
Entrecard Introduces New "Dammit, Can't I Afford ANYONE!?" Widget

Predator Press



Testuser said...

I need that one! LOL!

People in the Sun said...

So I'm reading someone commenting on the new rules there, and this blogger complains he can't drop more than 600 cards per day anymore. How insane is that? I don't want to sound dirty--after all, I'm a guest, but I'd rather count ball-hair than drop 600 cards a day.

Matthew S. Urdan said...


Anonymous said...

I'm with people..dropping 600 cards a day is mind numbing...

Janna said...

Sad and funny AND true!

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

I may not be cheap...but I can be had.....

Anonymous said...

before i tried to drop 300 a day, but man, it was so tiring! that was before the new rules. but now, i didn't drop for 2 days and my price even got higher!

Chelle Blögger said...

I wonder how many people will be dropping Entrecard now.

I've been tempted to, but people keep buying ads from me so I'm torn on it.

Anonymous said...

I don't bother with Entracard now but I might start getting involved with more, especially after reading this top notch news.

Because I can't afford anything on there right now. Only some Indonesian SEO blogspot account. That's about it really.

2 EC I paid out for that shit. I was thinking an SEO page might get me a slew of new visitors. SEO my ass. I got no visitors but I did get some new cobwebs.
