All Good Things

"Ethan," I says. "I quit."
"You quit what?"
"I quit Predator Press."
"You quit doing what exactly?"
"Well, I was hoping you could help me out with that. I'm having a lot of trouble with my Letter of Resignation."
"What brought this on?" says Ethan.
"I've decided I want to be a sheepherder."
"A sheepherder."
"Well, it turns out the sheep is not a very fast animal."
"Do tell."
"Yeah. I figure I'll use GPS, and catch 'em in my jeep just when the little pricks think they're home free."
"Possibly," says Ethan, scratching his chin. "But you would have to protect them from predators too."
"Oh please," I says. "The only other animals I ever see around sheep are cows, and cows are pussies. My sheep will be combat-trained, hardened bad-asses that rule over the cows with an iron-fisted tyranny thusly unprecedented in their eternal struggle."
I drift off for a second.
My sheep will have leather jackets.
Alternatively they'd make a mighty fine "**** or else" statement.