
The Truth Is Out There. Probably.

Predator Press


The rollout of God's new "I'm Tired of Taking Your Crap" tour -and the subsequent phasing in of His vastly expanded 507 Commandments- shocked theologians around the world.

"Look," says Pope Benedict II.0 during the press conference. "I can't throw a rock without hitting a 'Church of Agnostic Baptist Jesuit Diagonal Orthodoxies' or whatever anymore -you mushheads would worship iced tea and potted plants if Tom Cruise told you to."

"You cannot fool me," says Odysseus from the back row. "Tom Cruise hates tea."

"Facts are facts people," Benedict sighs, tapping the podium in exasperation. "From here on out, we're goin' Old Testament on yer asses. And frankly I don't know why I'm bothering ... under the new rules, the bulk of you are going to burn in the Lake of Fire forever anyway. But a decent, honest effort might help you obviate the simultaneous electric eel enemas."

"Yuck!" says Odysseus. "Isn't that cruelty to animals -and therefore a sin itself?"

"Once again," Benedict drones. "All animals used in the service of the Lord except ocelots will be whisked straight up to Heaven."

"Why 'except ocelots'?"

"God hates ocelots. They're mean, make hideous noises when they're in heat, and are virtually impossible to housebreak. Ever try and get the smell of ocelot spray out of clouds? You gotta get, like, tanker trucks of Febreze up there, and this requires an assload of permits and Union negotiations and -Cripes Odysseus, are you writing any of this down? I'm getting really tired of repeating myself."

"Sorry," says Odysseus. "How do you spell 'ocelot'?"

For what seems like an awkward eternity, Odysseus squirms under the crushing weight of Benedict's incredulous, blinking stare.


Weary, Benedict rolls on with the announcements despite the nervous muttering. "Okay. Commandment number 367: Thou Shalt Not Leave Legos Where People Might Walk Barefoot."

"Legos?" says the dejected Dalai Lama, furiously scrawling notes from the front row. "I can't believe how way off I've been. At this rate, I'll never get me one of them cool hats."

"Hello Dalai," laughs Benedict. "-So solly! I wear this hat, and only I wears this hat. This here hat is deeply-rooted in the tradition of being a symbol of the One True Faith. But you can buy a nice baseball cap at the Vatican gift shop. I'll even Bless it for you. Now shut up and let me finish before Kanye West gets here."

"Wait," says Lao Tsu, waving his pencil over his head. "Can you repeat the part about the potted plants?"

Suddenly Gandhi leaps from behind a marble statue, and after deftly grabbing Benedict's hat, scampers off.

"Ha ha!" Gandhi chimes, hat teetering dangerously as he dances in gleeful victory.

"Gimmee my hat back, you asceticist hippie freak!" shrieks Benedict. "I'll poke your eye out with this here pointy stick!"

"Alright that's it," says Jesus from the second row, standing and rolling up his sleeves. "I'm sick of these interruptions. Gandhi, if you don't cut it out, I'm gonna kick your ass all the way up and down the Eightfold Path."

Buddha's chair creaks in relief as he stands. "So you're gonna beat up an old man, tough guy?"

"Watch it there fatbody," says Jesus holding up both fists. "I came back from the dead -you can't even grow hair. And how about putting down the cheese sticks and spending a little time on that Nordic Track we got you?"

"Gentlemen!" snaps Benedict.

"Wow," says Buddha, eyeing Jesus' circling fists. "I didn't know you were a southpaw."

"I'm not a southpaw," Jesus replies. "What makes you think I'm a southpaw?"

"Your left hand has the bone structure of a southpaw."

"Really?" says Jesus, inspecting it closely. "I've never noticed a-"

Just then Buddha smacked Jesus' elbow, driving His hand into His own forehead.

"Buddha, stop messing with Jesus," says Mohamed, storming into the large antechamber. "Sorry I'm late." Sizing up Buddha's ever-burgeoning girth, he whistles. "Dude, we all pitched in on that Nordic Track. Did you even open the box?"

"Hey hey hey," demands Benedict. "Shut those doors behind you. You'll let out the air conditioning."

"Yeah Mohamed," says Buddha. "Were you born in a barn?"

"Oh, like I've never heard that one before," says Jesus. "Real original. You guys better remember my Dad can kick the crap out of all you guys with the entire universe tied behind His back."

"Oh yeah?" says Buddha. "Where exactly did you read that?"

"It's in the Bible."

"I thought God wrote the Bible," says Ganesha.

