Showing posts sorted by date for query "FEED LOBO". Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query "FEED LOBO". Sort by relevance Show all posts


Rejection Coverage 2012

Predator Press


Staring down the barrel of one of the most depressing, disproportionately-charged presidential elections in decades, I suppose some rare political commentary is warranted.

From Romney’s poor categorization of Russian foreign policy to Obama’s flabbergasting ignorance(?) of the role of the Supreme Court, I have seen enough historic distortion and political boobery to be genuinely concerned over the fate of a country LOBOnia shares deep and mutually-beneficial diplomatic ties with.

The United States of America.

My issue with Obama is simply that if he held off the announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s [OBL] death at least for a few weeks, we could have used the intelligence we gathered at his compound and snuffed out Al Qaeda entirely. My issue with Romney is kinda less-specified, but one only has to listen to Rush Limbaugh for five minutes to cement distrust for the Republican Party .

Under the much-ballyhooed Ronald Reagan, my life was never worse. I bussed tables at a “Duff’s” smorgasbord, and worked as a pizza cook in an effort to feed my family –all for four dollars and twenty-five cents an hour. And I was “lucky” to have it, as there was always five or six job applications from people just as desperate for the jobs I had.

There’s no point to this post, other than the sheer creeping horror I’m dealing with.

I always took it on Faith that the people in charge would be better than me. Smarter.

-I am officially concerned.


Do Sharks Fart?

Predator Press


Due to the holidays, I wasn’t going to post for a while. But science waits for no blog -not even Predator Press, dammit!

And you may remember that Predator Press is one of the few blogs that actually has a 47’ Great White Shark in captivity. And if Predator Press was going to keep this as an “exclusive” we needed to act fast.

What if Kathy Frederick at The Junk Drawer tried to 'scoop' me on this?


So at great expense to you, Predator Press scienticans have been dragged out of various pubs and meth labs to answer the burning question on everyone's mind: Do sharks fart?

But good Predator Press-like science is a harsh mistress, and these experiments were beset with difficulties from the outset: immediately selecting 10,000 Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos as our explosive gas-inspiring catalyst, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get Daisy to eat them.

This was perplexing. I have personally witnessed Daisy, our monstrous oceanic hunter, eat everything from Taylor Swift albums to pimply gangsta teenagers that piss me off in a swirling bloody chainsaw-like fashion. But guacamole? Wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole no matter what we did. So I figured we feed them to one of the Predator Press Scienticians, and then feed him to the shark, right? Well it turned out that Predator Press Scienticians were too lazy and worthless for this historic opportunity.

After an unsuccessful ad I took out in Victoria's Secret, I was frustrated; the odds of a waify supermodel finding out there were 10,000 free Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos laying around and us catching her before she threw them up couldn’t possibly be improved upon.

This was going to take all my cunning.

-And frankly having them delivered to a Weight Watchers meeting was sheer genius.

Daisy broke wind at precisely 3:51 this afternoon.

Halo of Files

Predator Press


I made it through acid rain, ozone depletion, contraction of the thermosphere, global warming, et cetera.

So I was neither surprised or impressed that we cracked the Earth’s crust and spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

-What really bugged me, I suppose, is that we did it for the oil.

So our options are 1) Buy oil from countries that want to kill us, or B) Drill our own oil via companies that may make our environment completely untenable?

Shit, if we're negotiating for position on a "need-versus-environment" sliding scale, I would rather have the chlorofluorocarbons back frankly.

My hair used to be awesome.

We claim to be interested in alternate forms of energy, yet continue to elect people with a vested interest in oil. Trusting the wolves to guard the sheep is hardly an effort we can take seriously. Want some real progress? Gather up all the physicists, chemists, and biologists, et cetera, dust off Alcatraz, and lock them all up in it. Give them chalk, calculators, and all the meth they can handle, and don’t feed them or let them sleep until they’ve come up with something. Throw in some anonymous violent criminals (to keep it interesting between the occasional ancillary cancer cures and teleportation devices) and Pay-Per-View the whole thing to finance it. Wouldn‘t it be awesome to see an emaciated, blood-soaked and twitchy Doctor Michio Kaku pulling a shiv from Stephen Hawking‘s neck, screaming “Eureka!” in the comfort of your own home?

Now that‘s fucking science.

But even with the oil leak dubiously closed and subtle stirring of the HBFFL‘s inevitable annual wakening, I may never have emerged; safely ensconced in a womblike fog of alcohol and chain-smoked cigarettes, the raging dissonance is blunted by an artificially-inflated perception distance.

