

Predator Press


People are always asking me, "LOBO, what is the secret to your staggering successes when it comes to keeping women happy?"

Well, I'm glad you asked me that. Now, happily married for well over a year, I feel I am qualified to lecture comprehensively on the subject.

As a busy and successful entrepreneur, trying to fit in all my meetings, alien and zombie insurrections and Muscle and Fitness photo shoots barely leave me any time whatsoever for my more scientific endeavors –let alone the day-to-day chores such as taking out the garbage; one only has to have his still-beating heart ripped from his chest and impaled by salted glass shards a dozen times or so before he realizes that there is definitely room for improvement in overall relationship contentment and stability.

One solution that showed moderate success was to ensure Terri had an ample and adequate supply of chocolate available. This often seemed to “take the edge off” of conventional disputes: when chocolate chip cookies and/or brownies were readily on hand, she would often forget to salt the glass -in fact there were times when she didn’t even impale the pulsing organ with any salted objects whatsoever, instead electing to douse it in gasoline and torch it with matches. While not considered entirely a success, this did in fact provide a sterilizing effect and cauterize the points where her fingernails penetrated, significantly improving the odds of surgical reinstallation.

The seemingly obvious solution –to actually remember to take out the trash- is a simpleminded, Luddite-esqe approach. Why go through all that effort if modern chemistry could take care of all that for you? I then presented the crack staff of Predator Press Scienticians with this problem.

According to the, “Studies have shown that people in love have an unusually high amount of [Chocolate], thus, [Chocolate] is also known as the “love drug.” [Chocolate] increases blood pressure and sugar levels and creates the feeling of well being and [Chocolate] contentment.”

And so what if the article was really about heroin? The solution is clear: an abundance of chocolate is indeed the key. Confident I was “on” to something, I designed a custom Chips Ahoy holster and spent countless hours practicing a quick-draw technique –ultimately achieving a high level of deadly accuracy.

Unfortunately Terri, when upset, can be very uncooperative with science: numerous computer simulations were conducted, proving conclusively that the cookies would simply shatter against her clenched and growling jaw serving only to enrage her further. (Worse, the broken cookies would only contribute to the afore mentioned neglected trash.)

Thus it was back to the drawing board. If Terri was to resist high doses of chocolate as they are required, what good is this knowledge at all?

And that’s when we developed the Predator Press Chocolate Blowdart [retailing at $799.50, available at Ace Hardware and Autozone]. Days of garbage-forgetting ambushes can be a thing of the past: with a simple deep breath and exhale, you too can watch as your formely-hostile spouse’s eyes glaze over in loving contentedness. And once sedated, you can “tag” them with such pertinent information such as address, blood type, a tracking device, and a microchip preemptively transmitting anniversaries and pertinent birthdays to your Blackberry.

Order today and receive a $10 off coupon for the Predator Press Skillet of Love and free shipping.


Where There's Smoke, There's ART

Predator Press


One of the most intriguing sites I've found tooling around on the web is

It claims that you can take this:

And make it into this:

Unfortunately, I can't confirm the veracity of the site because I always end up with this:

and occasionally this:

-It always seems to come apart during the flight stick assembly.


Woe to thee -if in fact that is your real name: you have cost me 17 hours of life, eighty pounds of construction paper, four gallons of Elmer's glue, and caused countless paper cuts resulting in $1,457 in self-inflicted hospital bills my insurance will no longer cover.

For this I'm directing the full and mighty vengeful force of Predator Press to inflict swift, lethal payback by beating you at your own game.


Tune in next week, 'O Loyal Reader. For then Predator Press will launch our own series of fantastical origami art tutorials.

We will teach you to take this:

And make stuff like this:


Keeping the Romance Aflame

Predator Press


I have recently made the observation that the most significant appliance in my marriage is a medium-sized cast iron skillet.

See, upon occasion I lose my sense of decorum and post about, um, fisting androids and random loose allusions about pornography.


-In a fraction of a second the "message" is delivered loud 'an clear.

Once I'm out of the hospital, several days of apologetic groveling must ensue: this typically includes flowers, chocolates, window serenades, jewelry, luxury cars -whatever it takes to trick her into thinking I have deeply-rooted “feelings” and warrant forgiveness.

Conversely, if I’m mad, she uses this exact same skillet to make my favorite food: pork chops. Pork chops -minus the time to defrost them- take maybe an hour and max out cost-wise at around $15.

This versatile utensil is truly remarkable, and when factoring in the innate marriage-saving properties it must be regarded with a certain awe … an awe that could bring an entrepreneurial blogger such as myself an assload of cash.

-Cash that can be used for the afore mentioned apologetic groveling.

As many of you longtime readers know, Predator Press has always been a blog dedicated exclusively to successful relationships and personal fulfillment. It is in this spirit I’ve contacted DuPont and –with Doctor Phil onboard as a consultant- have developed the official Predator Press Skillet of Love.

No couple that takes itself seriously should be without it.

Retailing at around $1,249.93 (plus S&H), the Predator Press Skillet of Love is constructed of contoured space age polymers and alloys making it extremely lightweight, balanced, and aerodynamic for hurling ease and accuracy -while the virtually impervious coating provides a non-stick surface that rarely requires cleaning, seasoning, or even heat.