"He did," says Jesus.

"Okay," says Shiva. "Lessee here. If my Dad wrote a book about kicking other Gods' butts, I wonder how it would've turned out."

"Um," I clear my throat. "Excuse me."

"What the hell is that?" asked Buddha.

"That is, eh, one of My Father's creations," says Jesus. "His name is LOBO."

"Ewe," says Pelé. "I'm going to have to rinse my eyes in lava to burn this image out."

"How revolting," says Buddha. "Just look at his skin. Blech. He must play a lot of Final Fantasy XII."

"Jesus, what gives?" says Zeus, gesturing at me. "Was your Dad in a hurry or something?"

"Dammit I'm standing right here," I remind them.

"Maybe," says Jesus cautiously to Zeus, scratching his beard. "There’s a long-standing ‘In His Image’ clause in the Charter, but in this particular case I better check my facts."

"Yeah thanks Jesus," I says. "While I'm here, can I enroll for the rest of your Self Esteem Seminars?"

"Well, please look into it soon," says Pelé to Jesus. "I'll bet if you ever had to get an eyewash from a volcano, you would have much higher standards."

"Careful Pelé. You could 'poki' you eye out," says Benedict. "Eh? Eh?"

[Nobody got it]

"He isn't even wearing any fish skeletons!" remarks Poseidon.

"Be serious P," says Tupac. "This punk-ass bitch ain't got no bling."

Don't say it out loud. Don't say it out loud. Please God don't say it out loud-

"Nah," I shake my head. "I blow all my cash on Biggie Smalls records."

-You dumb @!#$% asshole. I told you not to say it out loud-!

"Say Benedict," asks Tupac. "Does that Vatican gift shop sell sporting goods?"


"Little white man," says Tupac, leaning close to my ear. "You're lucky I already used all my bullets on that lousy choir."

"So am I late for the party?" asks Zeus. "I brought everybody gold!"

"You better keep that 'Shower of Gold' in your pants Mister," says Hera, "or Perseus is going to public school!"

[All laugh]

"It's all good baby," says Zeus. "It's all good."

"Okay," says Benedict. "Nobody got my 'poki' joke, but Hera is a hit by making lame jokes about her husband's infidelities?"

"Dude," whispers Shiva. "Don't go there. Zeus gets pissed. Turns you into crap."

"Well Hera is an enabler," Benedict reasons.

"Uh, yeah, okay," guffaws Shiva, rolling her eyes. "If 'enabler' is a euphemism for slut."

"Excuse me," I repeat, clearing my throat.

"Jesus," breathes Gandhi. "Is he still here?"

"It appears so," says Jesus. "I seriously would have thought Tupac would've waxed him by now."

"What is it, you repulsive little mortal man?" groans Pelé.

"Hey sister, lay off," says the Dalai Lama. "The fact that this poor guy is so hideously deformed that Angler fish probably wouldn't sleep with him isn't his fault-"

"Hey!" I protest.

"-and I've had enough of your smartmouthed mortal-bashing. You know all that poi you Hawaiians eat, Pelé? You want to know where that poi comes from?"

Odysseus' eyebrows furrow. "Where?"

"Every full moon," says Apollo, "A squad of pixies descend upon Poseidon and pop the zits on his back."

"What!?" screams Pelé.

"I consider it payback really," Poseidon shrugs. "Those Hawaiians pee in the ocean so much, the water is like three degrees warmer there."

The Dali Lama sneers. "How do you like me now, immortal volcano bitch? Hm?"

It was at the exact second -while everyone was distracted by Odysseus puking in the wastepaper basket- I finally interrupt. "Ladies and gentlemen -and, uh, whatever- my name is LOBO, and I'm here to cover this history-making story for Predator Press. And indeed so far this is a good story. But you know what would make this a great story?"

"Hey Zeus," Samson snickers. "Five bucks says I could kill a thousand people with this guy's jawbone."

"Ha ha!" says Zeus, high-fiving him. "Good one!"

C'mon LOBO I tell myself. Be persuasive. "What would make this a great -no- epic story for my blog would be you all just slugging it out to the death, once and for all."

"Fight to the death?" asks Shiva, perplexed.

"Well it would be a heck of a lot simpler to write about, and I only got about six shots left on my disposable camera. This is the reel from when I went to Cancun."

"Ah god," stammers a deathly pale Odysseus, stumbling back into his chair. "I used to like poi."

