
The Lexicon Border

From : LOBO (
Sent : Saturday, July 20, 2006 9:53 PM
To : Ethan (
CC : The Spanish Fly Industrial Complex
Subject : Naked Disfigured Twister® Midgets!!!

Hey Buddy!

How'z the "trip to Germany" going? I know you an Dayle are supposed to be "on vacation", so I won't tell anyone that you're a super-secret double agent with a big bush on your helmet, climbing through razorwire in the eastern Mesopotamian DMZ with sensitive microfilm at three o'clock this time. In fact, I just tell everybody you took Dayle to Disneyland ... although that makes the razorwire sound a lot more fun.

Phoebe was really jazzed over that fantastic fruit basket you sent. I was jealous at first, but then I found out that they don't make pork chop baskets. Now I'm copyrighting the idea; big lean cuts decorated with chicken wings and long strips of crispy bacon, complimented with a big bottle of vintage A1 sauce, a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and heart medication. And then when I'm filthy rich from it, I'll buy Germany and have it airlifted here so you don't have to fly as far.

(If Europe bitches about the big hole, I'll replace it with New Jersey.)

Anyways, all is quiet. Mr Insanity is "auditioning" new roomies, 'an the last one was --oddly enough-- German. Cute too! And complete with the six-foot two blonde and blue-eyed Aryan boyfriend. She seemed a little preoccupied with how small the oven is, but overall it went pretty well; we're already boning up on our Riverdancing techniques.

Everyone says "Hi!", and we miss ya!


Press Paws

Predator Press

[Mr. I]

"Consider how he thinks. The dinosaur, the Bronze Age, the Industrial Revolution, World War II ... along with the rest of history, they are all BL and cannot possibly have any effect on him today. As a consequence, he considers it all entirely irrelevant."


"Before LOBO."


The computer beeped twice. Some kind of alert. Saint Peter turned and read the new info through the bottom of his glasses. "Says here LOBO is currently engaged in harassing the elderly."

"Is it in traffic?"

"No. That wouldn't count."


LOBO's eyes alternated from the thick file to Mister and Misses Driskel in a cold and calculating manner.

"Farmers, eh?" he sighed finally.

Theodore Lawrence Driskel of Clawson City, Utah, was quite frazzled. They had driven twenty hours to get here, and the rather aggressive "interview" was now in it's third hour. He rubbed his eyes under his glasses with shaky, liver spotted hands. "Yes sir."

Examining the file, LOBO's eyebrows lifted. "Soybeans?"


"I fucking hate soybeans" LOBO growled.

Ellenor Jean Driskel --AKA "Ella"-- interupted. "We also grow green beans and corn--"

"--Silence!" LOBO's icy glare skewered her. "I'll get to you in a minute," he snarled. Spreading the file with his fingers, he tapped his fingers on Ethan's broad desk. "So you both have made roughly $45,000 a year for the last ten years, have excellent, well, immaculate credit, with the exception of filing bankruptcy in 1974."

Theodore and Ella looked at each other in mild discomfort.

"Relax," says LOBO, smiling like a hungry python. "That's why we're here. You're doing fine." He browsed the files some more. "Psychological profiles are good. And you both passed the physical and drug test with flying colors." He clicked his tongue thoughtfully. "No criminal record?"

"No sir," replied Mister Driskel. "We're regular church-going, God-fearin plain folk. Ella plays the organ for the Sunday service."

"No criminal record whatsoever?" LOBO inquired.

"No sir," repeated Mr. Driskel.

LOBO sighed, slipping a blue sheet of paper out from under the stack. "Well, unfortunately, we've found this."

It was a Chicago parking ticket from 1968.

"I'm sorry you've come all this way," he continued, "but I'm afraid this responsibility cannot be just fobbed off to common liars and criminals."

Ella burst into tears. "I'm sorry Theo! I never told you--"

Theodore Driskel patted Ella's hand comfortingly.

"--the Democratic National Convention was so packed. I only wanted to drop off some cookies and bandages for the protesters."

LOBO shook his head disappointedly. "As I said, I'm sorry. Please see yourselves out as I have a very busy schedule."

"So that's it then?" said Mister Driskel, squeezing Ella's hand gently. "We're getting turned down because of a forty year old parking ticket?"

"No," replied LOBO coolly. "You're getting turned down because your wife is a filthy lying anarchist and a cheap, wrinkled nationalist pinko whore. We could've won Vietnam if not for you peacenick Abbie Hoffmanites--!"

"--Now just a minute young man!" demanded Mister Driskel, standing. "I don't know exactly who you think you are--"

LOBO looked up with great interest as Mister Driskel rolled up his flannel sleeves.

"--but I'm not going to sit here and take you insulting my wife any longer!"

LOBO leaned back in Ethan's chair, grinning. "Fiery! Protective! ... I like that." Pulling out a long, bulleted checklist, he ticked off two points. "That put you at a final score of 210 out of a possible 300." Smiling, he folded his hands together and pointed roughly at the old couple with his paralleled index fingers. "And that's marginally passable".

Mister Driskel froze, confused. There was a stunned silence, interrupted periodically by Ella heavy sobbing.

