
Predator Press


I have learned that you can’t take a Republican’s gun because everyone has an inalienable right to one.

They will say, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people! It’s a matter of individual Liberty!”

But ask a Republican about legalizing marijuana?

“Oh hell no. Just take this here gun and shut the fuck up. It’s fun.”

Okay, cool. I'm not really seeing a problem here.

-As long as the Republicans don't hassle my Dominos delivery guy.


Anonymous said…
Domino's has a all new pizza with added spices and err, herbs. Maybe they are catching on.
Dr. Tundra said…
You might be onto a great business model there.
LOBO said…
lotgk: Have you had it yet? Compared to their old product, it's light years ahead (which isn't saying much come to think of it). I'm a big Nancy's Pizza head (stuffed crust), but we don't have them out here.

On a first date with my wife, she wouldn't eat it because she said there was too much cheese on it.

I swear to God I thought "Well, this'll never work out ... "

Doctor T: Don't you think?

Honestly, if the republicans were really pro-liberty you wouldn't be able to keep me out. But all their crap just boils down to just pro-their-liberty. How come dodderin' grandpa can store an arsenal big enough to murder the entire county, but the real threat are the people that just want Pink Floyd records and Doritos?

BTW - loved your appearance in Marvellous Harry! :)
Anonymous said…
I have had the new and improved Dominos pizza. Instead of getting some cardboard thin weak tasting pizza, the new pizza had a thicker crust and it did taste better. Not the best pizza in town, but adequate.

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