"But why would we do that?" Zeus asks me, bemused. "Without many of us to choose between, humans wouldn't have the ability to decide who to worship. And what good is an entire mortal lifetime not squandered over the amusing fear of cryptic laws, weird rituals of worship, moral ambiguity, perpetual doubt, unnecessary violence, and the ever-present potential consequence of Eternal Damnation?"

"Well that's kinda my point, isn't it?"

"I used to like Hawaii," Odysseus groans.

"Am I missing something here?" asks Poseidon. "We're having trouble seeing any upside to your proposal."

"What about saving my Cancun pictures?" I scowl. "Weren't you listening? You all should just hash this thing out right now. Think about it. A single God would really take the pressure off humankind too, and that's what we're looking for really: a dynamic God with a refreshing 'can-do' attitude. Plus once we've eliminated all this headachy mystery crap, Humankind can devote itself full time to building Him or Her pyramids or whatever! I think we deserve a crushing, repressive theocratic reign for the rest of Eternity in happiness. Don't you?"

"I can see his point," says Gandhi. "One God and one simple set of rules would really help humankind through a lot of this confusion. Besides, I always wanted a pyramid."

"Hey," says Zeus. "Has anyone seen Hera or Tupac?"

"-Eh," starts Shiva, thinking quickly. "How would we settle this? Hypothetically, of course."

"I recommend duking it out straight up," I says. "And if it's boxing, I've got two-to-one on all takers Vishnu will clean house."

"I've got twenty that says Vishnu doesn't last three rounds," says Zeus. "That's a glass jaw if I ever saw one."

"You're on."

"Look, we're not boxing over the fate of the universe," says Apollo. "I say we go 'Rock, Paper, Scissors.'"

I frantically fish out my wallet. "Then I got three-to-one on Vishnu!"

"We can't box or play 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' for the fate of the universe against a guy with fifty arms," says the Dalai Lama. "Why don't we just save a lot of time and energy and give it to the guy wearing the gayest boots?"

"Kiss my ass," says Apollo.

"Perhaps Humankind is now ready," says Zeus, eyebrow arched, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Maybe we should finally reveal to them that the True secret to Heaven and Eternal Happiness is-"

"Look," I sigh. "All this endless jibber-jabber is getting us nowhere. And I think I speak for all Humankind when I say that we humans don't give a crap about all that blissed-out hippie Eternal Salvation or whatever, and sitting around and debating this stuff is how we got into this problem in the first place. I'm sticking to my guns with the boxing thing. Elimination matches, one survivor, winner-take-all. Aren't you curious yourselves who the first punk would be to get whacked?"

"Not particularly," says L. Ron Hubbard.


An That's How I Found Out I'm Jewish

Predator Press


“… and as a consequence,” Terri concludes, shutting her Bible, “The Jews are God’s Chosen People.”

Slowly coming out of a trance of binge writing, I pause on that random thought.

“I didn’t know I was Jewish,” I interject.

It’s the first thing I’ve said in forty minutes or so, and Terri, Screechy and Shiftless turn and stare at me blankly.

“What do you mean?” asks Terri cautiously. "We're not Jewish."

“Well I don’t want to brag, but if God has a 'Chosen People,'” I gesture to myself. “I’m clearly it. Ergo I’m Jewish, right?”

Screechy, six years old, rolls his eyes for the first time.

I’m so proud.

Sensing a religious discussion, Shiftless fidgets uncomfortably.

“Don’t mock religion,” Terri scowls. “It’s not funny.”

Mock religion?” I defend. “I love religion. Heck, the two hours of church you guys go to on Sunday is the most peaceful this house is all week. Stop oppressing my people.”

“You’re going to start going to church too,” she insists.

“Then how will I know when my NFL teams need prayers?”

Terri shakes her head. “God doesn’t meddle with football games.”

“Yeah well maybe not with the Bears' anyway,” I concede.

“God is busy. He orchestrates the cosmos. He feeds the animals.”

“God feeds the animals the other animals,” I point out wandering to the kitchen. “Today is Friday, right?”


Disappointedly, I gape into the refrigerator.

“Is KFC kosher?”


Heroes Come In All Shapes And IQs

Predator Press


Is there anything worse than a bored cop?



-I should back up a little.

Terri and I got here in California a year ago, and just today got our drivers licenses straightened out. Long story short, we would go to the DMV and they would tell us we needed “X” document. So we would mail for “X” document, receive it weeks or months later, and return to the DMV only to find out we needed “Y” document too.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Anywho, Terri picked up a ticket a few months ago because the address on her license wasn’t current. Haha. Ain’t that a kick in the pants? So immediately from the DMV we go to the police station to get the ticket signed. From there, we head for the courthouse to pay the fine.