Embittered by the lack of resonance to the mighty Predator Press empire, I let the Arizona immigration issue slide while Mexican drug lords rose to power. Sensing my ambivalence, vast anti-Predator Press networks -having jealously long sought the destruction of the greatest bastion of knowledges and wisdomness humanity has ever seen- seized upon this opportunity to strike: Wesley Snipes faces incarceration, rendering him wholly unable to play me in LOBO: The Motion Picture for another three years. Sweet, innocent little Lindsay Lohan, bereft of my protection, has been framed for witchcraft or something and faces a similar fate. China has set their Dalian oil fields afire in open revolt, and Castro has reemerged, emboldened by my glaring absence. And Predator Press didn't even get nominated for an Emmy.

-Not one!

And nourished by this fertile apathy, a brazen and unbound evil blossomed. Heedless of the desperate cries of the United Nations, the Vatican, and various high-ranking members of the 4-H Club, Predator Press offices remained closed and dark; the massive, once-bustling blog ink warehouses gathered dust -a dust accompanied only by the occasional lonely howl of a lifeless wind making way aimlessly through cobwebbed corridors, looking in vain for tumbleweeds to blow.

Millions of readers camped outside, singing songs in joyous anticipation of my return. But an ominous shadow of cold, hard doubt permeated the throngs, like a big, stealthy panther. Yes -a big, stealthy, fire-breathing, flying monkey-panther of permeating doubt.

Those poor throngs.

In grief and despair, many immolated themselves. Many threw themselves from building tops. Many immolated themselves and then threw themselves from building tops. It’s a good thing I had those suicide pits installed: I love my readers, but they ain’t exactly the tidiest people in the world.

And then -just as it seemed that all hope was lost and the Earth was to be plunged into a cold, dark, LOBOless void for all eternity- a familiar voice boomed across the internet.

“Mel Gibson did what!?



Predator Press


I originally wrote this in 2008, and the reason I remembered it today will be obvious.

-Should be writing more shlock soon.

One of the most fascinating and perplexing bonds people can have is the one with their children.

-You love and nurture them, clothe and feed them, teach them everything you know … all in preparation for the day when they will rise up to slay you, and thus rightfully assume the mantle of your vast and mighty empire.

And on this Father's Day of 2008, I was virtually certain my number was up.

I had no regrets ... it is the natural order of things. One day I’ll hear “catch!”, and one of my progeny will hurl a rounded white plastic explosive stuffed with lethal wire and molten rubber for shrapnel –all stitched together with a det cord primer.

It might be a baseball, but I don’t take any chances.

-They are my brood after all.

But LadyTerri and the would-be heirs opted for a rather strange way to commence with the Father’s Day ceremonial rite of passage. None of my entrails were spilled to be danced upon. In fact, to my knowledge it was virtually patricide free.

Since there was no point in pensively waiting for my iPod Touch (as there is no mail delivery on Sunday) we took the really small and loud one -eh, Screechy- to see “Kung Fu Panda” which was unexpectedly great.

Here’s where the teenager -eh, Shiftless, I think- blew it: while I was riveted to what will undoubtedly be regarded as the most important motion picture ever made by humankind ever, he could have crept up on me unawares in the Kung Fu Panda-induced darkness and beat me to death with cinderblocks and pointy sticks.


Later that day I found a used copy of The Best of Phillip K. Dick for $8 on and ordered it. But do you think the credit card was coated with deadly neurotoxins?


… At this point, I started to doubt my lazy worthless kids were even trying.

The evening culminated into grilled grub and brews while watching a rather exciting Lakers/Celtics Finals game, and the short, loud one has been shooting me evil looks since he can’t play Lego Star Wars while the game is on.

Here we go, I figured. Screechy will climb up on a small stack of phone books behind the recliner, wrap the controller cable around my neck and swing straight into Destiny ...

... But to my shock and disappointment he started coloring quietly at the kitchen table.

I even tried to make it easy for them by conspicuously removing my bulletproof vest numerous times.

Still the night wore on without a single shot fired.

I cannot fault them, I decide. Perhaps they are simply not yet ready to seize the reins of my sprawling rule. They require more preparation, and it is my sacred duty to provide that until they are.

It was at that exact moment that I was brought a huge bowl of one of my favorite foods: Jalapeno poppers.

So this is the plan, I thought. Slowly poisoning me with a huge heaping deep-fried pile of cholesterol-laden death so my little black heart grinds to a standstill!

Wolfing them down hungrily, I eye them with glowing pride as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

They grow up so fast.



Through a Fog of Fever, an Antihistamine Transfusion, and a Nice Thick Glaze of Nyquil

Predator Press


The annual tradition of facing a New Year with a list of self-improvement goals, or “resolutions,” is the result of events that can be traced back many, many years. So many years, in fact, most of them happened before I was even born, and therefore are considered inconsequential by numerous historians and scholars.