LOBO opened a deep drawer, and produced a tiny white and brown spotted kitten. "Congratulations. It's name is Meowy." Recently informed that it's impossible to tell a cat's sex for several weeks by Ethan, LOBO had tried to stop randomly assigning genders to them. It was, after all, a somewhat important matter, and he had decided to give them some privacy in that regard.

Mister Driskel took the miniscule animal, and sat, arm around Ella as she heaved uncontrollably.

"There there, Emma," soothed LOBO as he offered a tissue. "You understand that a rigorous screening process in necessary, right?

"That's Ella," corrected Mr. Driskel.

"Whatever. Say, are you guys hungry?"

"Well, actually ... " sniffed Ella.

"Well, too bad you can't stay. But there's a pancake house right up the road on the way to the freeway. You can go there right after you fill out all the paperwork Miss Sapphire has for you on the way out. Goodbye."

The Driskels collected themselves, and hobbled for the door.

"Oh," added LOBO, standing to see them out. "One more thing. Meowy gets milk and Eukanoba everyday. And albacore tuna on Sundays ... not that crap tuna."

"Got it," says Mister Driskel.

"And I'll be checking up periodically," continued LOBO. "If Meowy isn't getting his shots regularly and very happy in his new home, I'll come to Clawson City, cut your fucking commie nuts off, and feed 'em to Phil in a lobster bisque."


LOBO walked in and simply collapsed on the couch.

"How'd it go?" I asked with mild interest.

"Well, I found a home for Meowy," he replied.

"You've been at this for weeks," I says. "How many have you found homes for so far?"

"Two," said LOBO. "But I'm rethinking the Stillsons. I think I could do better for Bob."

"You've really got to let this go at some point."

"Maybe." LOBO picked up his paperback copy of Chuck Palahniuk's Choke. Again I watched. I've never actually witnessed LOBO read before, and that particular book has been sitting --upside-down and split open almost perfectly in the center-- on the coffee table, for over six months unmoved. It left a dustless clean rectangle.

And just as I suspected, LOBO lay back and set the book over his eyes.

"I guess you heard that the Liberty Bell got cracked by the trucking company," I says.

"Yeah. Now nobody'll want the damn thing."

"Did you try ebay?"

"Nah. I already got Max, Brighta and Vetter trying to get rid of it. I told 'em to sneak into some kind of battle somewhere and ditch it so's nobody will suspect it was my fault."

A few quiet minutes passed.

"Did me being alive really fuck up Sapphire's boob job?" he finally inquired.

"Amongst other things, yes."

"How come nobody tried to talk her out of it?"

"Because whenever women get a boob job, they're typically really anxious to show them off."

"She doesn't need a boob job," says LOBO from under the book.

"But that's not really the point, is it?" I was losing interest in this conversation fast, not particularly interested in LOBO's pontification on the matter. Still, I couldn't resist. "How would you know if Sapphire needs a boob job? And for that matter, why do you care?"

"I guess I'm just not a big fan of unnecessary surgeries I suppose. She's already beautiful."

"But then she would be beautiful and have gigantic cans. I'm not following you here. What are you, gay?"

LOBO sighed. "Look, if my ex-wife didn't make me gay, nothing will." He paused. "I guess I'm just a little skeptical when I hear about women putting themselves through excruciating and expensive pain voluntarily. Particularly when they say that 'I'm doing it for myself' bullshit. I don't get it."

"Well having babies isn't exactly a picnic. And I hear kids end up costing hundreds of bucks what with college and all."


"Yeah, maybe they are all fuckin nuts."

And LOBO fell asleep.


A Proud New Sponsor

Predator Press

Too slithy for anything but the mimsy of gyring toves, wabe bororoves and gamey bandersnatches every frumious brillig?

Do you find yourself always galumphing around the tulgey with uffish, manxome, whiffling thoughts of completely outgrabed mome raths?

Well, break out your vorpal sword under the Tumtum tree and chortle with frabjous, beamish joy as you gimble up some all-natural nutritious lowfat Snicker-Snacks ®! *

Eat Snicker-Snacks ®
by Jabberwocky

Now chocked full of vitamin-fortified Jubjub!

* Warning: possible side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness, migraines, insomnia, temporary blindness, stomach cramps, hallucinations, aneurisms, nausea, cancer, democratic fundraisers, projectile vomiting, projectile diarrhea, tsunamis, wormholes, lesions, malignant tumors, and conspicuous erections in prison.

If consumed, please consult your physician immediately.


Suture Self

Predator Press


Mr Insanity acts like I don't even read Predator Press.

I've been with Predator Press since its inception: an outrageously successful profit machine dreamed up by Ethan after thirty one shots of tequila.

So when that rookie prick "Mr. Insanity" [if that's your real name] writes sardonically and disparagingly about me being a veteran of World War L --I mean the REALLY 'Big One'-- it annoys me that I still have my legs and can't sue the government and beg for scraps in righteous indignity.

But I'll fix that little fuck.

I've got the Liberty Bell in my possession.

No, no bullshit. I have the bona-fide one-and-only 'Liberty Bell'

Before it was cracked.

I'm havin it trucked to my funeral. And havin it dumped right in front of that little prick.

