
Guy Lombardo and the Vile Prince of Zanzibar

Predator Press


My wife is having an affair with the Prince of Zanzibar.

I know this, because I am the

I don’t blame her. She thinks I am a wealthy guy with long flowin’ Fabio hair ridin in his 3,000 foot yacht.

And how can I blame her? I never would have thought AOL would let me have the official logon “" unless I presented proper credentials verifying my royal lineage: through what was doubtlessly an oversight, perhaps a 'comedy of cascading errors' on AOL’s part, the name slipped through their corporate security –and that’s how I seduced my wife.

-Well, that’s how I got her to add me to her ‘Buddy’ list. But that’s where it all starts, right?

If you doubt any this tragic story, can verify it.

I know this, because I am also And “Guy” will be the first person to tell you that the vile Prince of Zanzibar is up to no good. The vile Prince of Zanzibar will woo her with all his money and good looks, and then just toss her aside like a prom dress made of wicker!

Still, it would be cool to ride in a 3,000 foot yacht.


LOBO said...

That cool "heartbroken" pic came from

The Self-Deprechaun said...

How dare she!? Although the Prince Zanzibar seems pretty mesmerizing. If he has greasy, flowing hair like the Artist (formerly known as, or that sign) and uses Soul Glow a la Coming to America, I think you, Guy Lombardo are in deep doo-doo. I am a happily married man, but even I am severely tempted. Defend yourself against your self and Happy New Year.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Maybe you should tell her you're into three-somes and have her invite the Prince-of-Zanzibar over a wild and kinky time with you... uh, and yourself.

Anonymous said...

You mean you aren't a prince and you don't have a 3,000ft yacht?!! Man, I am so gullible. Well, I have been needing to cull my buddy list!! :P

Happy New Year Lobo

Anonymous said...

Isn't the Prince of Zanzibar under indictment in a Nigerian scam? And wasn't Guy Lombardo named as an investor with Bernie Madoff? I hope you change your names quickly enough before your wife dumps these guys.

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

A prom dress made of wicker???? I think you MADE THAT UP!!!

robkroese said...

I hope this is true. But wait, she does read this blog, right?

Alex L said...

So you're the one that stole the Prince of Zanzibar logon! Dammit I needed that... for... well you don't quite need to know hat yet.