But one cannot trivialize history; indeed, “he who forgets history is doomed to repeat it.”

Like that “doomed to be repeat it” thing? I just made it up -I made it up to clearly underline the inherent dangers associated with repeating stuff! Due to a “lather, rinse, repeat” typo on a shampoo bottle, within two weeks my buddy Barbarossa lost all his hair and eyebrows, and polished top of his skull eggshell-thin. But despite this, the vast and sinister Paul Mitchell empire stubbornly fights the legislation to correct the phrase to “lather, rinse, STOP!” in a conspiracy to avoid an embarrassing and expensive worldwide shampoo recall. Mark my words: one day Paul Mitchell will pay for what his crimes, and pay dearly. But, like in any good democracy, there is a lot of paperwork to fill out before you can go and kill people. It's for our own protection supposedly.

But rather than bore you with "The Historic Origins of the New Year’s Resolution" blah blah, I've decided to bore you guys some good ideas for your own list of potential resolutions … resolutions that would make the world a better place, and possibly reduce my complaining about it:

Resolution Suggestion #1: Stop taking your babies on airplanes.

C’mon you self-centered pricks -this should be a no-brainer! The health and welfare of your spawn do not outweigh my right to travel in comfort. You can’t part with that thing for five minutes? Heck, you haven’t even had it that long!

I have it on good authority humans are a robust, hearty breed: civilization has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years without you givin’ it bottles and changing diapers and so forth, so a few weeks away is really no big deal. Babies are a lot like cats scientifically. Smelly, noisy cats. Yes. If you feed them once, they never leave ... and every few days you'll only have to do the whole food thing all over again to shut them up. And you gotta buy babies stuff a lot, whereas cats are aloof and unattached. Come to think of it, if you put a baby and a cat in the wild, the baby would adopt the cat. But you know what cats would do? Cats would eat the baby!

Alright ... forget I said anything about cats. But babies, like cats, need character, and you getting away for some well-deserved 'R & R' is a great way to build some. For the duration of most holiday trips, well-fed and watered babies in a fenced in backyard will do nicely if weather permits. And if you don’t have a fenced in backyard, perhaps you should use the money from your trip on one instead -thereby sparing me being trapped with the bundle of happiness you have wrought upon the Earth anyway.

But I suspect if you couldn't afford to get a fenced in backyard and travel, you probably weren’t able to afford having babies in the first place ... your New Year's Resolution list should probably include something about promiscuity too. Try something like "This year, instead of waving them around in the air like I'm trying to guide an airplane, I'm going to keep my legs sitting in the back seat of the convertible."


Resolution Suggestion #2: Please start smoking again.

I’m sick of you sanctimonious non-smoking pricks kicking me out of restaurants and bars, et cetera.

You know what? I’m going to make a place where smoking is mandatory. It’ll have all kinds of cool stuff in it -like rides and junk- and we won’t let you in. Hah! One day you’ll be all like “Hey, where are those cool people that used to hang around our building entrance?”

But we will be long gone.

Years later, repressed, destitute, and alone, once you've realized that binge-eating tumbleweeds and soy beans will never fill that empty void inside, you’ll search us out.

“Let us in!” you will sob. But a guy on a megaphone in a tower will be all like “Sorry. Can’t. Today is the Superbowl. And if I gotta make an exception for you, I would have to make an exception for everybody." And as you glance down at your extremely healthy chest and realize it is dotted with little wavering red lights, he'll go on to say "Now unless you precious little daisies of Nature are going to fire up a cigarette or something, please step back a few hundred miles from the facilities. Move along.”

I imagine, to satisfy an innate human curiosity, our utopic self-exile won’t go on forever; future generations of us smokers will go on educational safaris to see you in submarine-like vehicles with wheels, pointing out your still-exposed skeletons in the sand dunes to our children through a thick porthole. “See kids?" we'll say. "That’s what happens when you don’t smoke.” And there will always be some smartypants fat kid in the back raising his hand, “Those poor people. How come we didn’t eat them?” And we adults will respond in hushed, low tones sure to inspire nightmares: “Because all the exercise and lowfat diets rendered them flavorless, soulless husks!

In the fat kid's defense, I'm sure we would have become bored of eating veal and baby sea lions, and at some point would have made some attempts at preparing a decent meal of you health freaks ... you know, with a fine Mornay sauce and a red wine or perhaps deep fried on a stick with a zesty Ranch dip. But all your sucking up to Mother Nature would probably pay off with some kind of defense mechanism such as smelling like boiled cabbage or something. Blech. I hate that smell! And it probably takes days to get your house smelling back to normal once you've cooked a health nut ... I mean Febreze or no Febreze, it just lingers and cloys in your couches, drapes and clothing for what seems like forever.

