What The Hell Is Wrong With You, MicroSoft?

Predator Press


I just made my default browser “Google Chrome” after what seems like far too much debate.

Only now does it occur to me that for decades the thought of buying an Apple computer over a PC would have been ardently scoffed at.  I've been ‘on board’ with computers since the TI-99 -one could argue that’s from the inception of the Personal Computer Revolution- and so help me God, through the defective chip releases and temperamental software, I've been a PC guy all the way.

But I look around my desk to see an iPhone, iPod, iTunes, iThis, iThat … now I’ve even ditched even Internet Explorer.  And you know what PC?  I ain’t married to you either: if Apple brings all this CrApple together into one collapsible device the size of a DVD case or so, I can’t imagine Intel ever getting another nickel from me.

Unless it’s some sort of government bailout.


Mark said…
Too big to fail!

Too clunky to work.

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