Predator Press
There’s a moment in every father’s life when his son’s accomplishments and talents will eclipse his own.
Contemplating this solemnly, I open the small gray panel on the wall. Screechy, the six year old, is surrounded by animated friends and family and playing Centipede furiously in the living room.
-And he is poised to break my all-time high score.
Locating the black switch scrawled “Living Room” in marker, I toggle it to “off,” and then back to “on.”
A disbelieving shriek emanates throughout the house, but I’m already rappelling down the back of the house and into my waiting car.
Throwing the ski mask into the back seat, I punch the gas to the floor. The tires scream hot on the concrete for traction.
"Not today ya little bastard," I says.

Contemplating this solemnly, I open the small gray panel on the wall. Screechy, the six year old, is surrounded by animated friends and family and playing Centipede furiously in the living room.
-And he is poised to break my all-time high score.
Locating the black switch scrawled “Living Room” in marker, I toggle it to “off,” and then back to “on.”
A disbelieving shriek emanates throughout the house, but I’m already rappelling down the back of the house and into my waiting car.
Throwing the ski mask into the back seat, I punch the gas to the floor. The tires scream hot on the concrete for traction.
"Not today ya little bastard," I says.
You sir, are a cruel cruel man. Rickey shudders to think what will occur when your offspring learn how to blog....
TJZoo: I figure we're both safe. You can't blog about my abusive nature with only X, Y, B, A, a thumbpad, and a "left" and "right" trigger.
Dan: Good to see you buddy! Lock in those tickets!
Rickey: He has to win a year on the HBFFL first! :)
Though i could see how these things happen, I played Rock Band this weekend and even though i was buzzed that shit was fun!!! I however did not have high score.
Great Read...ok break over i got to stop giggling and get back to work.
Great post.
Commodore Vanderbilt didn't suffer this indignity.