When did grocery store cashiers start informing people ‘how much we saved’?
It irritates me. If I hear an enthusiastic “You saved $6.32!” one more time I’m going to freak out.
If you’re going to bother and artificially inflate a price temporarily to impress me, just go crazy.
“You saved $1,456,042.48!”
-At least that way my mac ‘n cheese coupons wouldn't seem so emasculating.
I present the ticket (receipt) to the service desk for cash.
EXCUSE me ... it says here I saved 22 dollars, and I want it. Ohh, and grab me some Scoal
LOL Speedy!
Seriously. Does anyone go, "I saved how much? God bless you thrifty geniuses!"
grocery stores are fun by demons.
Next time just answer back, "Really... I saved that much, well in that case you saved being slapped in the face with a dead raccoon" Of course then you have to carry a dead raccoon with you... why do my plans always involve dead rodents?
You can always just look at them with a blank expression on your face, and in a slow monotone say :
"Thanks. I have two months to live."
The other day I saved $50 because I only bought the $10 package of underwear at Walmart instead of the $60 package at Macys. Then I used my savings and went out to dinner with my wife. I love how that works.
so true & funny
I figure I saved about $150 by not going to the store at all. I'm kinda hungry right now but I'm still saving a bunch.
Keep your mouth shut and don't draw attention to yourself.
Look at the cashiers in the check out row of any grocery store and it looks like an extras cattle call for COPS. And who are the boyfriends of those demure little cherubs of the trailer park?
Right. Junkies.
When they exclaim so excitedly how much you saved, it's so their boyfriend cruising through the $2.99 rack for a copy of Requiem For A Dream can hear who saved the most, follow them out to the parking lot and...
You guessed it: There's a really awkward moment when he asks you for some change and you say you don't have any and he gives you that: 'I know you're fucking lying.' look. And you know he knows you're lying. And he knows that you know that he knows you're lying but if you give him any money now you're going to look like a lying bastard that hates needy people and your wife's going to leave you and your kids will never speak to you again.
Who needs it right?
Just buy the most expensive name brand stuff you can and rest comfortably in the knowledge that you will save nothing, but be able to walk undisturbed to your car.
I gotta go, they need the key on 8.
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