Explain that, bitch.


Predator Press

[Mr. I]

"Cancel ... my ... subscription ... to ... Highlights!" LOBO wheezed.

An then he fell over dead.


"'Highlights', huh?" I says. "Doesn't he subscribe to The Economist, U.S News, Scientific American, and World Report too?"

"He probably forgot," says Ethan, lighting his pipe. "He just gets those to make the mailman think he's smart."

I added them to my list. "And what about 'PETA' magazine?"

"Already cancelled. Did it when he found out that steel wool doesn't come from robot sheep."

I crossed off 'PETA subscription'.

"How’s the eulogy coming?"

The eulogy was a sore spot. "You know, Ethan? I don't appreciate you risking me getting brain damage by pulling me prematurely out of a coma because none of you jerks wanted to wax enthusiastic about that asshole ."

"We figured brain damage could only help."


The funeral plans were overly-complex.

For starters, we hadda find a tuxedo for a guy that never wore anything beyond Reeboks, jeans, and T-shirts bearing bumper-sticker humor. LOBO thought that "I'm With Stupid" was both a prolific literary insight to contemporary American genius, and a credit to the fashion world.

"It won't look natural at all," complained Phoebe.

"We could add some audio of him snoring," I suggested sarcastically.


Fortuitously, Ethan had bought shit-tons of life insurance, and were all going to the funeral in limos.

Solid gold limos.

I got sidetracked from writing the eulogy because I was just too busy coming out of a coma: everyone else, it seems, was too busy shopping. So even as I was groggily wheelchaired out of the hospital, I was already 'behind the eight ball' so to speak.

I drew out the scribbled Wal-Mart receipt, and rehearsed what I had so far.

"Brethren, we are gathered here today to celebrate the death of a habeas-corpus, as thyith frolicked with Hebrew Psalm found in The Hebrew Top 40 with hip Psalm-spinmeister Luke ‘97, yadda, yadda, yadda, Thank you for shopping at Wal-mart, Amen."

They just stared at me.

"Any questions?" I asked.

Long, awkward, dead silence.

"That's terrible," Phoebe says finally, grabbing the receipt.

"I know. But Kmart wanted four bucks for the same light bulbs."

"I mean this eulogy!" she glared.

"Yeah," says Ethan. "Jesus Christ! Can’t you ‘punch it up’ a little? You're writing an idiot's eulogy, not a Kevin Costner vehicle."

"C'mon," I says, annoyed. "The only reason we're even here making this spectacle is 'cuz you made us 1.3 million apiece with that crafty life insurance scam."

"Life Insurance Plan," Ethan corrected.

"Well," I says, taking the receipt back from Phoebe. "Any ideas?" Pencil tip to the paper, I stood alertly ready to jot all the profound new suggestions they would be completely unable to supply.

"He's probably never kicked a puppy," piped Sapphire after a long pause.

"... kicked ... a ... puppy ..." I wrote.

Phoebe was mortified. "This is what you call 'honoring the dead'?"

Ethan took Phoebe's hand in a comforting manner. "Honey," he says soothingly. "It's LOBO. No stripper in her right mind would do a funeral. It's completely tasteless--"

"This goddamn limo is huge!" yelled Beautiful White Stallion.

"--so we're doing the next-best thing by pretending to honor him," Ethan finished, scowling a the asshole horse.

"We're getting the insurance checks at the service?" I asked.

Ethan nodded. "I figured that was the only way I could get you guys to go."

An they all did the Sign of the Cross --belly, forehead, left shoulder, right shoulder-- with any nearby appendage available; the Twister game was in double-overtime.

"You think he's in Hell?" asks Sapphire.

"Jesus, lets hope so." Ethan says. Seeing the suddenly long faces, he tried to brighten things up a bit. "So you're rich now, people. What are you gonna do with all that dough?"

"Well, I'm totally sick of workin' for crazies," I breathe. "I've got an application in as a producer for Phil Specter."

"Good move," he says.

"What about you?" I ask, kinda reflexively

He frowned in serious thought, shrugging. "Well, me an Dayle got this beachfront property in Rio we've been looking at. I think I'm ready to lay out on a beach for a while. What about you, Sapphire?"

"Well, I'm getting a boob job from Ferrari for starters."

"Italy is really beautiful this time of year," Ethan approved. Everyone 'splitting the country' for a while was probably a good idea.

Phoebe was pissed. "Goddamn it people!" she demanded. "LOBO is dead. Can't we be serious for a day to pay our respects to the deceased?"

Ethan laughed. "Pay our respects to a guy who refused to send a fax on anything but bond paper?

"Or the self-proclaimed veteran of World Wars One, Two, Five, L, and pi?" I added.

"Or the only man ever arrested for wanton and reckless abuse of the Dewey Decimal System?" asked Sapphire.

"Is that a true story?" asked Phoebe.

"Supposedly," says Ethan. "I heard his mom tell it once."

"I thought LOBO was an orphan," inquired Sapphire.

"Well, that's what his parents tell everyone."

"Alright," Beautiful White Stallion demanded. "Who shit on the floor?"


Phil, new mother of nine, was finally up and about. Hungry, she cautiously wandered out of the fireplace, following human voices.

