Glitch, Smitch! The People Have Spoken!

Yes, it’s true ‘o Loyal Reader. All my hard work and dedication has finally paid off.
For I am #1 at Humor-Blogs.
Due to the inalienable rights bestowed upon Me by Virtue of Democracy (and Diesel’s glitchy software), the triumph of an Enlightened reign under my Iron Fists of Galvanized Wisdom shall bring happiness to the Blogosphere for generations upon generations to come.

And like any intrepid and courageous hero endowed by the Virtue of Democracy (and Diesel’s glitchy software) leading the huddled masses into a bold new future, I’ve got a list of 82,952 blogs that piss me off because they are funnier than mine.
-Sites that have no place in the annals of a future history that I shall intend to forge with my own two mighty hands!
I want guys like Don, Kevin, Brent and Mark handled with "utmost discretion."
And extreme violence.
I'm going to Vegas ...
...which is now beating yours...
Fortune is truly fickle.
(This will likely occur soon after I start my own funny blogs website where I can have glitchy software and be master of all I survey.)
It's gonna be pretty awesome.
::takes off running::
My blog is number #000000 and I approved this message.
I think I said this before.
I forgive you LOBO.
Oh yeah, it will suck like nothing else. Expect "cool", "lol" and ":)" instead of kick ass commentary like you are accustomed to.
But that's karma Lobo and she is one cruel and hateful bitch. The only way out of this now is to renounce your power and give it to someone else.
Like me.
P.S. cool lol :)
There's always the next glitch to look forward to.
-my new catch phrase.