
Wesley, Cripes!

Predator Press


Once again, the United States Government has jealously dealt a sneaky beneath-the-belt blow to the mighty Predator Press Empire -this time having sentenced Wesley Snipes to 3 years in prison.

The premier of LOBO: The Motion Picture has been once again postponed indefinitely.

This is no small setback. It’s not as simple as just getting another actor; after seeing Blade, I was instantly convinced that only Wesley had the vast acting range, martial arts repertoire and rigorous superhuman physical endurance necessary to play yours truly.

So it’s back to the drawing board.

Despite the rejection letters in the mail, I would like the following gentlemen to return to the set for another screen test:

Thag has stolen my spellchecker, and gaven it to The Skwib


Anonymous said...

I think Jack Black would be BRILLIANT palying you!

Anonymous said...

What is spellchecker? Thag need no spellchecker. Thag grok writing.

Anonymous said...

I think Speedy should play the part..and you will get him cheap with no tax problems to deal with