
Getting "Discovered" is Tougher than I Thought

Predator Press


Well, today marks one whole week since we’ve arrived in California and I have yet to appear in a single movie.

Oh sure … I’ve had offers. But at the moment I need to focus on my political career.

-And Civilization IV.

Still, a job might help. It’s pretty tense right now: I’m essentially about one Google search from Terri finding out there’s actually no such thing as Arecacephobia -the morbid fear of palm trees- and without health insurance, the stitches from a blow from a frying pan could totally ruin us.

I need to think of something quick.

Today, taking a page out of Lana Turner’s playbook, I hung out at the drug store all damn day.

“Hey,” says the soda jerk, “Aren’t you-?”

Ah thank god. A Predator Press fan.

“-going to order something?” he continues. “You can’t sit there unless you order something.”

"You're not fooling anybody, damonkappas!" I says. "I'm on to you!"


So 6 32-ounce Mountain Dews later, still no employment.

Now I have to pee like a Russian racehorse, and my laptop battery is nearly dead because I’ve written six Broadway musicals and a rather lengthy sequel to Les Misérables.

I was just wrapping up the part where Cosette finds out Marius Pontmercy is actually a zombie space alien and crushes him against his own flying saucer in her Escalade when the drug store closed and I got kicked out.

Honestly with a work ethic like that, I don’t know how anything gets done out here at all.


Les James said...

Ah, as an escapee from Calif, I see where you've made your mistake. It's not the Lana Turner playbook you should be using it's the Tina Turner.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Hey! I wrote about pissing like a racehorse today too!

Have you tried walking around naked on Venice Beach with a sandwich board sign that says "will write for food?" I heard it worked for the Coen brothers.

Michael from said...

good luck, lobo. we're all counting on you.

Hobbes said...

Just what kind of drugs did they sell at this store? Apart from caffeine, I mean.

Alex L said...

A whole week... whats with those slack bastards. If Les advice doesnt work switch to Ike Turners playbook...

Sandee said...

Thanks for letting me advertise on your blog today. :)