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Predator Press
If you Google "Zorb Shoots Off Russian Mountain," you can watch a man die.
I'm not linking it directly because I saw it on the news at eight in the morning today; while not graphic (you don't see the actual "death"), I found it a little disturbing to watch.
At eight o'clock in the morning.
Examine the
Based on this, I have concluded that the greatest danger to the white man is:
- Too much time,
- too much money, and
- too many white friends.
You can have any two of these, but not all three.
-All three is certain death.
When is the last time a Mexican said to you, "Hey. Let's deliberately drive up to where snow is on a whole bunch of jagged rocks and trees. And then strap two sticks to our feet and slide down it?" Or a black person ever said enthusiastically, "You know man? We should be bungee jumping right now!" Or an Asian ever went, "I need to unload my old shark cage so I can make my hang glider payment?"
-And can you even get a hang glider on payments, Whitey?