Nights of the Round Fable
Predator Press
With the Raiders of the Lost Crusader Meme coming to a close, I would like to take this moment to bring up something serious.
After the release of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indy’s faithful and adorable sidekick “Short Round” just seems to vanish from the face of the Earth.
"Well that's impossible," you say. "This could never happen."
Well it turns out that about 8% of Predator Press readers are right 22% of the time: this tragic and shocking true story has been kept under wraps for over 20 years. And it might never been known if not for the dogged and relentless investigative skill of yours truly.
While Indiana’s life -filled with hot chicks, explosions and danger- has thrilled and exhilarated movie audiences for decades, it was found to be ill-suited for raising children; before long Short Round was seized from Indy by Child Protective Custody and placed into foster care.
Heartbroken and psychologically damaged permanently by Indy’s cavalier and lax parenting, Short Round subsequently ran away and seemingly faded into a mysterious shroud of obscurity.
It was no small effort to track his whereabouts from that day forward. But during a chance examination of the MIT Archives, we discovered ancient correspondence with Short Round: it seems that soon thereafter it was discovered that he was woefully poor at math, and due this hideous handicap even MIT rejected him.
His last and lowliest of hopes and dreams were horribly crushed against the Rapids of Cruel Hollywood Fate.
Out of options, he spent a few years with the Harlem Globetrotters to make ends meet ... but nothing seemed to sate his emotional void; during a Vicodin and PCP-fueled rage, he punched a cheerleader and called Curly Joe a “punk-ass bitch” –acts that led to his permanent expulsion from the league.
It might seem true that life hasn't been very kind to Short Round. But shortly after rehab and serving his jail time, he met his true love in a strip bar. Connecting instantly during a conversation about their mutual obsession with snakes, the 'sparks flew' so to speak: now Short and Sassy Round live happily in a Des Moines subdivision with their eight beautiful children.
-The oldest of which begins at MIT this August.

After the release of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indy’s faithful and adorable sidekick “Short Round” just seems to vanish from the face of the Earth.
"Well that's impossible," you say. "This could never happen."
Well it turns out that about 8% of Predator Press readers are right 22% of the time: this tragic and shocking true story has been kept under wraps for over 20 years. And it might never been known if not for the dogged and relentless investigative skill of yours truly.
While Indiana’s life -filled with hot chicks, explosions and danger- has thrilled and exhilarated movie audiences for decades, it was found to be ill-suited for raising children; before long Short Round was seized from Indy by Child Protective Custody and placed into foster care.

It was no small effort to track his whereabouts from that day forward. But during a chance examination of the MIT Archives, we discovered ancient correspondence with Short Round: it seems that soon thereafter it was discovered that he was woefully poor at math, and due this hideous handicap even MIT rejected him.
His last and lowliest of hopes and dreams were horribly crushed against the Rapids of Cruel Hollywood Fate.

It might seem true that life hasn't been very kind to Short Round. But shortly after rehab and serving his jail time, he met his true love in a strip bar. Connecting instantly during a conversation about their mutual obsession with snakes, the 'sparks flew' so to speak: now Short and Sassy Round live happily in a Des Moines subdivision with their eight beautiful children.
-The oldest of which begins at MIT this August.
I can't even afford to pay LOBO for his ghostwriting. And LOBO will work for food. (Or at least that's what his sign says whenever I see him on the side of the road.)