
Waaaaay way down at the very bottom of this page is a hit counter poised to roll over 100,000 hits.
And sure maybe half of those hits are me fiddlef--king incessantly with the HTML, fixing grammatical trauma, rectifying spelling, eh, "liberties," and otherwise fine-tuning my savage butchery of the English language.
-Let‘s just call it a solid 50,000.
I’ll take it.
With 1000 posts at this point, mathematically one or two of them almost have to be decent, right? (That's my overall strategy BTW ... over a long enough timeline, I'll get a Shakespeare in here somewhere.)
Still, by dividing 50,000 legitimate hits by 1,000 posts, this gives me about 50 hits per post.
And since this the name of this blog is “Predator Press," let’s call a good 50% of those hits wayward web searches looking for either endangered species or child molesters.

Finally, subtract about half of the lonely few remaining as never-to-return readers that promptly and accurately diagnosed this blog as a pedantic and retarded festering mess.
This pretty much leaves you.
And now that I've joined Entrecard, I know exactly what you mean. I really do read your posts. See I even commented. :)
Keep it up!
Can I reroll the 7s?
I've often wondered how much of the traffic from entre card translates into actual readers?????
At least, your 80,986,549,679 FeedBurner Readers support you! :~))