Predator Press Unveils ‘LieMaster’ Just in Time for Belated Christmas Gift Rush

Predator Press


-Just put this between your lips, and tell a good solid with every contraction:

  • “But honey -if I go to church with you guys, how will the lawn get done?”


  • “I tried to do the lawn. But there was a … fire!”


  • “Our insurance already replaced everything with exact replicas.”


  • “Heck yeah that’s a miracle. It’s a good thing I was here instead of church ... you know, handling the crisis. Maybe Jesus is trying to tell me I should stay home on Sundays. I mean why else would that be when all the good NFL games are on?”


  • “I know football season is over. But the Vikings are looking for a new QB. I should stay by the phone in case I am needed.”


  • "Two words: Brett Favre."


  • “Lawns shouldn’t look too manicured you know. A distressed and weathered look is very chic nowadays.”


  • “I’m sure the birdbath is still out there. Somewhere. Look, I was right about the shed. Why wouldn‘t I be right about the birdbath?”


  • “I don't have to sit here and listen to all this accusation and innuendo.  Just look how clean all those damn birds are.”


  • “I know where we could borrow some hungry cows and giraffes.”


  • “Seriously. The landlord recommended I tear out the lawn and replace it with green linoleum. That way I can efficiently hose off all my used lottery tickets in, like, 5 minutes.”


  • “There might be an endangered species in there. Do you want Mother Nature‘s blood on your hands? Do you?”

*Warning: LieMaster cause unwanted nose growth.
If ingested, induce vomiting immediately.


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