Now I’ve never been to this courthouse before, and it doesn’t cross my mind we have to go through a metal detector until we’re standing in front of it. Belt, keys, wallet, watch and cellphone are dropped into a little plastic tray, and I proceed to the far end of the X-Ray machine.

“Can I see your cellphone again please?” says the security woman. Talking to Terri and trying to get my belt back on, I hand it to her more on autopilot than anything.

But after a few moments, it appears something is amiss. She’s got my phone out of it’s holster, and staring. Then she looks at the X-Ray screen. Then back at the phone. She calls a nearby police officer over.

“Something wrong?” I ask.

“Well, I can’t figure this out,” she says. Pointing at the screen with her pen, she draws a circle around a globular shape. “What’s that?

I recognize it. Shit. “That’s not my phone,” I reply reaching for my wallet. “It’s this Tool Logic doohickey.”

"Tool Logic doohickey" is a technical term for a credit card-like set of miniature tools Ethan got for me a few years ago; I slipped it into my wallet, and haven’t thought of it since. It’s got a little set of tweezers, a can opener, and –unfortunately for me- a small blade.

Now enter bored cop.

-Bored cop that now has his hand on his firearm.

“Didn’t you see the red signs everywhere?”

Terri and I look around.


What red signs?”

“The signs outside that say no weapons in the courthouse.”

I’m perplexed. “Weapon? That’s a tool. It says so right on the side in big bold letters.” I point at the prominent TOOLLOGIC logo. “See? T-O-O-L. And seriously. Who am I going to kill with that? You guys got some kind of rabbit infestation or something? My belt is actually deadlier if you think about it ...”

I suddenly realize the tension of the situation is rapidly escalating. Everyone in the large foyer has grown ominously silent, and all eyes are on us.

-This guy is serious.

Curses! My diabolical plan to commandeer this podunk courthouse and fly it into the World Trade Center has been foiled.

“I could take you to jail for trying to smuggle this in here,” he says. He’s a smaller guy than I am, but he’s doing that well-practiced cop body language thing, half-designed to corral me to the side, and half to intimidate.

But I ain’t some spray-on tan local red-eyed fruitflake: I’m from Chicago, fuckwad.

-You start the music, you get the dance.

“Stand back everyone!” I demand a loudly. “Or I'll open every goddamned envelope in this place!”


How to Cheat at

Predator Press


Rule #1: Don't Cheat To Get Number One. The #1 spot is under constant scrutiny, and is usually occupied by some asshole. Make yourself, like, number five or so: this modestly elevated status won't raise any eyebrows, and flies under the radar.

Rule #2: For Christ's Sake Do Some Legwork. Upload a goofy photo, and develop favorites for your blogless, soulless fake profiles. And -above all- vote on others occasionally with them. It's kinda like government: suspicions are easily mitigated by letting others profit on your enterprising endeavors.

Plus, anything less than your full creative effort is just plain insulting.

Rule #3: Space Out Your Votes: If your voters are so lazy and vapid they don't have profiles, pictures, or other favorites, what are the odds they are all going to religiously show up within an hour on the two times you post every week?


NASA is Dumb

Predator Press


As I see it, the biggest economic quagmire in the United States is all the money we are paying those so-called "engineers" at NASA.

I’ve been arguing that the Space Shuttle should be retired for years already … I wouldn't scrounge that thing for parts. Forget the last recorded oil change, I don’t think they even wash the thing anymore.

Like the El Camino, there comes a time for all vehicles when we stop hammerin out the dings, prop them up on cinderblocks, and leave them retired in the trailer park with dignity.

So to me, the news that NASA was developing the next generation of spacecraft couldn’t have been more welcome.

The mind reels in the technological possibilities:

Now brace yourselves for what the dynamic and sexy NASA nerds picked.


-I haven't been this excited about science since we discovered a whole new strain of mold.

Those NASA rubes are probably pulling down like $9 or $10 an hour ... and this is what we get? Oh holy crap. This isn't cutting-edge stuff. I've seen it before in the 60s -'cept back then they called it "Gemini."

What is NASA trying to do ... embarrass us on a galactic scale? It doesn't even have a lousy death ray. Not one! Can we at least get the guys from American Chopper to glue some fake ones on? And who signed off on this paint scheme? Can't we get some flames down the side, or maybe a chick riding a panther put on it somewhere?

