The 2013 "Knock it Off!" Rebirth
Predator Press
"I mean who really cares if we call it 'Christmas?' Now we call it 'Winter Holiday.' Or if the Ten Commandments are on display someplace in public?" A migraine almost certainly looming, I rub my temples. "At some point America lost the ability to call an asshole an asshole. And as a consequence, we lost the ability to tell assholes to knock it off."
"Man you think about this stuff too much," replies Barbarossa. "You need to relax more. Why don't you try golf?"
"I love golf," I point out. "I play it on X-Box all the time."
"No," he replies. "I mean for real. You meet a different breed of people. Last week I met a guy who is sooooo rich," he pauses for a second, "His name was Rich, and-"
"You met a rich guy named Rich?"
"Yeah. He's got a horse-"
"Is the horse's name 'horse?'"
Barbarossa ponders this for a moment, rubbing his beard. "I don't know. But he's got this wicked Corvette, too ..."
"What the hell would a horse do with a Corvette?"
"You're telling me to knock it off, aren't you?"