Predator Press
After being without electricity for nine hours, imagine my surprise to find out
Russia has boldly moved into Georgia with tanks and militia!
While I will most certainly miss the
World's Largest Peanut Monument and the
Replica of the Statue of Liberty, you have to tip your hat to the tactical brilliance of the Ruskies here: they have put themselves in a good position to strike at Alabama and South Carolina, and effectively cutoff Florida and Key West altogether.

I would like to be the first to express a whole-hearted welcome to our Soviet conquerors, and how much I always liked those big fuzzy hats. And who is really going to miss Georgia anyway? I mean they put a
peach on their commemorative quarter for god’s sake! There can’t be much going on down there.

As Chancellor of LOBOnia -a tiny territory consisting of a mobile 10' circle around myself- I assure you the diplomatic relationship with the capitalist pig-dogs is cordial but very loosely maintained. And
Predator Press -in keeping with our long-standing tradition of being one of the most progressive independent publications on the internet- is all about
embracing change whenever completely necessary.
In honor of our glorious and valiant new comrades, tomorrow at noon
Predator Press will be conducting the first “LIVE LOBO” completely in Russian.
The topic shall be, “So How Cool is that Kremlin?”
what? i live in georgia! i don't want a bunch of commies coming down here and romping on my bermuda grass or letting gulags on my porch swing!
Yeah, um Lobo... um... about this news release... uh...
Muskrat: I didn't want it either.
I didn't want it either ...
Jeff: You were saying comrade?
does this mean vodka will be cheaper?
Now that is funny! Considering I'm in Florida - I hope Gov. Crist is moving the national guard to our Northern border!
We'll probably need to get some assistance from our redneck neighbors to the west! Those commies are nuts if they try to take Alabama!
Ha HA!!
You make me laugh so hard!
or maybe it's the tequila
As long as they bring vodka, it's all good.
My poor lil girl lives in Atlanta (which now, unfortunately is spelled with no vowels and lots of c's and v's).
We're working on organizing a special strike until to extract her from the danger zone.
Anyone got a Huffy I can borrow? :)
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