Before deluging us with “Congratulations” mail, you should know that Terri and I did not, in fact, adopt a dog.
In fact this isn’t even a real dog at all: this is just a little something Predator Press Scienticians whipped up overnight.
Isn’t it amazing? And we haven't even glued on the carpet remnants yet! If we could get the oil it leaks to be the color of urine, it would be totally indistinguishable from the real thing.
(I sure hope it fits in the basket.)
Actually I was skimming Google for “Robot Dog” images, and I came across Roosters Metacreations. This is a very cool site, and the Galleries are amazing.
Not adopting a dog was a smart move. Truly.
Ahhhh, that's K-9. I've always wanted K-9. He's handy to have around when attacked by weird-a** aliens invading Earth. But where is Sarah Jane Smith and the Doctor?
iByte... BLASPHEMY, hundreds of 'Dr Who' fans shall be awaiting you for revenge... hmmm I'm trying to figure out how that would be scary, oh well never mind. Long live iByte
I say you put some chocolates or ground coffee into the basket as well--insurance folks go for that stuff, and what better form of revenge than making them think they're getting a puppy and an afternoon buzz before they die.
Imagine...ya can stick on thumbtacks for the ticks too!
Anndi: Nah. We got a cat. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs ... but they're too much of a pain in the ass for my International Man of Mystery lifestyle.
(aka: too lazy)
ReformingGeek: You would be saving us a lot of trouble if you just forget ever having seen this "K-9" robot assassin puppy before.
Alex: I shoulda googled the name first -I thought I made it up. Still, I don't think it's fair that Doctor Who -a guy that jumps through time- can steal my ideas like that.
Meg: Well I've hit some design issues that are imposing weight restrictions. So far they weigh about 550 lbs each (and that's just the chassis).
Don: See now that's the kind of thinking I need around here. Do you have any idea how much robot ticks would have costed in research and development?
K-9! Alert, alert. The Doctor must be nearby and found. Exterminate! Exterminate!
Well K-9 will, at least, be a lot easier to take care of. I'm thinking you might need a bigger basket. :)
He looks a little like one of those big transport vehicles that the jawas used. Does he have beat up old droids inside him?
I don't care what any of you say--you'll never make me believe that's not a real dog.
That's adorable. Is it housebroken and 3 laws safe?
Can you program it to sniff various things?
replaced by automation ..
Does your dog bite? Or in this case byte...that old gag...
aoi...i don't believe K9 says exterminate...I think thats the Darleks.
Long live Dr. Who and Sarah who kept K9 long enough for him to find a new life here. In this blog. In this world.
i haven't seen a K9 since the 80s.
Nice work
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