As it stands, this laughable design would only encourage a hoard of would-be space overlords.

And speaking of would-be space overlords, how many hundreds of our tax dollars are spent every year without those lazy SETI pricks finding anybody for us to have wars with? We all know aliens out there, smugly and hiding behind a phony shroud of blissful tranquility and plotting the violent demise of the Human Race in secrecy -we have to find them and kick their space asses first!

But if SETI doesn't find anything, don't you think they it's incumbent upon them to make some stuff up every once in a while? They’re probably bored, starin at a blank cosmic answering machine all day and night like some heartbroken teenager anyway; life still hopeful and dreams yet uncrushed, isn't maybe stirring up a little drama the least they can do?

Consider it a drill ... a drill to encounter intelligent aliens and bring the galaxy "Freedom." After all, the ability to exterminate an entire military, occupy their respective distant home worlds, and make the survivors do forced labor doesn't come easy -and we're running out of terrestrial stuff to practice "Freedom" on.

In conclusion, SETI shouldn't get another dime until we see at least a ten-page outline on a vaible and sinister celestial threat.

-And not some M Night Shamma-lamma-ding-dong bullshit either: this thing better be every inch Spielberg.

As for NASA? The way I see it, ruling the primitive war-like inhabitants of the galaxy under Enlightened, iron-fisted human Benevolence and Wisdom is our sacred intergalactic duty, and not taking the initiative here will most assuredly invite cosmic despotic tyranny.


Charlie Who -Wants to WHAT?

Predator Press


I think Charlie Sheen should get his meeting with Obama to discuss the possibility of a 9/11 conspiracy, but only under the condition that it’s a “quid quo pro”: I’ve been trying to figure out what conspiracy allowed the making of Major League II for years.

Perhaps this is an example of “Method Acting”: Charlie -absolutely seething with "Method"- is about to release a movie called Foodfight! where he voices a character named Dex Dogtective. This controversy will doubtlessly cause enough Hollywood “buzz” to finally catapult Charlie's performances into the Oscars.

Charlie Sheen is most certainly an actor. Al Fresco -the guy that unloads his mower from a pickup truck and mows my lawn- is most certainly a gardener. But I am always happy to see Al Fresco ... largely because he does much-needed work, and he does it extremely well.

This isn’t to say I don't want every teeny nuance of 9/11 investigated; I'm just saying from a Public Relations standpoint, Al Fresco should be at this meeting too.

-Al Fresco doesn’t speak good English well, but nonetheless may contribute volumes to the meeting's credibility by simple virtue of his unrelentingly conscientious taste, and extraordinary talent for his craft.

Meanwhile Charlie hawks Hanes® underwear.

But could Charlie's underwear possibly be better than Al Fresco's?

I rest my case.


Predator Press Declares Self “Official Website of Atlantis”

Predator Press


Well why not? We’re just as qualified as any of those other jerks. Predator Press has as long a history of not proving things as anyone: I’ve been questioning the Legend of Bigfoot, the female orgasm, and the existence of Canada since this blog's virtual inception.

Cryptic, vague references to the lost city of Atlantis go back dozens of years -before many of us were even born. For instance the philosopher Plato -most famous for killing Socrates by bashin him upside the head with a hemlock- waxed on and on and on about it. But like everyone else in history Plato is now dead too, and as a consequence of not getting himself on television we no longer have any records of his teachings, nor any idea what he was talking about.

There's a lot of possibilties if you think about it. It might have been Plato's crafty way to trick Diogenes into taking a bath every once in a while. "Here," Plato might say to Diogenes. "Take this bar of soap as an offering, and they might let you drive a flying car!" Or maybe Plato was just really, really drunk.

Many scientists concur that Atlantis is now in Las Vegas masquerading as a casino -but many scientists also do not agree with this too: this all remains to be decided by careful application of something called the “Scientific Method.” While not familiar with said “Scientific Method” per se, I’m almost certainly going to Pay-Per-View the event; how often do you see guys in lab coats beating each other with tire irons and gigantic robots in pursuit of The Truth?*

Man, science is cool.

In conclusion, I submit that nobody has provided more proof of the existence of Atlantis than we have in this post -thus Predator Press is most deserving of the coveted “Official Website of Atlantis” title.

Eh, plus whatever royalties and recognition that should come with this mammoth and expensive undertaking.

