Predator Press Welcomes CanuckleHead to HBFFL

Predator Press




Why everyone is watching that old outmoded crap is totally beyond me. I mean what have those ancient Greek people ever done for us? And aren’t they all dead?

Soon millions and millions more countries around the world -and across it too- will be watching the infinitely more historic and important Humor-Blogs Fantasy Football League.

Predator Press heartily welcomes CanuckleHead to the games.

(And to put some clothes on.)

Contact Angry Seafood to join the
Humor-Blogs Fantasy Football League!


Bee said…
I wish I knew stuff about the foosball.

When LOBO Saturdays Live again?
Bee said…
that was supposed to say
When IS LOBO Saturdays Live again?
LOBO said…
Saturday @ noon your time!

LOBO said…
And PS: I don't know jack about football either ... but I thought it would be kewl blog fodder.

I was in the 1908 olympics, and won a medal in leap frog. My legs are L O N G and lean

If I wanted to watch teens swinging around and jumping off stuff .... ( I do not )

"Blogging olympics"??? Now that could be fun.
AoE said…
If I send you a picture of my head, can you make me look that good? And as far as Fantasy Football goes ... you going down LOBO ... down!!!! (maybe)
Anonymous said…
Took me WAY too long to find this - DAMN - I look good. I wish my performance had lived up to the hype ....

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