Now I get that, but I’m also very laid-back about it personally. If you can multi-task while driving, that’s great. I suppose I trust you. Ethan, for instance, uses an electric shaver on his way to work.
I, for one, “self-police” in this regard: I can barely drive when that’s all I’m doing; if the phone rings while I’m driving, I’ll let it go to voicemail and return the call later.

To me, handling any two-handed activity while simultaneously driving with your elbows is impressive.
But flossing?
How can you see with big chunks of food obscuring your windshield?
I can't multi task either when I'm driving and anyone else who does, scares me! Luckily it's against the law here to talk on your phone. But you can text, so go figure!
Geez! And the blood! I must lose a quart during my yearly flossing.
Well, when should I do it? I know it was me cuz I use my water pic on Wednesdays.
okay, I'll admit it, I put on mascara while driving. At least I'm only at risk of poking my eye out, not dodging flying bits of food.
So you mean to tell Rickey that angrily masturbating while driving constitutes an unsafe vehicular practice? Nonsense.
This proves how important it is to always use your blinker properly.
I only know that using your cellphone in New York can be expensive, though the fawning and slightly pathetic letter I wrote to the Cortland Town Court in which I managed to work in my EMT/firefighter status AND provide photocopied proof of same kept the fine small. Yes, I am shameless. Also broke.
PS to Rickey- Two things. 1) Why angrily? 2) I guess the Rickeymobile isn't stick.
Perhaps she has very dexterous feet and very flexible hips.
I personally think having kids in the cars is more of a distraction than cell phoning, flossing or masturbating.
Yeah, like Meg says, having kids in the car can be distracting. The labor pains alone would probably make it hard for me to concentrate on the road.
Thanks for this insight. I'll think twice before I try again to put my contact lenses in while driving.
Flossing? Are you Serious?!
I hardly floss at all.. let alone in my car.
Pffft... Next I suppose you're going to tell us that reading blogs on an iPhone while driving isn't a good idea.
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