Hey Buuuuddy!
Still really stuffy, but gradually
feeling better. Sorry I didn't write this week: all the coughing and
sneezing has me sleeping like shit, so besides work that's pretty
much all I do. You should see my place … it looks like I've been
testing hand grenades on a Kleenex factory. All the hacking up glop
and sleep dep has me edgy too: I opened a shoe box and a moth flew
out, which almost gave me a heart attack. I have a tacit and tenuous
non-aggression pact with the spider in my bathtub. This is as close
as I've come to camping in thirty years.
The fact that it's Halloween kinda snuck up under my radar, and I don't have any candy for the little moochy bastards. I would probably call Child Protective Services on any parent that let there kids trick or treat in this neighborhood anyway. Still, I'm in a lights-out stealth mode for now, and the stubborn pricks interrupting my football will be rewarded with canned vegetables and fistfuls of oyster crackers.
I listen to a great ESPN/NFL podcast at work, and it was just nominated for an award. Unfortunately, it is competing with the other nominee, “Taylor Swift Talk.” Taylor Swift -in case you don't know- is an apparently successful teeny-bopper country chick that made her career writing angry and soppy songs about ex boyfriends. “Taylor Swift Talk,” in fact, isn't even directly affiliated with Taylor Swift -it's two guys and a girl waxing enthusiastic about the pre-pubescent lil blonde starlet. It's not even sanctioned by Taylor Swift. It's totally rogue and weird fan crap.
Smash-Cut to today: hundreds of thousands of NFL meatheads have launched a Twitter and Facebook war on “The Taylor Swift Podcast” -which isn't even the right fucking podcast. Somewhere there are three poor little teenage girls who have no idea why the full behemoth wrath of NFL fans have come crushing down upon “The Taylor Swift Podcast,” which was virtually unknown until yesterday.
Sometimes I love this planet.
Be safe, be smart. I love you Bro! See you soon!