LOBO is a Mom (Day II)

Predator Press


Well, my little darling hasn’t made an appearance today.  Which is probably good, because I had a nightmare last night that she was the first of an entire brood and, utterly famished, dissolved me to a skeleton before I could scream.

All new parents want to be lied to about this harsh, jagged reality.  But my case is a little different because ladybugs are considered good luck.

I would have had the luckiest skeleton on Earth.

But there wasn’t a swarm, so it is likely I only have one.  That’s why I went out and got some Creatine Supplements, bodybuilding milkshakes, and occasional random naked steroids.  For the beginnings of an evil army of minions, a two thousand pound balding ladybug with shrunken testicles and rage issues is delightfully ironic.

I've officially named her “Rommel.”


LadyTerri said…
Sounds like you have replaced Mojo. Don't worry I won't tell her.
LOBO said…
How dare you suggest Mojo -aka "Phil"- could be replaced?

Mojo has seniority. And after the inevitable rise of the Vast LOBOnian Empire -an Empire forged with my own two mighty Fists of Wisdom- there will obviously be many mouse-addled catnip factories.

-Factories she will rule for all Eternity!

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