And cummerbunds!

Reforming Geek: I would agree, but I like how it looks like a halo.

-I'm not sure if I'm really doing God's work, but he hasn't complained about my $78 charge for shipping and handling yet.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Can I get a discount if I buy more than one?

Unknown said...

Hell, I think we should get one free just for coming here! ;o

LOBO said...

Jeff: If you walked into my store with the hair you had on my next post, I would just hand you the keys.

Etta-Rose: Not to rip off Double-"L" (please see his stuff linked above -it's REALLY cool), Terri and I have been thinking about bumper stickers or something. If I could get a deal on them, I would probably just give them away for the postage ...