She was disappointed to find only a radio.

But a little more "snooping" revealed something else entirely.

Stomach growling, she followed her nose to a rather large pile of headless animal crackers under the foot of a small human bed.

And just beyond that, white sneakers, tapping non-rhythmically to the radio music.

She investigated further. There was another smell about.


When LOBO finally spotted Phil, he gently snatched her under the bed with him.

"Jesus Christ Phil, are you trying to get us all killed!?"

Phil purred.


LOBO, Phil, and all of Phil's progeny sat under the bed eating animal crackers and Cheetos as LOBO watched vigilantly from under the bed.

"Didn't you hear all that shooting, Phil?" he asked finally.

Drowsy, Phil yawned contentedly, revealing a bright orange tongue.

"Well, maybe it was fireworks. Was it July Fourth already?" He peeked at the door. "Have the French surrendered again recently?".

His eye's locked with Phil's, searching deeply in vain for Frenchitudinal Probability in the world's newest deadbeat dad.

"No matter really," he says finaly in reassurance. "Four million drunken assholes with explosives can't be wrong."

LOBO watched as a kitten --LOBO named her 'Bob'--cuddled up on Phil's belly to start nursing, pulling at her fur with tiny little paws.

"God Phil," LOBO shook his head. "You don't know shit about fatherhood, do you?"


When the supply of animal cracker heads ran out, it was another three days before LOBO got hungry enough to sneak into the kitchen and steal Mr. I's Cheetos.

The operation went off flawlessly; he darted back, zigzagging to avoid being an easy target for the multitude of assassins --probably ninjas-- who seemed to possess limitless ammunition.

It took six hours to come up with the plan, and about sixteen seconds to execute. Despite the seemingly deafening crackle of the Cheeto bag, no shots were fired; LOBO figured maybe he caught them all just napping. Or maybe he was just too fast and agile for them to aim at; he was after all, wearing some really expensive athletic shoes that were endorsed by some Irish guy named Shack-Eel-O'neil.

LOBO's free throws plummeted, an he got kicked out of the NBA.

But he definitely liked the shoes.

After some brief self-congratulation, he stuck to a strict ration of four Cheetos a day.

At that pace, he figured, he could stay under the bed for fifty-six days.

So after arranging fifty-six small piles of Cheetos, he returned to his silent vigil, patiently listening for the S.W.A.T. team to show up and rescue him.

Unfortunately, the smell of decapitated animal crackers and fifty-six small piles of Cheetos turns out to be irresistible to the average hungry and blind newborn kitten, and one by one they wandered in. Cats --instinctual carnivorous hunters-- prefer live prey, and had little interest in already-decapitated animal crackers. LOBO found himself alternately grabbing kittens from wandering out into the gunfire and trying to prevent them from scarfing up his meager stash of the felis domesticus' natural enemy: the Cheeto.

In a pinch, he supposed, he could always eat the cats if he had to.

But he figured the odds of Mr. Insanity having chop sticks around to be fairly slim.


And LOBO may have never come out were it not for that radio.

But when he heard the news story about a bibliophile purchasing a complete 17th-century collection Shakespeare’s works, he absolutely flipped.

"What the fuck?!" he says, alarming the cats as he climbed out from under the bed. "I've never even heard of this guy's blog!" Dusting himself off, he scolded Phil. "Goddamn liberals! See what happens when you have bibliophiles roamin free in the streets?"

Streaming obscenities, he steeled himself to search for the grizzly, rotting, bullet-riddled remains of Mr. Insanity: perhaps some gloating over the dead would cheer him up.

While not finding any bodies, he was wholly unprepared for what he found on the kitchen table.

On top of a stack of life insurance policies was a folded newspaper.

And inside a penciled circle, he found the obituary of David Curr.

"You bastards!" he cried, falling to his knees, sobbing. "He was so young! And so good-looking ... !"


Robot LOBO stood in line at the Pearly Gates, confused.

Eons of processing mortals had provided that the procedure was fairly efficient, and Saint Peter had grown pretty blasé to the whole thing.

"No, Agnes," he said into his headset, looking into a small white box on his desk. "I got a spinach pie from Trader Joe's."

He tapped his pen on the desk. "Yes, spinach," he replied after a pause.

He leaned back in the chair, rolling his eyes. "No Agnes, I do not wish them smoten for putting spinach in my pie. It's how I wanted it."

Another pause. "Yes Agnes, I've heard of cherries and blueberries. It just so happens that Trader Joe's makes a pretty darn decent spinach pie," he replied into the air. "The chicken pot pie is good too--"

Biting his lip, he glanced at his appointment list, and then up at the clock. "Agnes, you guys go ahead and order Panazzo's. I've got a full itinerary today what with the World Cup and all."

Rubbing between his closed eyes with two fingers, he motioned with a pen in his other hand. "Next," he sighed, looking up.

It took Robot LOBO a few seconds to realize he was being addressed. He approached the desk with a nervous reverence.

"Please have a seat," said Saint Peter rather automatically.

"Thank you sir," said Robot LOBO.



