
Predator Press


Man, I'm freaking tired.

The pace at work over the last few months has been nothing short of blistering: I like the cool lab coat and all, but if I would have known that stem cell research would be so time consuming I woulda scraped out those Petri dishes right into the toilet a long time ago.

The Christmas 'break' was all jammed up too. I mean besides the usual shopping, police harassment and anarchy, I was working a grueling schedule donating my time teaching orphans to shoplift after school: there's just nothing like the sense of satisfaction you get when you look into the gleeful, hungry eye of one that has just boosted his [or her] first iPod.

I would still be doing those $20 seminars, but one of the more entrepreneurial of the little pricks lifted my wallet. Can you believe that? Man, you can't trust nobody nowadays. They're fiercely loyal to each other too: I practically hadda squish poor lil Jimmy through a fine mesh screen before he tearfully broke down and ratted on his own brother. Growing up in that decrepit old house together must have fostered some pretty serious bonding --and I don't mean decrapit in the 'quaint' sense of the word either: that place is a total dump. Too bad it didn't foster some taste instead.

But things are winding down to a crawl, and now I have the leisure time to design and develop my Evil Robot Minions. Chrysler says they can bring my Peacekeeper v1.1 into production for the paltry sum of $458,596,054.13 apiece, which is about $458,596,032.65 more than Jimmy's scumbag orphan brother left on my debit card. Now I have to decide between rewarding loyal lil Jimmy with the winter coat I promised him or cup holders.

... But I happen to be very fond of Starbucks, and the last thing Jimmy's shithole needs is moths.


Nina Munteanu said…
Great post! Specially about the Starbucks.... I have a "present" for you... :) go here:
Anonymous said…
mmm once you've rested up how about messing with those cells and getting me a clone of Anne Margaret...:):):) and tell that kid to bring back my damn I pod..:):):)
Happy New Year my crazy friend! xoxoxo
Kate Boddie said…
I'm all up for some evil robot minions. Just as long as you mutate them right.
Terry said…
You know I just commenting the other day that there is not enough evil robots in the world.

Glad you filling that niche.

Great Post

Fanton said…
A happy new year to you, you glorious swine!
the frogster said…
Um, about the Robots. I had Chrysler bang out a couple of android pirate ninjas I was working on, but as soon as I activated them they just headed straight for the local watering hole and started shouting for sake. You might take a look at Toyota or Mercedes. Wait- Harley Davidson. Yeah. THAT is the company to design your Evil Robot Minions. They would be the coolest minions ever.
Ooohh you support Starbucks?

You do know that they are run by the Illuminati and are the main sponsor of the global elitists orgy of Molech worship at Bohemian Grove each year, right?

Yep, that's why I support them too.


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