Rebel Yell

Predator Press


Between Terri and I, we have two boys and five girls -four of which girls are over eighteen.

Plus two 'Mother-In-Laws," four grand-daughters, and, like, nine sisters between us.

Not to mention Phil, the female household feline.

-For the two boys and I, it’s like dangling precariously over intermittently-whirling serrated sawblades sharpened in acid and salted gasoline.

And what exactly are we going to do about it?

I dunno.

A bake sale maybe.


Stephanie Barr said…
I'm the oldest of seven, five girls, two boys. My husband's grandfather was the oldest of eleven and the only male. Neither of us (though, of course, I'm female) seemed to bear any animus to the preponderance of females.

My father, however, was the oldest of twelve, nine of which were boys. I'd say, off-hand that his disdain for men (and the chauvinistic religion he was raised in) was pronounced.

I wonder if I had a point. *Sigh* Long day.
Allen said…
Whirling serrated sawblades sharpened in salted acid and gasoline. Geesh guy sounds like your miserable. Maybe you should take a vaction with out the wife and kids.
LOBO said…
Stephanie: It didn't occur to me until today. I'm immediately filing a petition with Terri to see if I can create an exploratory committee on the subject.

I'll need to sway a few votes obviously ... I'm off to Bath 'an Body Works to "grease the wheels."

Allen: I heven't worked since October -theoretically I'm on vacation.

-That's half the problem. I keep demanding margaritas ...
Invest in one of these (See photo at ) At least it gives you a fighting chance. Otherwise, you're doomed.
mars said…
Smart man.
jim w said…
have more babies, make sure they're boys, create an army...
Alyson said…
My family is very large and made up of mostly women as well. Which probably explains the heavy medications and alcoholic tendencies. The few men never stood a chance against all that raging estrogen.
Nooter said…
would like to help with your bake sale, i have saved one dollar and seventeen cents from under the sofa. how much stuff can i get with that?

as for all the girls in your life, i recommend strategically placed live snakes and frogs until they come around to your way of thinking, hee hee!
Suzanne said…
You just gave me an idea for a post, don't worry, I'll link you.

Or totally foget the whole thing cuz I'm at work.
Suzanne said…
^ forget
Mom said…
If you want, you could come to mall with my daughters and me, and talk about it while we get our nails done. After, we could grab some salads.
Anonymous said…
Oh the injustice. I was in the same boat until I had my son- girls everywhere. Sometimes he and I walk around in our underwear and pass gas just to assert our boy-ness. I'm glad I finally have an ally.
LOBO said…
DG: I'm doomed any way you slice it.

Mars: That's what I keep telling them ...

jim w: I would, but I can't seem to find anyone that will explain the process to me ...

otherworldlyone: It seems worse when you cooperate. To quote The Simpsons, "I even did the stuff that contradicted the other stuff."

-It's worse than reading the Bible.

Nooter: Sage advice. I wonder what snakes and spiders retail for ...

Sue: I'll keep an eye out for it! :)

Mom: haha! The 'nail technicians' would take one look at my claws, and hesitantly start putting on protective gear ...

Jamie: This is a good plan on a lot of levels ... underwear circumvents being reminded I don't know how to dress myself.
LOBO said…
I find myself wondering this issue almost as much as cinderblock lightbulb food.

That's why I homepage Predator Press.

Free processing foot powder!

-And alliteration!

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