Saint Peter's eyebrows furrowed. "Odd. You're not on the list." Turning slightly, he tapped some keys on the keyboard. "Hm. Nothing." He eyed Robot LOBO closely. "How did you die?" he asked finally.

"I have no idea, sir."

"Did Phoebe wax you? I bet Gabriel fifty bucks Phoebe would wax you."

"I don't know sir," Robot LOBO repeated.

"Hang on a second, okay?" In his chair, he swiveled his back to Robot LOBO. "Agnes?" he asked, pressing the headset into his ear. "I've got LOBO here, and he's not on my list. I've got his account up, but it's still beeping like he was still sinning ...."

A pause.

"No Agnes, he can't be streaming obscenities right now. He's sitting right in front of me, not saying a word."

"Uh, sir," Robot LOBO interjected timidly. "I'm an android based on LOBO."

Another pause. "No, Agnes, I really don't think Trader Joe's would have 'pork chop pies'." He scratches his head. "I doubt there's any such thing, actually--"

Saint Peter spun in his chair, and started clocking Robot LOBO.

"You're an android," he says, all serious as he removes his headset.

Now, this android, upgraded to V2.1, has seen some freakin’ creepy Christopher Walken movies, and Holy Freakin' Jesus, Robot LOBO was losing hydraulic fluid into his main recycling capacitor.

["Losin' hydraulic fluid into his main recycling capacitor" is a rather rare Predator Press Technical Term: the Main Recycling Capacitor is sci-fi technology as yet incomprehensible to our feeble human minds; losin hydraulic fluid in it is the equivalent of needing to change your shorts after gettin glared at by Christopher Walken if you were a robot. It's all scientific.]

Saint Peter's eyebrows furrowed. He leaned back in the chair, and interlocked his fingers behind his head.

He had the look of 'being onto someone's bullshit'.

"So," begins Saint Peter. "You're essentially a clone of someone that never had a soul in the first place." He grinned. Jesus Christ, he thought, This could get me a few thousand years of vacation!

"Actually," interjected Robot LOBO, "It took a lot of programming to come up with and develop a robot completely devoid of a soul. Bill Gates invested eight million dollars in it, in a collaborative venture with RDO." He paused politely. "In fact, I'm one of the prototypes."

"Bill Gates," Saint Peter laughed. "What a dumb ass." He spun the monitor at Robot LOBO, and Robot LOBO saw the Apple trademark.

Oh my God I am so screwed, he thought.



Predator Press

[Mr. I]

I awoke to dogs barking.

It’s the middle of the day, and I can sleep off a typical lawn mowing or weed whacking; I work second shift.

But “dogs barking” was fairly a-typical ambient noise.

I wake on the couch, and LOBO is riveted by an infomercial broadcast from the channel I fell asleep watching. Fitness equipment. Scripted “Human Interest” stories, fully feted with testimonials.

What could be less interesting than a ‘Human Interest’ story?

It’s hot … late June. I stumble to my feet and walk to the screen door.

Two huge dogs, a gray one and a black one, are horse-playing free in the yard across the street.

The phone rings.

“You see this shit?” says Cobe.

“Yeah,” I says into the phone. I’m a little distracted; I can’t see the street from here, and I think I can distinctly hear a mournful howl.

“Man, I think the small one is a hundred-and-ten pounds!”

Cobe has two small kids.

“Call the Pound,” I says, intrigued by the howling. “I gotta go.”

I go up to the screen door, where the two dogs are still bounding and playing in plain view.

And I’m fascinated. It’s the kinda play that a human being can envy.

And then these two little antennae stick up in the center of the botCobe of the screen door.

And then the fuckin thing went MEOW.


Both dogs zeroed in on the sound like sharks, and came blazing for the door.

“You slick little asshole!” laughs LOBO as he inches the door open. The cat slinks in and BANG, a dog crashes against the screen door as it closes behind.

Safe inside, the fuckin cat just stood there an howled at us.

LOBO, inexplicably, decided on the spot to call it “Phil”.

“Phil’s kinda chubby”, I says.

Phil meowed again.

“And needy, ” says LOBO.

Bang! goes another dog on the door.

LOBO dutifully scoops Phil up so he can hurl it out the back door before it pisses all over my trailer. But something in Phil’s sCobeach moved, and it freaked out LOBO completely.

“Phil, you whore!” he says. “You’re pregnant!?”

‘Phil’ was giving birth.



LOBO was gathering towels and boiling water as Phil settled into the fireplace, several months unused. It was a curious choice of location, but it was somewhat dark, secluded and removed.

The phone rang.

It was Cobe again.

“Hey, it’s me,” he says.

“Hey buddy,” I says distractedly. “Did you call the Pound?”

“No,” he says. His cell phone is cutting in and out, and there’s a lot of noise on the line. Traffic, maybe.

There’s a long, inordinate pause.

“What do you want Cobe?” I finally ask. “I’m a little busy right now.”

“Well, I’ve been contracted to kill you,” he says coolly.

“Really?” I says, eyebrows raised.

“Yeah,” he replies. “Actually, contracted is a pretty piss-poor way to describe it. The Fat Man’s been blackmailing me since that whole cheerleader debacle … “

“Oh my fuckin God!” says LOBO. “Phil’s first baby is comin out!”

