Emergency Exit

Doctor I. M. Nyarlathotep finally peers up from his clipboard. "From the symptoms you've described, I'm going to recommend a colonoscopy."
I reflect on this quietly for a moment. "Well that ain't gonna happen. I'm claustrophobic. You'll never get me on a submarine."
"That's a periscope. But the principal is similar. We pass a fiber optic camera through the anus to look for abnormalities."
"Did you wash your hands afterward?"
The doctor sighs. "We want to do that to you."
"Jesus Doc, what the hell kind of website do you run?"
"It's to figure out how to treat you."
"Huh," I says, casually bumping my paper booties against the hospital bed. "But I don't think I could eat a whole camera really. And is that even sanitary? I would have to have a brand new one. Can you make 'em taste like pork chops?"
"We go the other way."
The doctor stares.
I laugh suddenly. "You couldn't possibly mean-"
Doctor Nyarlathotep nods.
"Well let me think this over," I says. I feel myself going pale. "Okay I thought it over. No."

"Every day? I doubt that. How could they walk?" Gripping the edge of the bed to keep my ass firmly planted, my knucles are turning white. "Is there such a thing as a semicolonoscopy?"
"The acquisition of these images is very routine."
"Routine?" I says, thinking quickly. "For an earache?"
"You said you had stomach cramps and-"
"No I didn't. I distinctly said 'earache'. You must've misunderstood." Looking at my watch, I feign surprise. "Oh my god. Is it 10 o'clock already?" Jumping off of the bed, I seize my clothes hurriedly. "I've got to get to a ... thing."

"Well, hoo-wee that makes for an attractive offer," I says.
-Now I'm really in a hurry.
After the pants, I put on my shoes without tying them. "Sorry about that whole 'keyster' mix-up ... honestly, mine could sharpen a pencil right now. And don't worry about me suing you for malpractice or anything. 'Earache' and 'stomach cramps' sound so much alike, I can see where that can happen. Boy, we sure dodged a bullet there."

Doctor Nyarlahotep points to a rumpled pile of clothing with his pen. "You forgot your socks."
"Those, uh, were there when I got here. Bye now!"
You did go back for the socks and underwear later, I hope? :)
Viva La Olga, the Traveling Bra!
Haha. You confused this for your mouth, or you weren't listening? I had to go back and make sure I hadn't misread.
"we can sedate you if necessary."
I usually suggest this too, before exploratory procedures.