
Mmmmm ... 3.14

Predator Press


What? Too soon?


ReformingGeek said...

No, never too early for pumpkin pie. Yum.

But...why does your post have tomorrow's date on it?

LOBO said...

I'm trying, for simplicity, to space out posts at least a day apart. To be honest, I've already got Monday in the chamber too.

Because I think I might like a job writing sitcoms or advertising (or something), I'm really trying to squeeze writing time: I want to see if I can do a post a day (without re-runs) every day in under a few minutes.

It's tougher than it sounds. I've improved, but I'm still only up to about 4-5 a week.

Anonymous said...

I have an acquaintance who's a chemist - he prefers pumpkin Avogadro's number.

Go figure.

Greeneyezz said...

Can I borrow that hatchet??

No, not *that* one.

Noooo, not *That* one either.

The one that's on the right hand side.

Over more.

Your hand's almost touching it..Sheeesh, what are ya, blind??

YESSSS..That one!

Thank you! (smiles evily)
I'll be back.

Btw - how do you get blood stains out of carpet??



Anonymous said...

I'm not sure a hatchet is sanctioned equipment in the acupuncture game.

Good luck with the daily blogging!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

The best pumpkincide I've seen yet!

Greeneyezz said...

Uh Jeff???

I think you're on the wrong wrong 'Cide'.

I think it's a fine example of HOMIcide. ;)

btw - I'm not done with the hatchet I borrowed.
Di you find a heloise tip for the carpet yet???


Michael from said...

that is scarier than laslo holyfield in his pajamas.

Unknown said...

Oh the things you have done to that poor pumpkin. I wish I had thought of it.

Shieldmaiden96 said...

Did you happen to notice the parents fishing your candy back out of their kids bags as they retreated back down the front walk?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...cruelty to pumpkins -- I love it!