Ignoring LOBO, I focus on Cobe. “So what are you gonna do about it?”

“Well, I’m not killing you, am I?” says Cobe.

Suddenly there’s a loud crash.

“What the fuck was that?” asks Cobe.

“Nothing,” I says. “LOBO just fainted.”


“So what exactly are you telling me, Cobe?”

“I’m telling you that you’re on the Fat Man’s shit list. Big time. He’s bad news since the divorce, and I can’t control him anymore.”

“So you’re running?”

Long pause.

“Well, it’s better than the alternative,” he says finally. I think for a minute. ‘From the hip’, I’m thinking Cobe is just a chicken-shit.

... But he really didn’t have to warn me either.

“Hey Cobe,” I says.


“Thanks, man. Really. And good luck.”

“You too kid.”

I hung up and tossed the phone aside. With Phil pumpin out kitten number three, LOBO had fainted dead away, spilling towels and boiling water everywhere.


“Wake up!” I said, smacking him. There’s something about smacking LOBO that’s very therapeutic.

Pasty and pale, LOBO staggered to his feet.

“Phil’s gonna need cat food and kitty litter and all kinds of stuff, stat” I says, handing him my VISA.

LOBO, still woozy, looked a little relieved. “Okay. Kitty litter, food … “

We spent a few minutes going over a phony shopping list, and LOBO shot out to the car, narrowly avoiding the now-angry hounds. Hearing the car start, I bent down to the fireplace. ‘Phil’ was pushing out kitten number six.

And then there was a bright flash.

Like a camera flash going off, but physically hot.

I’m disoriented, and I back out of the fireplace. What the fuck was that?

I’m kinda blind. I stumble back against a counter, and work my way to my feet.

I feel sunburned.

Everything in my blinded, wayward path fell to the ground with hideous noise. Through a thick white haze, I find the front door. Fumbling with the doorknob, I throw the door wide only to find excruciating daylight. I cover my eyes completely, and follow the sounds of the car engine.

“LOBO!” I says.

No answer.

My right hand finds the hood of the car, and winds it’s way to the driver’s side door handle almost on autopilot. Forcing my eyes open briefly, I can see clear ashen silhouettes of two large dogs on the ground.

LOBO is a charred husk, staring up at me with blind, white eyes, flailing at the car’s interior.

And trying in vain to say something.


Predator Press

[Mr. I]

Well, I'm not dead. But thanks for your concern everybody.


I'm now reduced to blogging in a precarious coma. It's not so bad really ... very restful. 'Cept this guy in the next room keeps loudly proclaiming how nice some babe's ass is, and waxing on and on an on about her tits.

Hey, they did take me to a hospital, right ... ?!

Predator Press


I drifted in an out of the Sodium Pentathol fog for what seemed like an inky black eternity.

Truth Serum is great stuff.

"Oh pleeeeeeeassee," I beg.

"Screw you," says Phoebe, tossing micro cassettes into a tiny waste bucket. "After eight doses, all I've got is two-and-a-half hours of tape tellin' me I've got a great ass and nice tits!"

"I promise I'll confess this time."




Predator Press


When Ethan calls a Predator Press staff meeting, you show up.

So we’re all milling about in this hooky-spooky mansion he bought. Knowing of my ghost phobia, he thinks it’s really funny to watch me squirm.

When the doorbell rings, I get a little jittery. Having known Ethan for some eight years, I know him well enough to expect his usual arrival on the rooftop helicopter pad.

Whoever was requesting entrance was definitely not on the guest list.


I peeked over Mr. Insanity’s shoulder as he got the door, and found myself splashing holy water on a curvy, attractive, professionally-dressed, middle-age blonde with a camera crew in tow.

"The Power of Christ Compels You!" I says.

“Mr. Curr,” she says politely. “I’m Dayle Hinman, from Court TV's 'Body of Evidence'. I’m here to investigate a murder.”

“Those Doublemint Twins were double-agent robot zombies that had it coming,” I says, abruptly throwing Mr. Insanity at her feet as I bolt for the back door. "It was an issue of National Security—“

“Mr. Curr,” she interrupts. “I’m here to investigate the murder of Legless Jim.”

“Oh,” I says. “Please come in.”

“Ah Christ” says Jim, rollin his eyes.

“Mrs. Hinman,” says a cameraman. “We’re ready to roll. Can you give us a hand and plug us in?”

“Sure,” says Dayle Hinman as she absently grabs the electric plug, already eyeing her prime suspect.

“Just don’t plug it in before we get out of this puddle of holy water—“


Dayle Hinman slowly turned to see her camera crew burst into flames, melt into skeletons, and then the skeletons crumble to ashes.

”Oh shit!” she says.


We all sat in the library, solemn and quiet as I nervously fiddled with a candlestick in front of the fireplace. Dayle Hinman returned from “investigating” about six Pabst Blue Ribbons, “twisting up a fatty” from what appeared to be Mr. Insanity’s stash.

“Why the long faces?” she slurred, dropping a whole box of Twinkies. “You people look like somebody died or something.” Then she staggered to the left an fell loudly on the bear skin rug.