Screw it. We'll just hunt you for sport.

Anyway I’m bored with making my list now.

But most importantly, I have completed my own personal New Year’s resolution: to write a post including Barbarossa.

Isn’t ‘Barbarossa’ a cool name? When I met him he introduced himself incessantly, almost bragging through his big, pearly-white grin.

“Hello, my name is Barbarossa.”

“No it isn’t,” says Barbarossa’s doctor. “That’s half the reason he is here.”

“His name isn’t Barbarossa?” I ask.

“No. Actually, no one knows his real name.”

"Then how do you know it isn't Barbarossa?"

"Because he's in a straight jacket."

“Well this isn’t very convenient,” I says. “As author and narrator of this post, I can’t exactly call you ‘Barbarossa’s doctor’ if he isn’t ‘Barbarossa.’”

“Well, you’re pretty screwed then,” says the guy who isn’t Barbarossa’s doctor.

“Hello, my name is Barbarossa,” beams the guy who isn’t Barbarossa.

“No it isn’t,” said the guy that isn’t Barbarossa’s doctor.

“This is pissing me off,” I says flatly. “Have you tried giving him Napoleon pastries?”

“Ah,” says the guy that isn’t Barbarossa’s doctor with mild interest. “The old 'You are what you eat' trick, eh? He eats one, and then becomes Napoleon?”


“That’s crazy.”

“I’m fine with calling him Napoleon,” I argue.

The guy that isn’t Barbarossa’s doctor rolls his eyes. “Oh man please tell me you’re kidding,” he pleads. “Jesus, you can’t throw a rock in here without hitting a Napoleon. I thought it was kind of refreshing to have a Barbarossa for a change.”

“Hello, my name is Barbarossa,” beams the guy that isn’t Barbarossa.

“No it isn’t,” said the guy that isn’t Barbarossa’s doctor.

“I’m calling him Barbarossa,” I says with finality.

“Please to meet you,” says the guy that is once again Barbarossa.

“Alright,” the doctor shrugs, sighing in resolve. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Why is he in here -besides the Barbarossa thing?” I ask Barbarossa’s doctor.

“Because he is in a straight jacket,” he replies.

“Why is he in a straight jacket?”

“Because he is in here.”

“Huh. That’s good science, and pretty efficient," I conclude. "Doctor, I salute you. If not for your hard work and dedication, Paul Mitchell would have completely destroyed this poor man.”

“Hello, my name-”

“Uh, ‘Barbarossa.’ Got that.” I says.

“Pleased to meet you,” says Barbarossa.

"Well it wasn't easy," says Barbarosa's doctor. "It took six weeks to get him where he didn't smell like coconuts."

“Is he dangerous?” I ask Barbarossa’s doctor curiously.

“Only if you’re in our Acrophobia treatment. He likes to push the patients down the stairs during the therapy.”

“Does that cure them?”

“I don’t know,” shrugs the doc. “We don’t go down there anymore. Too much screaming. It’s hell on the nerves.”


Did I Eat This?

Predator Press


After five years, I finally got my RSS feed working.

I'm really impressed with myself.

-I called my dad.

"Hey Dad!" I says. "I got my RSS feed working!"

"What? Who is this?"

"Dad, it's me. LOBO."


"Very funny Dad," I says chuckling. "We missed you at the wedding."

"What wedding?"

"I married the fair Terri."

"Oh man, she's hot."

"I know!" I says.

"Who is this really?"

"LOBO," I says. "Remember? You were undefeated at finding the most Easter eggs. I was the short one wearing the blindfold."

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your dad was the one hiding the Easter eggs in the first place?"

"You would get frustrated after a few hours, and from then on only let us paint them white so they would be easier to spot," I muse. "I found one on my Big Wheel yesterday."

"Well I wouldn't eat it. Look. I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong-"

"You used to drill us at 3:30 every morning in case of a zombie uprising."

"Zombie uprising-?"

"Unless it was Wednesday or Sunday. That's when we practiced for alien robot overlords."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Say, are you calling me from a cell phone?"

"How about when you burst out from under my bed, and banged a trash can while shining a flashlight into my eyes -the whole time zapping me with a cattle prod and screaming obscenities until I wet my pants?" Rhythmically, I gently kick the kitchen cabinet while absently twirling the curly phone cord in my fingers. "That's one of my fondest memories. 'The Power of Christ Compels You!' Haha. I'll bet you still tell that story."

[audible sigh]

"You realize that those same alien robot overlords would be able to intercept cellphone transmissions if they really existed?"


"And that once they secured a foothold on Terra Firma, they would play back all these messages searching for possible insurgents? They would send Ragnarok the Colossus!"