Detachable laser targeting scope (pictured) is optional and sold separately.


New Mars Rover Convertible, Has Cup Holders

Predator Press


"AM radio?  Dammit Houston, the antennae is fucked up again."

Middle-aged men buy exotic sports cars in an effort to be more alluring to women.

It occurs that NASA, trying to find life on Mars, should adopt this same logic: perhaps they should build a rover that would be more alluring to aliens.

-You know.  Fill it up with rednecks not wearing pants and carrying crappy cameras.


People Say "Book Burning" like it's a BAD Thing

It was a one night stand
... stop calling me!

 Predator Press


Now working for a book distributor, I'm developing an increased awareness of how many of you nerds weren't left smashed on the schoolyard good 'n proper.

Books were things teachers made us endure because they hated and liked to punish us.  And yeah I sell them.  I sell them for the same reason everyone else does.

Miss Addington, have you met Elmo?

But every day I see perfectly good, normal-seeming adults flipping them open and watching these 'books' for hours on end, just like it's a football game or something.  I'll sneek a peek over a shoulder every now and then just to make sure I'm not being tricked -you know, like maybe they're watching American Idol on a concealed iPad or cellphone?

But no, it's usually just another one of those bookwatchin' cult weirdos starin at squiggly lines.  Sometimes there will be a picture, but they don't move or anything.

No Kim Kardashian, no "Situation," no cartoons ... yet these bookwatching freaks just sit there, hour after hour.  I'm squeamish, too: Christ, watching people do this to themselves is the equivalent of cutting the top of my skull off, and pouring in salt and broken glass.

What has America come to?

This is just plain depressing.

*** BONUS CUT ***

Just in case you guys doubted these books exist, I decided to link the pics to places they are being sold.

But made me shoot coffee through my nose when I saw this:

Quotes from Amazon page:

"Share your own images"

"Gift wrap available"

"23 used from $0.41"

"Want it delivered Monday, November 28 ... ?"

Internet Swag

Predator Press


Report: Many U.S. Parents Outsourcing Child Care Overseas

What if our Alien Visitors are Delicious?

Predator Press


Oh, come on ... you're all thinking it. I'm the only one that has the cajones to come right out and say it.

And I can already hear you bleeding heart liberals complaining, 'But LOBO, aliens capable of interstellar travel would be super-intelligent!' blah blah.

Oh please ... ridden a bus lately? What if these are celestial losers tryin to get a picture of themselves next to the intergalactic equivalent of the 'World's Biggest Ball of Yarn?"


The capability of travel doesn't impress me. In fact non-intelligent beings travel every day (see photo, right).

And frankly, these rude and unannounced tourists being 'intelligent' only makes the idea more attractive: what could be better than a meal that preheats the oven, sets the timer, lathers itself in a fine mornay sauce and is fully cooked to a succulent golden-brown before you even get home?

As far as I'm concerned, the only question is whether to serve them with a white wine or a red.


The Barbary Coast

Predator Press


I’m not sure who Barbarossa’s “real” parole officer is, but once we get that sorted out I’ll bet he and Barbarossa will both be eternally grateful to me.

But until then -with no guarantee of financial compensation- I oversee his attempt at reformation almost exclusively when Barbarossa and I can both benefit from it.  And that is most often when I am in an evil, spiteful mood, and need to kick someone around for a few hours.

-The first fifteen minutes of which he has been sitting across the desk from me as I stare, arms folded, wordless and stern.

“So no job yet, hm?” I says, finally breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“Didn’t you just get a job a few days ago?” he replies.

“I’m not the one on parole, am I?”

Barbarossa fidgets anxiously.

“No sir.”

“Ah,” I says. Deliberately, I let my eyes fall to the giant Red Button on the desk between us. It’s not hooked up to anything and we never discuss it, but Barbarossa is terrified of it. Shaking my head, I shrug and sigh, and slowly lean forward to reach for it …

“Please!” pleads Barbarossa. “I have been applying for jobs like crazy!”

“How do I know you have been applying for jobs at all?”

“I have an application in my pocket.” Standing, he procures and frantically unfolds it. “Look.” Setting it before me (at a wide berth of the Red Button), he pats the document twice, flattening it. His nervous smile reveals all of maybe six teeth total.

“Red Lobster,” he beams.

Reading, I scowl into it. “You filled it out in gibberish.”

“That’s Spanish,” he explains.

I roll my eyes. "Oh Christ that’s even worse. Nobody is going to hire a Spaniard. You people are all pirates!"

A single bead of sweat rolls down his forehead.

“They wanted someone bilingual.”

Eyebrows furrowed, I bite my lower lip in thought. “Why would they want someone with an, eh, ‘alternative lifestyle’? What the hell are they doing to the lobsters? Jesus I don’t think I’m going to eat there anymore.”

“That would be a shame.”

“You didn’t circle ‘M,’” I point out.

“Excuse me?”

“Under sex. You didn’t circle ‘M’ for ‘Male.’ You wrote something in.”

“I wrote ‘raras veces.’ That is Spanish for ‘seldom,’” he explains. “I am married.”