I used to think of Massachusetts as sophisticated and enlightened.
-But it appears if you part that lovely ivy just a smidge, gawsh-golly there’s a rootin’ tootin knee-slappin rebel flag-flyin hoedown just a-bellerin’ ta beat the band!
Betwixt whittlin, law enforcement, and just electrifiyin’ squaredance jug-blowin, Boston Po-lice Officer Justin Barrett done used this here lighty-box to tele-e-graph a mass email hollerin how Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. is a "banana-eating jungle monkey.”
Now before all you –uh- 'darkies' git ta yer angry break dancin an thowin’ yer fried chicken, y’all should know he has done assured America on CNN he is definitely not -by inny stretch of that thar imagination- a racist.
-In fact, some of his best friends knows people that are Negroes.
In case you missed the link to the story, here it is again.
-If this guy serves another minute as an on-duty cop, I am going to absolutely freak out.
And if the Boston P.D. won't shitcan him for being "too racist to enforce law," they should try "too stupid."
*Sigh* There are some damn decent cops out there but unfortunately they never make the news. Just the idgets.
What happened to the good old days like in LA where the police just beat people on a street corner. (Tongue in cheek comment, folks)
The sad part is, the country is in the grip of a recession with banks failing, the auto industry bankrupt, the housing industry drying up, jobs as scarce as Lindsay Lohan ever getting hired again, (Outside of a stripper club) and Obama takes the time to have a few beers with these to hash out the scenario. WTF!!!!
Stephanie: It makes the news because of outrage ... we expect better of these people and should. Certainly it's certainly a dangerous job I would never consider doing ... but I'll bet you I could find some serious crime in a mere five minutes of driving.
So why are they so preoccupied with having pecker waving contests with regular citizens? How about they catch all the druggies and murderers first, and then fuck with the jaywalkers.
It's counter-intuitive and cowardly. Quit terrorizing the people you are supposed to be protecting!
Jamie: Just don't get it on film ... footage of cops beating the shit out of you seems only to get them aquitted.
lotgk: Agh ... don't get me started. The lesson here? Being an unreasonable prick'll getcha on television, and a beer with the President.
I need gasoline and some matches. Stat.
I don't disagree. No doubt there are cops where power is what appeals to them. Unfortunately, the incidents where their stupidity and egomania get caught are the ones people use to characterize all cops.
And that ain't so. The idgets just don't do their fellow cops any good.
I'm not buying it. Cops need to be reminded they serve us. Period.
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