Contemplating this solemnly, I open the small gray panel on the wall. Screechy, the six year old, is surrounded by animated friends and family and playing Centipede furiously in the living room.
-And he is poised to break my all-time high score.
Locating the black switch scrawled “Living Room” in marker, I toggle it to “off,” and then back to “on.”
A disbelieving shriek emanates throughout the house, but I’m already rappelling down the back of the house and into my waiting car.
Throwing the ski mask into the back seat, I punch the gas to the floor. The tires scream hot on the concrete for traction.
"Not today ya little bastard," I says.
Evil. Pure evil. ;-)
I love it. My kids will hate you for me being a Lobo-cat, but I love it. Gonna go try it now...
Yeah, they hate you. Thanks!
You sir, are a cruel cruel man. Rickey shudders to think what will occur when your offspring learn how to blog....
Reforming Geek: Nah ... pretty 'lukewarm' on the evil scale. But I'm workin' on it!
TJZoo: I figure we're both safe. You can't blog about my abusive nature with only X, Y, B, A, a thumbpad, and a "left" and "right" trigger.
Dan: Good to see you buddy! Lock in those tickets!
Rickey: He has to win a year on the HBFFL first! :)
Too Freakin Funny...........
You talk about your son being a little bastard. But my gosh, you come off sounding like a big bastard. :) But that's why we love you, you big bastard you.
He could at least wait till he hit double figures to out achieve you.
Oh my God honey, that is something I would do and cackle evilly as I drive away. You are an awesome Dad!
Well done! Your time of being faster, stronger and smarter than him is limited. Use it when you can.
Bet he asks Santa for a battery backup UPS for Christmas.
Men and their video games.(teehee)
Though i could see how these things happen, I played Rock Band this weekend and even though i was buzzed that shit was fun!!! I however did not have high score.
Great Read...ok break over i got to stop giggling and get back to work.
Great post - love it!
If you haven't seen "The King of Kong," go watch it today!
Great post.
>>>There’s a moment in every father’s life when his son’s accomplishments and talents will eclipse his own.
Commodore Vanderbilt didn't suffer this indignity.
Hi Lobo... working your way up to evil? Nice one! I'll see you when you get there ;)
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