Jazzed by having received my copy of The Amadeus Net by Mark A. Rayner in the mail today, I started to think, “You know, why should I prevent my own radiant brainiosity from being studied and enjoyed by generations upon generations in the annals of future history?”
I've been trying to root out my own book deal, but that's a difficult thing to accomplish when I haven't actually written the book yet.

Or the outline.
Or have a clear idea of what it will be about.
... But I do like the title.
A title is the most important part, really. I would consider myself 85% done with the book if I were you!
Yes, but somehow that remaining 15% will take four years, and be $450,678 overbudget ...
will there be pictures too? I prefer a high ratio of picture pages to text.
You could help ghost write for the new Miley Cyrus autobiography. Apparently, its a colouring book.
Opening it should just yield a big picture of a foot.
Brilliant! Can I borrow Mark's book when you're done?
Well, whaddyaknow! I've just started reading The Amadeus Net too. It seems like all the cool people are doing it. Plus us, of course.
Stephanie has an excellent point. I read somewhere it took Mark two years to write the novel, but then it took seven more to come up with a suitable title.
Yeah, but when is your book coming out in a movie?
Can Rickey borrow it too? Unlike Diesel, Rickey can promise that the pages won't stick together when the book is returned.
CB: I sure hope so. The actual process of writing is so very tedious.
Jinksy: That's a good idea. And if I attach some crayons, the book will look like 100 pages thicker.
FC: I could make it 'scratch 'n sniff'!
Diesel: It's funny ... I had to go to the dentist a few days ago and the only thing I had in the car was "Antisocial Commentary"; now I'm reading it for the second time.
I'm going to have to revisit my review on it one day (I'm a notorious 'skimmer'): the second time around was better than the first … and I thought the first was great!
Mark: I'm really looking forward to peering into the blasted landscape of Mr. Rayner's seething braincase ... :)
robopope: If that's true, we should co-write it. I've saved him 5 years, and he's saved me a whole lot of tiresome “work” and “effort”.
jeff: I'll pull an Abbie Hoffman and call it "This Movie Beats the Crap Out of ... "
Of course, then the "missing chapter" -the one with me taking a jello bath with the Laker Girls- will mysteriously be found ...
Rickey: Which will explain why the Laker Girl Jello Bath Chapter won't make it in the book's first run ...
Who is Mark Rayner? Anybody I should read?
I have to warn you, I bought a book based on the recommendation of Suzy Hollywood and I had to go over there and wack her because the book kinda sucked.
But I'm sure this one is lovely.
If that was mean, feel free to delete me.
I can't believe it. That's the name of my book, too. But my cover is power red.
Bee: I haven't cracked it yet, but Mark A. Rayner writes "The Skwib" (linked in this post and on the site). Ultimately I will do a review, but I'm a terrible reviewer (see above, ask Diesel); I tend to be pretty loyal and biased once a "fandome" is acheived.
Meg: lol! But there's a certain connection to 'LOBO's' utter lack of scale, proportion and tact that comes out with this generic-looking version. Red is too sophisticated for him ...
... You know, I think I've got myself halfway talked into actually trying to write this book ... !!
(Will someone please hand me some crayons?)
hey lobo,
in today's specialized world of publishing, i think you're better off narrowing your focus.
perhaps you can call it "This Book knocks the crap out of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" or "This Book knocks the crap out of The Bible."
Something like that...
Rock On,
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