“Fuck this,” says Jim. “We’ve been here for an hour. Ethan’s not coming.”

“Not so fast,” says Ethan. Removing the lampshade from his head, he revealed a deer stalker hat, a trench coat, and a long, curvy pipe. “I have called you all here today because I have determined that one of you is a cold-blooded murderer.”

We all gasp.

“Well it wasn’t me," says Hinman, chopping up a line from what appeared to be Beautiful White Stallion’s stash on a small mirror. She snorts loudly, and then eyes Ethan like a predator. “Hey, you’re kinda cute.”

“How the fuck does he do that?” I whisper aloud.

“Solve the mystery?” asks Phoebe.

“No, just sneak in on us like that.” I replied.

Ethan continued. “I have made plaster casts of the tire tracks I found at the crime scene.” He puts heavy clay molds baring paralleled zigzag impressions --presumably tire treads-- on the table. “Do you know what this means?” he asks the group, puffing stoically on his pipe.

He must’ve mistook me popping the bubbles for volunteering an answer.

“Yes LOBO?”

“Uh,” I fumbled. “We can figure out which car was at the scene by tiny irregularities in the tire treads?”

Ethan rolled his eyes. “No, you idiot. It means when we find the person who is wearing tire treads instead of shoes, we’ve got our man.”

“Oooooohhh,” we all breathed in understanding.

“Legless Jim!” says Ethan. “If in fact that is your real name, where were you on the night of the murder?”

“Uh,” he says, squirming. “I was bartending on the USS Johnson, on the Fiesta Deck.”

“Just as I thought,” says Ethan. "The ship where all hands –excluding LOBO—were killed in action.”

“You call that ‘action’?” says Jim. “It was a disco blarin’ sausage fest—“

“Answer yes or no please,” interrupted Ethan. “And Mrs. Hinman, would you please put your shirt back on?”

“Yes,” says Jim.

“Sure sugar lips,” says Hinman, spinning her bra in her fingertips. “I could love a man that tells me what he likes …”

“So you have no alibi,” says Ethan to Jim, all serious.

“All those men aren’t dead, they’re AWOL in San Fransisco!”

“A likely story,” says Ethan, grabbin Jims shoe. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Exhibit A!” Dramatically, the bottom of Jim’s shoe were tire treads: they read

Goodyear Steel Belted

We all gasped again.

“That doesn’t prove anything!” says Jim.

“No,” says Ethan. “But how do you explain this?” It was a picture of a paper plate with red stains all over it.

“I was eating hot dogs!” exclaims Jim. “That’s ketchup!”

“Ketchup on hot dogs?” says Phoebe. “Blech!”

“You disgusting bigot!” I says.

Without Brad Pitt’s legs, Legless Jim’s movements were certainly inhibited. Still, he swung himself onto his wheelchair with startling quickness. “You’ll never take me alive!” he declared as he wheeled out of the room.

“Oh yeah?” slurs Dayle, reaching for her purse. Pulling out her police-issue 9mm and sprawling expired condoms everywhere, she promptly shot Mr Insanity.

“Why did you shoot Mr Insanity?” demanded Sapphire.

“Who?” asked Hinman, passing out cold. "Oh yeah ... tell him his pot sucks."


Ethan and I watched as Jim wheeled out of the library.

“Running away will only make things worse for yourself!” said Ethan.

“Yeah? Well screw you!” says Jim, fumbling with the doorknob. He wheeled backward to open the door. “I would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling kids!” Then he wheeled out, awkwardly pulling the door closed behind him.

“He’s getting away!” I says.

“I’ll chase him down in the helicopter,” says Ethan.

“Alright. I’ll get the Corvette,” I says.

“You’re not touching my Corvette,” says Ethan.

“Aw pleeeasse?” I beg. “This is important!”

He tosses me the keys. “You better not get a single scratch on her!”

“I promise,” says me.

We ran out of the library and down the hall, passing Jim on the way. Ethan ran upstairs to the helicopter pad, and I downstairs to the garage. I revved the engines for like twenty minutes waiting for Jim to get himself downstairs and out the front door, and when he was finally out of the house I slammed on the gas, screeching rubber all the way into the oak tree in the front yard.


I woke in the hospital two weeks later.

Security was thick.

“He got away?” I asked Phoebe who was waiting at bedside. She was pouring a bottle of liquid clearly labeled Sodium Pentathol into my IV drip. It had a really badassed skull and crossbones on it, like the tattoo I wanted to get.

“Yes,” she says.

“Well, I doubt all this security is necessary … I doubt Jim would ever come back.”

She looked at me, bewildered. “The security isn’t for Jim ... Ethan and Dayle Hinman are due back from Aruba this afternoon, and he’s really pissed you wrecked his Corvette.”

"Serves him right. He should know better." I says through the bandages. "You know when you really think about this, it's all his fault really."

Phoebe sighed, resigned. Flipping on her tape recorder, she proceeded.

"So why exactly did you kill Mr Insanity, those poor camera men, and then go kick all those puppies?"


Brahe's Bathtub

Predator Press


There are a lot of drawbacks to warring with the Fat Man; the rescue took several days of blurry high adventure, furious car chases, international espionage, naked chicks, fallen political figures, mustard stains, explosions, intrigue ...