"Or Thrang, the Human Rototiller!"

"-If they existed, which I would never discuss over a cellphone."

"Remember how you disbelieved that new fertilizer gave you 'billions and billions of new grass blades' like it advertised, and I tried to count them for you? Cripes, I was only at 4,155,189 when the cops came."

"Yeah," says the disembodied voice. "But I was still proud of you."

"How is Rex?"



"Yeah. We hadda put him down in 2005. He unmistakably had The Look."

"So Rex is gone? Who delivers your mail now?"

"I dunno. Some robot."

"How's mom?"

"Possible zombie."


"You know her. It's hard to tell. She's never been the same after the abduction."

"Yeah. Good luck getting her near a trailer park."

"I keep tellin' her the best way to kill aliens is with a tornado. But then she just gives me The Look."

"How about Aunt Phyllis?"

"Robot zombie."

"No way!"

"She always was a social butterfly. It worked out really well for her ... she's, eh, a Class C."

"Stainless model?"

"Fusion powered. All chrome. She's really come a long way. And you should see how fast she can deal the cards at Euchre. Mom and her are still inseparable ... but if we have another incident at the petting zoo, I think they are going to call the cops."

"Poor Aunt Phyllis," I says. "It can't be easy to adjust to being a zombie and then pow, a Class C robot too -especially with all those eating disorders."

"Look. I gotta go. You take good care of that LadyTerri, okay?"

"I will dad."

"God she's hot."

"I know dad."

"You realize I have no idea who you are, right?"

"Oh, you old dog! I can see where I get my sense of humor."

"Well, congratulations on that RSS feed thingy anyways. And if you guys ever get down here to Capitol Hill, be sure and have Terri drop by my office."

"We will."

"And stay away from Hittites. Those people are nothing but trouble."

"I will. I love you, dad."



I Miss the .45 Caliber Headspace

Predator Press


A few years ago, I stumbled over The .45 Caliber Headspace -a blog that still resides proudly in my “Grand Mal” RSS feed, despite not posting in almost a year.

This was maybe the first blog that told me, “You know what? Blogs can be about writing if you let them.”

-Thank God he was wrong about all those “writers” hogging my spotlight.

Still, let’s wake that fucker up and make him post again.

... If only to be ironic.


Oh Craig Blair, You Poor GOP Asshat

Predator Press


Oh Craig Blair, you poor GOP asshat, here I am -a college graduate- already facing washing dishes at Red Lobster to feed my family thanks to eight years of your Bush-addled criminal party "Policies."

-And after the mess you made, oh fearless lawmaker, you brazenly propose a genius plan to further inhibit Average Joe American survival with drug tests for people on unemployment.

-And not at a time when unemployent is low, either: rather than fiddling with it when there are jobs to be had, he picks now -when for some it means life or death.

We sent Michael Vick to jail for what again?

Craig, you're a flat-out evil scumbag. Seriously. You Republican swine screwed us via negligence, and now you -the supposed pro-gun human liberty 'an individual privacy party- are tryin to weasel out on protections people were universally taxed for all those years? Maybe people should be piss-tested before you can take any of their money! H&R Block would be fine with just buying some cups and rubber gloves, right?

And on that note, is there an invasive piss test for intelligence we can make you take? Or maybe one for integrity? For that matter, did you even pay any taxes over your thus far less-than-illustrious and flaccid career?

Welcome to Predator Press you ingrate hypocrite pig: using mere humor, I will tear this country asunder if necessary to rip your tiny little icy black heart from your chest, and shove it from your pasty bloated fat greedy ass all the way up to your Limbaugh-sperm infested gullet.

See you at the country club, you Dame Melba c*nt[1].

-It’s on.

[1]For those of you that don't know, during the Industrial Revolution -while ten people lived in a single room and underage children lost digits and limbs working round-the-clock in factories- Dame Melba was an aristocratic entertainer/celebrity that -along with her well-surfeited guests- made a game of hurling her peach pits at the hungry poor from her balcony.

There's your Republican "Party" at it's apex.

Get angry, or get naked.

-and pray for some lube.



Predator Press


One day –for whatever reason- the last letter of this blog will be typed.

Over time, many of the numerous blogs that it links to will fail as well. And here -unmonitored- those fossilized links will inevitably break one by one.

And having ground to a standstill, required upgrades will be missed and new guidelines will be unheeded: long forgotten bills and subscriptions will go unpaid, and ultimately Predator Press will stutter on in a distorted and sleepily hobbled feed, winding out tiredly into an uncaring oblivion.

