
With Great Pectorals Comes Great Responsibility

Predator Press


I bust into Ethan's office, and show him the pictures.

"Christ Ethan! Did you know the Unabomber was a real guy?"

Ethan stares at me for a second. "Yeah. They caught him in Montana or something."

"Really?" I says, flipping through a few more pages of Crime Magazine. "How about the Zodiac Killer?"

Ethan puts down his pen. "Are you serious? You thought that whole 'Zodiac Killer' thing was a story?"

I walk around his desk and slap the magazine down for effect. "Hell yes! And currently, it's totally unsolved. Ethan, I think we need to hire some security. I'm a Cancer, goddamnit."

"Tell me about it," says Ethan. Incredulous, he slides his glasses down his nose. "You do realize Batman is a fictional character, right?"

Nervously peeking through the blinds, I ponder this.

"Man, I ain't never going to Gotham City."


Unknown said...

If you put out some treats: Underdog will undoubtedly come a-runnin'!!! Well, at least that is what our puppies insist.

Mike said...

The unibomber was REAL!?!??!?!

Anonymous said...

I think they finally found the Zodiac guy. Oh no, wait. That was the Green River Killer. Be very afraid.

Anonymous said...

False False False....Batman was real and his bat cave is right behind the truckstop in Jane Lew West Virginia.. exit 106 I79...

Anonymous said...

PS.. the fishing has been lousy since you parked that damn aircraft carrier in my fishpond..but on the upside I got buzzed by a chopper with topless female sailors this morning so it all balances out....:):)