... all infinitely boring, bland, and completely unblogable.

Plus I hadda explain it all to my boss.

Now, this new boss has heard of me an Dash’s little “circumstance”, so he tends to humor me. But when I explained that I missed work ‘cuz I was fighting Santa, Alien Zombies, Elven Ninjas, and the Superintelligent Giant Squid with only a hot android after commandeering an intergalactic starship, his incredulousness was palpable despite his valiant efforts.

Give that guy an Emmy.

An then I find out that in my absence, my band Mythic Priapism has split up. Seems I missed the signing party with RKO Records, the guys who were going to put out our album ‘Jaws of Death’ --a collection of William Shatner cover tunes done to an orchestra of bagpipes (and maybe some occasional flatulence)— so the whole studio was a crime scene. Having taken offense, the first-string achapello singers boldly sang in A minor instead of C, inciting the entire violin section to revolt in a fiery bloodbath of purfling-laden death.

Plus this chick I’m seeing totally freaked out while I was gone for no reason. (By “seeing” I mean watchin her through these binoculars and following her to and from work and malls and doctor appointments and basically anywhere her preacher husband wasn’t. Or anyplace excluded in the TRO I got administrated yesterday while I was in the tree looking down in her window.) What a fuckin bitch.

Spooked by all these crazy people acting weird, I decide to drive to this job interview. It’s an hour and a half away, and in a major city. The “interview” is at 8:00 am.

To avoid the traffic, I get there at six.

Two hours of driving and the “Banquet Hall” isn’t open yet.

So for like three-and-a-half hours, I can’t piss.


Cap'n Crew-Cut shows up early and hits the ground runnin … he’s obviously an ex cop; there with 48 other “applicants”, he an his buddy were running the show with great authority.

The “Banquet Hall” had no coffee, not even water.

The faded itinerary handout says we’re scheduled for a break at 10:15. Over two hours away.

He doesn’t introduce himself, he just goes right into his “pitch”. Without even a microphone, Cap'n Crew-Cut goes into the "anyone there not taking the process seriously need never apply again" speech.

It annoys him to waste the time of other applicants.

He says they’re going to set up a nail test. Not a piss test, or a hair test, a nail test. Reputedly infallible within 90 days. Now, I watch a lot of Forensic Files and Unsolved Mysteries … the last thing I want is my DNA bein foisted all over Creation ta every asshole that requests it; it might prove that I’m linked to those two hot twins I blogged about killin, before. Right?

So it's 9:15 now, and I gotta pee … I'm still over and hour out from the break. Plus I gotta superglue on the $850 fingernails from that Guatemalan Viceroy Ethan sold me. I slip out the back quietly and respectfully, not distracting anyone from the speaker. And well rehearsed, I'm gone for like 90 seconds.

I get back to the “Orientation”, and a guy intercepts me before I can open the door to the "Banquet Hall", extending my driver’s license and application back to me.

“We won’t be considering your application today,” he says. The condescending fuck doesn’t even look at me as he hands me my shit.

This is a company that places within the top ten of Forbe's List.

… And I wouldn’t be allowed to pee?



Predator Press

[Mr. I]

Kringle’s compound, while formidable, was no match for RDO’s advanced technology; still, Sapphire had the Alpha Scrambler to contend with.

“What’s that?” asked LOBO, exhausted from punching women and children. He was munching on animal crackers, and had a peculiar habit of eating only the heads and discarding the decapitated cookies all over the ship.

“The Alpha Scrambler is a wave transmitted by satellite that makes smart people stupid,” replied Sapphire.

“Like the Rush Limbaugh show?”


Thinking hard, Sapphire put her fingers to her lips. “I’m an android, so I’ll be immune. But I can’t do this alone. If the smarter you are the more susceptible you are, I’ll have to be careful who goes on the ground assault.” As she surveyed the available personnel her eyes fell on LOBO, who was scratching off lottery tickets on the navigation terminal with a quarter.

“You’re in,” she stated flatly.


“Yes. I’m going to rush the fat man. You have to disengage the scrambler and save our friends as they dangle precariously over the zinc smelter.”

“Uh, Sapphire, I think you’ve got the wrong guy. I’m no hero. I mean I look great in a muscle shirt, true. But trust me … this body hasn’t seen a muscle since I was raped by Grace Jones. Besides, I think these animal crackers are starting to kick in--“

Sapphire emerged from the Daisy Mae firing her shotgun one handed, dragging LOBO by his ear with the other.

"But we can make new friends!" he sobbed.


LOBO followed the big arrows that read “SUPER SECRET COMPUTER DEFENSE SYSTEMS”, and arrived at a computer terminal. On the screen was an alphabetical list of names starting with the letter O. Skimming it quickly, the only name he recognized was Jimmy Orlando. Opposite his name was a column marked 'Nice', and beyond that was another column, curiously marked "EXCLAIMER".

"What the hell is an ‘EXCLAIMER’?" he wondered aloud, absently grabbing another animal cracker. Looking at the cookie, he realized it was half a seal.

Uh oh, he thought, examining the label on the bag.