The Rabbit Hole

Predator Press


Since we're doing "flashbacks," I thought I would tell you about my great, great, great, great grandfather: King LOBO the First.

In an effort to conquer both the Crips and the Bloods, King LOBO found himself and his army lost in a desert.  This was due to a clerical error ... they were all seeking a Dairy Queen for dessert, and way back in those days Predator Press mapticians were terrible spellers.

"We shall send scouts!" he proclaimed.  "One to the north, one to the south, one to the east, and one to the west.  And they will tell us which way will provide us with safe passage and much-needed parfaits!"

The next day Bob's horse returned, Bob's severed head in the saddle bag.

"Shit!" proclaimed King LOBO.  "Does anybody remember which direction we sent Bob?"


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