
Extreme "Mad Skillz" Home Improvement

Predator Press


Well, I fixed the deck chair good as new.  And I'm starting to consider the garden variety Twisty-Tie mankind's greatest and most-unsung achievement.
O Twisty Tie,
-what limits thee?
From bread to seats,
you mystify.

Your tensile strength
and flexing form,
magically born
in perfect lengths.”

See that? I just made that shit up. THAT'S how awed I am over the humble Twisty-Tie, forgotten in somebody's drawer -unassuming and patiently waiting to be deployed on its single purpose: to attach some shit to something else. Fuck cures for cancer and space shuttles: whoever invented the Twisty-Tie should get a Nobel Prize, season tickets to the Lakers, and a goddamn statue.

-I will bet you one million dollars that when God has decided He has had enough of this dump of a planet and we ironically save it from utter and well-deserved annihilation, there will be a Twisty-Tie involved somewhere.

So I'm on this crazy home improvement jag now, right?  I'm all fixing that weird, crooked drawer that doesn't close right, putting the toilet paper on the spool .... then I decide to finally install my television on the wall. At this point, I was pleased to find I own a tool.  A tool commonly referred to as a “screwdriver.”

This "tool" -which I had previously mistaken for one of mom's fancy cooking utensils- is a steel rod with a four-sided pointed tip used to drive screws ... hence it’s designation: a flathead screwdriver.

Used properly, this item can be held by the silvery thin part and used to bash the screws in with the wider end, also known as the handle.

But this television is a piece of crap.


Buyer Seaware

Predator Press


As I'm sure you all remember, Predator Press has fallen on hard times.

We've been through worse.  Still, I'm bein' forced to come up with some quick cash.

I've decided to sell the Official Predator Press Nuclear Submarine at a fraction of it's original value on eBay:

It's hell on gas, but you can pretty much park it anyplace you want.


One Man Flash Mob

Predator Press

The guard completed a complex-seeming series of transactions with a set of keys, and the heavy doors slid back open; the armored elevator seemed to have moved at all, but the dungeon-like quality of the new floor was immediate and palpable.

Flandsa Ha’asasanba -familiar somewhat with the cellblock for his own reasons- proceeded to cellblock 'I' -ironically the location of LOBO's 'POD'- without an expected direction request.

In the center of a checkerboarded lancing of light, LOBO, in an orange jumpsuit, sat on a cot facing the opposite wall. He was not the pensive animal Flandsa was expecting. He seemed, well, serene.

“Flandsa Ha’asasanba,” said LOBO in a cool voice that unnerved Flandsa. Rubbing his wooly, unkempt facial growth in thought, LOBO didn’t turn to address him, but as Flandsa grew closer, he could see LOBO’s face -it was covered in a macabre splash of dripping red.

Flandsa stopped at the sliding cell door and steeled himself for anything. “I don’t know why I would be surprised to see you in here,” he joked.

“Yes,” LOBO replied coolly. He rose, slightly wobbly from the crutch, and made his way to his visitor. “I’m a con now. A hardened, dangerous man. Did you know I converted to Islam? I‘m also a Crip and a Blood.”

“You’ve only been in here two hours.”

“Two hours is plenty of time to get yourself killed when you’re on this side of the law,” whispered LOBO with authority. "Respect is everything in here. And do you know the best way to get the respect you need to survive when doing Hard Time?"

Flandsa shrugged patiently. LOBO was moving poorly, and only now arriving to lean on the cellbars.

“You have to make a name for yourself," said LOBO, squinting painfully. Fully in the sharp wedge of light, his eyes dilated wildly. "You have to pick out the biggest, meanest, toughest, ugliest guy in your POD and rape him.”

“You mean fight him,” Flandsa corrected helpfully.

“Fight him? Shit. Have you seen the biggest, meanest, toughest, ugliest guy in my POD? He’d kill me.”

“Well then how would you-?”

“I was thinking roofies or something. I don’t know. It’s complicated,” LOBO admitted. “Not to mention I don’t think I’ve ever even been drunk enough to rape a guy. I mean I guess I just close my eyes and pretend it’s only Sarah Palin.”