*It seems only fair to warn you, Predator Press scienticians have had a giant robot -well suited for obliterating other so-called “theories” in a spray of blood and bone- in production since 2008.

It even has cup holders now.


Science Is A Wonderful Thing



Science is a wonderful thing. Science, for instance, aided me in waking up this morning. Of course, if you're not great at waking up and find the experience utterly repugnant and liable to leave you in a foul mood for at least the first half-hour of consciousness - a quick wave to my wife here who may be reading - then you may conclude that science in this particular case is decidedly not a wonderful thing. As an amateur scientist you are perfectly within your rights to come to that conclusion; the beauty of science is that it's great to be wrong. For you.

Science is a wonderful thing. Science, as I've mentioned, aided me in waking up this morning. Science made it possible for a production line of six-year-old Thais to put together the components of my digital alarm clock. Science was also involved in the biological processes that gently shifted my body out of its comatose state, through an interlude of dreaming the likes of which would blow your mind were I to divulge its thread of insanity, and thence to a state of near-alertness primed to ensure the alarm clock entered its so-called "Snooze" state as soon as humanly possible after blasting out and flashing into life.

Some people, it seems, are irritated by a pulsing, blue glow accompanied by the local radio station's attempt to promote a local double glazing manufacturer with an obviously-locally-produced advert through the medium of a happy jingle and unoriginal tagline at 200dB at 6:45 in the morning. A quick wave to my wife here who may still be reading.

Science is a wonderful thing. Science, as I've explained, aided me in waking up this morning. And, after waking, science then assisted in ensuring I was ready for the day by permitting my house's artificial intelligence computer network entity to manufacture a series of deadly pits, logic puzzles, and feats of strength between the bedroom and bathroom while I slept. Cleaning your teeth with a heart rate of 187 beats per minute while tending to an oxyacetylene burn on the thigh and contemplating the best way to dispose of a vicious - but now vanquished and rapidly rotting on the hallway carpet - chimeric nightmare formed in the cloning lab in the attic is how I like to prepare for whatever life can throw at me.

That's all thanks to science. And a lot of money. Obtained with the help of gun science and a look of fury that said "turn that effing thing off and let me go back to sleep and do something with your life before I strangle you" from a certain someone, early one morning, many years ago. A quick wave to my wife here who may be skimming down the page by now.

Science is a wonderful thing. Science, you're aware, aided me in waking up this morning. Thereafter, science came together in a show of force to ensure I was at peak mental and physical efficiency for a day of work. You won't be surprised to learn this: that's science work!

Today I engaged in scientific research. The size of a man's vehicle is inversely proportional to the size of a man's preferred tool of reproduction; we all know this to be fact. I and my team at the We'll Study Anything If There's A Grant Involved Foundation, however, also ascertained that there is a directly proportional relationship between the size of a man's vehicle and just how much of a dick he really is.

Science can now confirm that a man who drives a Fiat Punto is most-likely great all round and well-endowed, bus and truck drivers are total tossers with shrivelled appendages, and captains of oil tankers deserve every piratical act that happens upon them and never visit the toilet without a pair of tweezers for assistance.

Yes, science is a wonderful thing. Oh, and I used to drive a Fiat Punto. A quick wave - and a wink - to my wife here who may have skipped to the end.

Submission and Rules


The Brood Network

Predator Press


A vague dalliance with "Facebook" has given me an often-unrequested glimpse into the past, and friends from way back are beginning to build their own blogs and web page variants.

One remarked recently that Predator Press was weird.

"Weird!" I says indignant. "Just look at her site. It's like 1000 pictures of her kids she slapped together a few months ago."

"Blogging means different things to different people," Terri defended.

"Well that's weird if you ask me," I retort. "Putting up pictures and the names of your kids on the internet seems like an invitation to weirdoes. And if your audience is weirdoes, that's weird by definition."

"What's your point?" she asks sarcastically.

Skimming, I scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the following quote:

***Please don't RIP nor COPY any CONTENTS here.***

"WTF?" I demand. "Like some retired international jewel thief is scouring the internet for pics of children to claim are his? Imagine the overhead on that operation," I surmise. "The child support alone would be staggering."

Terri chuckles over my shoulder. "She's obviously very protective."

I scowl checking the hit counter. "Well we got kids fair and square. I might want to capitalize on this idea while I can -particularly with Screechy on the verge of moving out on his own."

Terri stares. "He's seven."

"We can't coddle him forever!"