-Perhaps before then, one of the following people (who all have something in common) will “google” themselves and realize that I have missed them terribly:

Troi Orias
Grant Uyeshiro
Aaron Leong
Kimo Albarado
Kevin and Lynnette Almeida
Ken Scroggins
Nelson Aoyama



Predator Press


You are the only sane one left. All the other signs of the Zodiac have gone crazy and are out to get you.

It's kill or be killed, you poor bastard.

It is a tumor.

-I don't know how you did it, but you got testicular, prostate, ovarian and breast.

On the bright side, those things incubating on your itchy genitalia won't be succesfully diagnosed until after the autopsy.

You are shrewd and ruthless: upon reading these horoscopes, you immediately buy life insurance on every Cancerian you know.

To enjoy your bountiful destiny, it is a Cosmic imperative you eye your insurance broker strangely ... He's a Taurus. They like that.

It makes them respect you more.

Your lucky number today is "-1."

You are intelligent, amiable, charming, and good looking.

Nobody can stand you.

You are a complete loser, and the only person in the world that doesn't know it. Your own mother has to refrain from signing it on your birthday cards. Even your pets know it; your dog hides on walks when other dogs are around, and your goldfish are trying to spell it in the aquarium gravel.

Don't feel too bad, however; you could have been a Cancer ...

If you were never born, world hunger, famine and poverty would have abruptly ceased long ago; peace and harmony would've been the hallmark of all humankind.

Other than that, your outlook is great.

Still waters run deep.

Unfortunately, you are about as 'deep' as the Spice Girls.

Geminis should avoid careers that involve operating heavy machinery, explosives, basic math, spelling, and speaking out loud.

There's nothing wrong with your sexual appetites a little "Liquid G" can't handle.

Otherwise, just conduct your sermons as normal.

You will meet a tall, dark stranger. Carry a can of mace, and you might be able to get away eventually. After prosthetics and several years of rehab, psychiatry, and heavy medication you might even be released to the family on weekends.

-But don't count on it.

You Leo, are the lion of the Zodiac. This means you are as fat, lazy and worthless as the ones in the wild kingdom. While you sleep all day, your concubines run around hunting to feed you during the brief debacle of your slothful consciousness.

Well done!

Your wonderful and generous nature is rewarded rather ironically by Fate when you 'Realize' you were killed by one of Colbie Caillat's tour busses.

You Pisces, are the fish of the Zodiac: your only claim to history and fame will be an indirect and unfortunate association with the invention of tartar sauce.

Fish are ultimately animals that swim in their own urine and get hooked, beheaded, flayed, gutted, and deep-fried by the billions everyday. That having been said, do you really want to know your future?

As if your horoscope will say "You will wake up tomorrow a Scorpio" ... ?



Do Sharks Fart?

Predator Press


I know I said I wasn’t going to post for a few days, but science waits for no blog -not even Predator Press, dammit!

And you may remember that Predator Press is one of the few blogs that actually has a 47’ Great White Shark in captivity. And if Predator Press was going to keep this as an “exclusive” we needed to act fast.

What if Kathy at The Junk Drawer tries to 'scoop' me on this?


So at great expense to you, Predator Press scienticans have been dragged out of various pubs and meth labs to answer the burning question on everyone's mind: Do sharks fart?

But good Predator Press-like science is a harsh mistress, and these experiments were beset with difficulties from the outset: immediately selecting 10,000 Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos as our explosive gas-inspiring catalyst, no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get Daisy to eat them.

This was perplexing. I have personally witnessed Daisy, our monstrous oceanic hunter, eat everything from Pearl Jam albums to pimply gangsta teenagers that piss me off in a swirling bloody chainsaw-like fashion. But guacamole? Wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole no matter what we did.

So I figured we feed them to one of the Predator Press Scienticians, and then feed him to the shark, right? Well it turned out that Predator Press Scienticians were too lazy and worthless for this historic opportunity.

I was frustrated. This is California for god’s sake: the odds of Nicole Ritchie finding out there were 10,000 Taco Bell Fresco Bean Burritos laying around here and us catching her before she threw them up couldn’t possibly be improved upon!

This was going to take all my cunning.

-And frankly having them delivered to a Weight Watchers meeting was sheer genius.

Daisy broke wind at precisely 3:51 this afternoon.


Predator Press: Exposed!

Predator Press

[Bill Curtis]

We’ve all watched the meteoric rise of Predator Press in the lucrative field of blogging, and the vast, glorious empire founded on this historic document by Ethan and LOBO.

But what do we really know about the origins of Predator Press?

I’m Bill Curtis. And today we’re going to go deep inside the seedy underbelly of what might be the most popular blog in the universe: Predator Press.

And what we found may shock and horrify you.


