
Dissonance and Dattonance

Predator Press


I have an ongoing love/hate relationship with Entrecard.

Sure you wander into a few truly original gems ... Entrecard is how I found Neon Bubble, Daisy the Curly Cat and Crotchety Old Man Yells at Cars.

But ultimately for every gem there's like 652 tons of schlock to sift through, and when it all boils down I think I like the Humor-Blogs environment better. That's where talent like the Acorn King, Taunt Vortex Unfinished Rambler and Riding with Rickey reside and reign supreme. Call me a cynic, but when your blog's opening line is "I'm a happily married woman ..." I feel like screaming "Oh really?"


First of all -assuming that's true- who cares? I don't want to be cruel here, but who wants to read about your lousy happiness and egregious contentedness? That's just bragging. And bragging is mind-numbingly boring.

Your pointed denial, brownie recipe and ugly kids do not interest me. I wanna read a blog about a guy that thinks he's a parking meter and fights crime when the red "Time Expired" flag comes up -but is deathly allergic to crawfish. Or maybe a lawyer that reunites the ghosts of roadkill cats with the drivers that killed them for some old-school payback.

Mulling over your pedestrain blasé bliss is not how I want to spend an afternoon: I suggest when your spouse comes home from the accounting firm or whatever, answer the door wearing nothing but Saran Wrap and a thin coat of Vaseline ... and then jack 'em up with a tire iron.

Aside from that, bank robberies are always a good bet. Too much planning? How about good ‘ol fashioned arson?

C’mon people! Use your imagination here!


Anonymous said...

How about Fight Crime and Make Money with a Rambling Celebrity Pinoy Mommy Parking Meter?

Da Old Man said...

Where the hell am I supposed to get my Pinoy SEO blogger tips?
Who will tell me the way to monetize my blog by covering it with ads?

Thanks for the nice words, BTW.

Grandy said...

But where would Entrecard be without the recipe-fat-camp-make-money-self-help-a-thons?

Thanks for the smile.

Now...back to burning my desk.

ReformingGeek said...

Uh....Let me check with one of my other personalities (twitch, twitch) to see if they might be more interesting. For some reason, I've just taken up pole dancing.

Also, DAMN! I was just about to post a recipe.

Ha! Just kidding.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Speedcat taking notes ....


Rob Bank, then fite crime

Be one with parking meter

OK ... I'm on the case!

Ohhhh - and I spoze I could drop a card too.

Speedcat Hollydale said...

fight crime


(get speel check too)

Jackie said...

I'm with Speedy so that should be interesting!

Anonymous said...

I joined Entrecard, but mainly because some of my favorite bloggers including yourself and too many other to name without slighting someone who I should have remembered from are there. I get the same feeling: BORING (btw, nice graphic). You definitely are not alone.

Unknown said...

Oh, I hope the hell I am not boring, but I probably am. I am in the middle of writing about duck hunting. True! Wait until you get to the end of said post. To me it was extremely funny. I will be sure and come get you when it is posted. By the entrecrap is ok because I get to see a lot of my buddies, other than that it looks like an asshat!

Tonya said...

Hmmm.. Saran Wrap and a thin coat of Vaseline sounds like a good time, i think i will try that out this weekend, maybe at the bar, and you are right, if nothing at all it should make for an interesting post

Michael from said...

I just signed up for the entrecard and am still trying to figure it out. Am I supposed to deny some of the requests I get? How do I pick the folks I already like to appear in my box? Sometime, I'll do the research, when I have lots of free time. I'm thinking Christmas day.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I refuse to believe there are that many Filipinos who married American men (fat ugly men who couldn't get laid if there were only blind ugly chicks left) who are really that happy.

Kirsten said...

If it weren't for entrecard, I would never have know what pinoy means! :)

Kathy said...

Oh, cripes. I, too, was mulling over posting a recipe. But they're for my world famous crack brownies, so someone out there would have enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I know I already commented on this post, but found out through another blogger that EC is having other problems as well. One major blogger leaving recently. Another one left because he was stealing someone else's material. Is all this worth it? Why can't we all just get along? (Um, yes, I have been drinking. Why do you ask?)

Anonymous said...

OMG never a truer word said. Is the world really populated by a majority of Philippine Red Sox knitting-obsessed Christian fundamentalists who insist on sharing photos of their cats, dogs, kids, husbands (and ex-husbands) washing their new 4X4's whilst they cook freshly cooked fish on a new bbq we all have to buy because 10% of the profit goes to help starving African republicans make a living from weaving straw and dung into gorgeous handmade rings? Or have I finally flipped over into some kind of nightmarish bloggers' reality and turned insane once and for all? Blee bloo blah gibber gibber...