Brief shuffles of movement. From various directions just out of the stale, flickering overhead lights over Flandsa. The loneliness of this conversation is wholly illusion.

“What happened to your face?” Flandsa asked, changing the subject.

“It’s these fucking ketchup packets. They’re complicated enough as it is, but the lighting in here is terrible.”

“Why didn't you bail out?” Flandsa inquired. “It’s only six dollars.”

-Nervous, illusive titters spring like lightning bolts. LOBO, noticing, starts seeking them out. Speaking unnecessarily loudly, he asks, “So my boy, did you bring me the Viagra and rolls of duct tape I asked for?”


“Yeah well, it’s been long enough. Post Cereal has agreed to drop all charges if you promise to-”

"Only now, too late, does Big Cereal realize it has wakened a sleeping giant," LOBO snarled. “I don’t negotiate with Big Cereal. Especially now that the juggernaut has rumbled to life. Their oppresive rule is coming to an end.”

The pause that ensued was punctuated dramatically by a fart from someone sleeping to Flandsa's left.

“But you have a broken ankle and boken wrist," Flandsa implored. "Don’t you want some medical attention? Some painkillers?”

“The pain merely helps burn in the memory,” LOBO scoffed proudly. “The memory of the beginning of the overthrow of Big Cereal. And we won‘t need painkillers in a post-Post world. With real food, our bones will be nigh indestructible.”

“You think Post Cereal is poisoning you?”

“Ever had Grape Nuts?

“Well-” Flandsa stammered. “Yeah."

“I have no idea what that crap is either,” LOBO explained. “But I can tell you you would be hard pressed to find a grape or a nut in it. And it tastes like the spackle for holes in Noah’s Ark.”

“I think you’re supposed to add sugar and stuff-”

“Add stuff? Isn’t it pretty much a box of added stuff already?” LOBO is incredulous. “What is this, the Middle Ages? Well the Middle Ages are over buddy. I‘m ending this Middle Age just like Paul Revere ended the last one.”

“LOBO, the Sheriff has asked me to ask you to leave. They can’t keep you without some kind of reason.”

“Participate in a cover up? And end the Revolution? Never!” But after a thoughtful surveillance of his cell, LOBO relented.

“Only if they let me redo my mug shot.”


Predator Press Movie-Middle Reviews: Braveheart

Predator Press


Braveheart, starring Mel Gibson, is apparently the story of a bunch of people that liked to fight a lot more than they liked to bathe.

The afore-mentioned hygiene problem suggests to me that the story takes place way, way in the past. Probably the late 80’s … the whole grunge look is “in,” there's a sprinkling of goth, and you still have a generous helping of mullets.

Mel Gibson is like really, really pissed about something I probably missed when I was in the bathroom, and is just killing people left and right. Did someone steal his pants? Mel Gibson is totally out of control. Jesus, where are the cops when you need them? Some of the places Mel killed people at should be isolated as crime scenes and dusted for fingerprints! I mean holy crap, he’s not even wearing pants; he’s probably leaving DNA everywhere he sits!

Damn. Telephone.

Anyway, blah blah nah nah. Mel Gibson’s arch-enemy -Merlin, I think- has a great big-assed beard. Holy crap that’s a big-assed beard; Merlin better be careful around open flames. Under enormous pressure to get some pants on the freeballin’ serial killer Mel Gibson, Merlin is often mad at people too -probably because he doesn’t have an X-Box and is forced to push little war toys around on a big war map. I’m not clear on if the map surrendered because then stuff started blowing up.

Conveniently, all Mel Gibson's freinds don’t wear pants either, and have gathered together on this big island -probably Hawaii- so’s Merlin's British guys can kill them with maximum efficiency. In historical context, this inadvertently causes America to declare war on Britain and drags us into World War II. Was Merlin elected by the Japanese when he bombed Pearl Harbor? Or did Merlin create the Godless Yellow Hoard with the explicit intent of pulling the Aloha Spirit out of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s keyster? Hm? Hell I don’t know man … shit that was a long time ago. We may never know for sure. The fact that the first half of this movie is total 'Chick Flick' didn't help, and I found myself fast-forwarding a lot.