By appearance, Flandsa Ha’asasanba might have seemed like any other immigrant worker. When he arrived on Ellis Island with only eight dollars in his pocket, he was in pursuit of the American Dream: to work honest and hard until he encountered a situation where he could sue someone, thusly retiring in style and with a steady flow of Disability checks.

But Flandsa Hasasanba had an unrecognized talent for both turnip farming and writing; in his battered suitcase was a 600 page manuscript entitled The Turnip: Nature's Miracle Vegetable.

What do these seemingly disparate events have to do with Predator Press?

I’m Bill Curtis. And today we’re going to explore the strange twist that would entwine the dark fate of Flandsa Ha’asasanba to it forever.


June 6, 2003

LOBO, reputedly trying to peek up the dress of “that great big chick holding the torch,” found himself stranded on Ellis Island without the eight dollars required to ride the ferry back.

Time wore on. With a flowing unkempt beard and clothes reduced to frayed tatters, he spent the entire two hours demanding to speak to ‘Ellis’ to no avail.

Flandsa Hasasanba –who spoke no English- only smiled politely as LOBO barked madly. In turn -concluding quickly that Flandsa Ha’asasanba was one of those “Special People”- LOBO decided that Flandsa Ha’asasanba was safer as his own 'personal assistant' than he was wandering the dangerous and uncharted regions of greater New York City.

“Look at that, Friday,” said LOBO, pointing to the nearby coast with a large piece of driftwood.

“Flandsa,” Flandsa Ha’asasanba corrected smiling.

“Friday, you know I hate it when you interrupt me,” says LOBO. “Listen. Someday we are going to get off this rock. I promise you. As God as my witness, we will see civilization again!”

Flandsa Hasasanba grinned. Whatever this American hobo was saying, he certainly seemed very animated about it. Hungry, he pulled out his eight dollars and got in line behind other tourists at the hot dog stand.

-Flandsa Ha’asasanba woke several hours later with nothing but a headache, a piece of broken driftwood, and shattered hopes and dreams.

So just what happened on that fateful day of June 6, 2003?

I'm Bill Curtis.

Stay tuned.


This mystery might have died out completely had LOBO not emerged that very next year and started publishing on Predator Press.

-Publishing things that were raising some eyebrows.

It seems that numerous Predator Press posts bear a remarkable resemblance to Flandsa Ha’asasanba's opus The Turnip: Nature's Miracle Vegetable.

Obesrve the following excerpt from Flandsa Ha’asasanba's work:

"The turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot. Small, tender varieties are grown for human consumption, while larger varieties are grown as feed for livestock."

-And compare it to the following uncannily similar Predator Press quote:

"Fat tourists should not tan in temperate climates worldwide. Their pasty, white bulbous flesh should not be exposed to human eyes under any circumstances. The really fat fucks should be used strictly as livestock."

-It's almost as if all the nouns and verbs have been simply erased, and replaced at random.

The similarities are unmistakable.

So did Flandsa Ha’asasanba, a clearly insane and homicidal turnip-farming immagrant prodigy, murder LOBO and steal his blog and identity?

I'm Bill Curtis.

And we may never know.


Running and Mating

Predator Press



I don't usually weigh in on political matters -well, on any sides anyways- but I must say the announcement of McCain's Vice Presidential running mate Sarah Palin surprised me.

-And not entirely in an unpleasant way, like how sick I got when Ethan bet I couldn't drink all the old windshield squeegee fluid at that Amoco in Buffalo, Wyoming. I was more surprised like when MIT announced they had discovered a way to quanitify fashion sense between the hyphae mycelium of various fungi in lab Petri dishes. You know, the kind of surprise you experience when Paul Reiser lands another sitcom? You go "Huh. I really liked that guy in One Night at McCool's," followed by something like, "Hey honey, did anyone feed the cat yesterday?"

And I don't care that Sarah Palin has only been Governor of Alaska for 18 months. Nor do I care she doesn't have much experience in foreign policy. All I need to know is that she has five kids.


Sarah, that's awesome. You really like to get your 'freak' on. A lot. But just what does it take to get you to try contraception!? How many dirty diapers? How many boogers? How much screeching?

Republicans and religious people in general are against birth control ... hey I get that. But if Jesus, on a carpenter's budget, was trying to pluck melted Gummi Bears from his station wagon's upholstery while his four screaming kids bitched about how they wanted Dairy Queen instead of nachos during the Laker's game, whatever he was turning that water into would have far more devious applications than you could imagine.

Check out the Humor-Blogs Fantasy Football Blog!


How to be #1 on

Predator Press


Now that I have verifiably been #1 on Humor-Blogs, I feel I am qualified to lecture comprehensively on the subject.

And for the low, low price of $679 I totally will!*

With my 64 DVD series of lectures, you will learn top #1 Humor-Blogger secrets like:

Tip #4: "Cook 'Minute Rice' for 2 minutes and 54 seconds: it resets 'Humor-Blogs' to zero. But be sure your fire extinguisher is fully charged, and keep a list of phone numbers including the Fire Department and restaurants that deliver handy," and

Tip #454: “CDs 51-64 are actually blank. Use them to record your favorite music and drown out the family bitching about your blogging,” and

Tip #73: "Switching your feed tube and catheter bucket is a great timesaver, but can eventually cause anemia. Eat a banana every few days to avoid Rickets."

Act now, and I'll not only provide free shipping, but I'll throw in a free tube of antibiotic ointment guaranteed to cure butt bedsores 1.6 times faster than exercise!*

But wait*! There's More*! The first 100 buyers will receive a copy of Diesel's Antisocial Commentary: The Secret Files of the Mattress Police at a discounted price of $156! *

* This is a limited-time offer.

* "How to be #1 on Humor-Blogs" may cause nausea, temporary blindness, and explosive discharge of the left kidney.

* No assembly is required.

* 16 animals were beaten into a chalky paste during the making of this post. But it was in order to perfect my #1 on Barbeque Sauce so I'm cool with it.


Predator Press and the Tomb of the Velvet Ropes

Predator Press


Saturday I decided I needed to take out all the cash from the “Feed LOBO” fundraising effort.

Despite coming from Don Lewis, a buck is a buck. And after the government does it’s ‘Where’s My Money?’ shell game, that’s about 67 cents.

That’s mac and cheese money, baby.

In fact that’s Kraft mac and cheese money.

According to my calculatrons, I’m only a few weeks away from the salt, butter and milk required to complete the recipe.

Maybe I'll just go crazy and hold out for Velveeta.


A bank being open during Predator Press Month should have been my first sign of trouble. But I equate going to the bank with Purgatory: a sea of disinterested, dismantled vacant faces waiting in twisty and random excruciatingly slow roped queues.

They'll be open.

True, you might see one or two upon occasion that are still somehow faintly hopeful this is the line that leads to a thick, turbulent swill of soul-harvesting interest rates and mortgage loans. Not even dignifying them with full annunciation, we call them the 'Unngghhh' and nudge each other quietly when we spot them. And once awareness has been sufficiently raised, we taunt them with subtle mercilessness until they either 'join the ranks' or flip out, screaming in macabre frustration.

It’s this ‘screaming’ phase you don’t want. An un-culled Unnngh sobbing and screaming in line can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. If the screaming phase takes too long, accelerate the process of permanently breaking their Will by tripping them frequently. Sneak a few kicks in if you can.

Every so often -if an unobserved opportunity presents itself- I’ll rearrange the ropes. I mean you never know, right? And if I can’t solve the maze in this manner, I’ll make them into a loop for the people behind me to wander through for all Eternity.

If, on the other hand, I solve the maze, I'll arrange the ropes so they’ll spill out at The Gap or something. The water bill remains unpaid, but they leave with their souls intact and a nice new cardigan.

Unless there's an Unghh behind me.

I hate those lousy Unngghs.


In this case, I solved the maze in an hour and twenty minutes. A record for me. Nervously peering over my shoulder, I discreetly slide the signed check and my driver’s license across to the teller.

“I’m sorry,” he says. “There appears to be a lien against any ‘Feed LOBO’ funds raised.”

I owe the Loyal Reader a sidebar explanation here: due to the money I blew for the 'Feed LOBO' telethon on entertainers, costumes, advertising, caterers and pyrotechnics, the first 4-5 million is supposed to come right off the top as overhead; I, conversely, contend that hideous and catastrophic fiscal debacle is not my fault, and should be blamed on lousy entertainers, costumes, advertising, caterers and pyrotechnics.

Various collection agencies apparently disagree.

“How dare you,” I demand. “Do you have any idea how much money I have in this bank?”

“It says here $6.87,” he says. “And apparently there’s a lien on that too.”

“Well I’m not going to keep my liquid cash here. It’s not safe!”

“Our impregnable vault was secretly designed and constructed from the outside in by two mysterious German engineers. Upon completion, it could only be opened from the inside –and those engineers are long since presumed dead.”

“How do you get the money in and out?”

“We don’t. We keep it in a mason jar on the fridge in the break room.”

"You can't do this," I explain calmly. "It's Predator Press Month for God's sake. What will the kids say?"

"You have kids? What are their names?"

"Shiftless and, eh, Screechy I think. In fact, that $6.87 is Shiftless' college fund."

"I'm sorry sir."

“Can I still play with that cool toy with the beads?”

"Only if you give all the pens back."