I don’t even know how the movie ends; a commercial for Sham Wow came on, and after some brief channel-surfing I found Family Feud. Where is the fat guy with the weird teeth? The #1 answer was toothpaste. Holy crap that dumbass lost the whole game for his family, and made them look like assholes on national television. I wouldn‘t want to be at that house for Thanksgiving dinner!

By the time I got through the Hee Haw marathon, I had all but lost interest in how Braveheart ended ... but I sure hope they caught Mel Gibson! My guess is that the movie would go on to show Merlin bombing Pearl Harbor until John Wayne and Jesus killed him and kicked all the Japanese out of America. To this day, the Japanese remain banished to the other, crappier side of the world ... which is fine with me really; Hee Haw translated into Japanese is just plain weird.

As far as the Predator Press Movie-Middle Review, we give Braveheart, like, sixty-six thumbs up. The exploding stuff, fight scenes, gratuitous violence, and historical accuracy had it on the cusp of a beefy two hundred and sixteen thumbs up, but the middle of Braveheart suffered from the glaring absence of nudity, robots, and football. It was also dinged grammatically for the improper contraction of the words "Brave" and "Heart." Further, it wasn't in 3-D, Sigourney Weaver wasn't in it, and it wasn't Avatar -an automatic eleven-thumb penalty.

Still, a solid sixty-six thumbs up is nothing to scoff at.

-I, for one, can't wait for the middle of the sequel.

On Mom's Fridge (Magnetized for Your Protection)

Predator Press



Feminist CDC Scientist Identifies Himpes Venereal Disease

Predator Press


"The implications are clear," warns Doctor Kimberly Eisner, a Senior Researcher at the Center of Disease Control.  "What we have here is clearly a pandemic in the making."

She is among the first scientists to discover that in blind experiments, when control groups of men walked around with catfish and certain strains of small mouth Bass in their underpants, painful cuts, lesions and rashes often appear on the male penis.

Most scientists attribute this to attacks by hungry and feral neighborhood cats, and question her motives and methods.  Nonetheless, the Obama Administration recently granted her a twelve million dollar research grant to investigate the issue further.

"Men who walk around with catfish and certain strains of small mouth Bass in their underpants deserve a cure just like anybody else," Eisner insists.  "The debilitating effects are horrifying to see, perhaps rivaled only by those who like to wear live hand grenades in their underpants."


Ox Nuts and the Escape from Zanzibar

Predator Press


x Nuts and Gwendolyn, on a beautiful white stallion Ox Nuts named Beautiful White Stallion, rode day and night at full gallop. But just as they arrived at the Zanzibar border, they got pulled over by the ZPD.

"Excuse me sir, I am going to need to see your license and registration," demanded one of the cops. "Do you have any idea how fast you were going? This is a school zone."

"Hey, O'Malley," said the second cop. "This guy looks familiar. Isn't this the guy that escaped the Vile Prince of Zanzibar yesterday?"

"Indeed," Ox Nuts replied menacingly. "It is I, the Mighty Ox Nuts!"

"We don't want any trouble mister.  Word on the street is somebody put a hit on the geometry class. If that's you, we don't want any part of that."

"Yeah," O'Malley agreed.  "That sounds kinda dangerous, and frankly unprofitable.  We just want to give you some traffic tickets and send you on your way."

So Ox Nuts was cited for going 30mph in a 20, a busted taillight, and a parking ticket for pulling over in a red zone.

"How can a horse have a busted taillight?" Ox Nuts complained.

"Forget it," said Gwendolyn. "Let's just go find someplace we can have sex."

"Ox Nuts cannot have sex with you," he brooded. "Not while Gwendolyn is married to the Vile Prince of Zanzibar!"

"Okay whatever. Just drop me off at that night club over there. I'll see you in a few hours." As she dismounted, she paused thoughtfully, peering into Ox Nut's clearly wounded eyes.  And as she watched, a single tear ran down his Mighty cheek.

"Well, see you later," she waved.  "Do you have any condoms?  I hate when I get all itchy down there."